Monday, August 17, 2015

We have had some amazing experiences with Mary Lou Roser this week

Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday, last Thursday to Camille!   She was three!  It is also Ken & Darece’s 26th Anniversary on Tuesday! 
    We have had some amazing experiences with Mary Lou Roser this week – received a 3 ring notebook with pictures of the Sinclair side of the family & of Mary Lou & her family!  Go to Family Search to see the pictures of Warren Hart Sinclair & his wife Martha Magdalene Grater!   This is the first picture we have seen of Warren Hart Sinclair. These are Grandpa Croft’s grandparents on his Mother’s side of the family!  Bro Croft is adding a few each day when he has time. To see the ones of Mary Lou, since she is still living, you will need to sign as a helper to Bro Croft.  We also had a nice visit with her Monday evening! 
    Today was so very nice!   Dino Collins & Nathan talked in the 4th ward where we attend Sac Mtg each Sunday!  They both did great!  Each of our SS classes was great, mostly workshops, but those are my favorites!  I am able to work one on one with people who are wanting to figure out something!  I like that the very best!  Bro Croft had a wonderful experience with a couple today,  They wanted to find names to do temple work for & the brother didn’t know his LDS account. We recovered it. He had never used FS before either. Bro Croft got between them and coached them thru the advanced descendancy process. The very first name the brother checked hints on was a 1920 US Census that had a wife and 6 children (all new people to add to the Tree and that needed temple ordinances) They now have their first own names to do in the Temple this week!  At the same time I had the opportunity to help a brother share names with the temple & with his family! All of these hints showing up in FS are a result of our indexing – Fuel the Find 
    Over the past several months, I have been helping an elderly sister 88, add pictures to the tree.   She has learned the each step, a week at a time, scanning, putting in familysearch, labeling, & last of all tagging them in the tree, actually attaching them to the person in the tree! We were down to the last step on Wednesday & she seemed a little bit frustrated when I left!  Friday night about 9:30 pm she called me, very excited, to report that she had completed tagging them, all 80!   Most of them included several people. She was so happy & was looking for more pictures to add to the tree!
    Each day has been filled with helping – we feel so blessed to have this opportunity!  There was also time for relaxation!  I have even sewed a little on a quilt. On Friday we were able to take the boat to the lake for the first time to get all systems working good!  It was a beautiful, clear morning, no wind . . . nice fishing, but no catching!  Just as we were preparing to leave, we saw a man with his two small grandsons whom Bro Croft had known in Powell, he worked for us at the Lab for several years.   He asked what we were doing now, during retirement?  And when Bro Croft told him, he said, “Can you help me, even tho I’m not a Mormon?”  Another exciting contact . . . we will call them to setup a time!
    We attended the final fireside of Youth Conference last night “What Think Thee?” was the theme. It was a wonderful spiritual time for the youth the last few days. To hear their testimonies was awesome!
    We have also had nice visits with many of you,  Joy & Symphony tonight.  Al called and Rob stopped by Saturday for a while. Was great!
Love to all of you
Bro & Sister Croft

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