Monday, July 27, 2015

It is always great to write & ponder the activities of the week . . . .

Dearest Family!   
        It is always great to write & ponder the activities of the week and think about the upcoming birthdays & anniversaries!  It is Happy Birthday to Aunt Betty on Friday, July 31,  Happy Anniversary to Vicki & Bryan on July 31st!   It is Happy Birthday to Ethan on Saturday August 1st & Bekah on August 3, Monday!  We wish you all the best!
   It has been a fun week as we have worked with people!  We have helped several index, looked for ancestors, & lots of helping with the Apps!  It is so special to see people enjoying this  part of Family history.  Our App classes on Tuesday evenings are going great – it has been fun to have some of the Youth consultants help with those!

    On Friday we went to Billings to the temple!  What a great day it was!  Sometimes the messages there just seem to really hit home & it was that kind of a day!  A cousin of Grandma Croft’s (Evelyn), Carol Bolan, was there from Casper in our session.  She also stayed in the temple for a sealing session & was happy to do some sealings which we had.  We so appreciated her help! She had caught a ride to Billings with some friends, then stayed with other cousins in Billings. They brought her to the Cowley Reunion on Saturday in Byron! A very small group at the reunion this year as more of the older cousins are passing away and the younger ones don’t come. Dad had the opportunity to teach the Area FH Advisors how to use the new Mobile Apps so they will be able to share them with the 14 area Stake Presidents!

    This week we also received a letter from Mary Lou Roser!  She is a cousin of Grandpa Croft’s.    We first learned about her & received her address in May.  I had requested thru Findagrave some photos of headstones of the Sinclair family in Ohio, the family of Jane Labelle Sinclair Croft.(that is Grandpa Croft’s mother)   A volunteer went to the cemetery on Memorial Day to take the photos of the headstones.  Mary Lou Sinclair Roser, age 88, was there decorating the graves while the volunteer was taking pictures of them. He talked to her & told her what he was doing.  He shared her address with us & we have been in contact.  She remembers coming to Wyoming to visit Grandpa & Grandma Croft & remembers the family.   Bro Croft remembers her visit, he was about 10, & he also remembers her occasionally calling.   We have talked to her on the phone, it has been lots of fun & she is so excited to have some other family to talk to.   She & her husband, Dick Roser have 2 children, one is deceased, & their daughter has three children, ages early twenties!  We have shared pictures of our family, & she is sending pictures of her family!   She also has some older pictures of the Sinclair family that we don’t have! We are excited to see them.   We have also found pictures of her among photos which Grandpa Croft had.  There are also unidentified pictures  which we hope she can help us identify! We will keep all of you posted & share the pictures & info which we receive!

    The week has been a busy one with a few extra’s along the way, several trips to the Big Horns,  & I got a perm one day!  Dad has several new audio stories in FS since his snake experience on the mountain . . . ck them out!  There has also been a few preparations for Big Sky!  It will be here before we know it!  So excited to see all of you!    Love you all so very much!   Bro & Sis  Croft
Young Rattle snake at 6000' base of Big Horn Mtns

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