Monday, November 30, 2015

I realized that this year is quickly coming to an end!!!

Dearest Family,     Happy 16th Birthday to Isaac!
    As I typed the date tonight, I realized that this year is quickly coming to an end!!!! Each week is going by so very quickly!
    We are so grateful for family this week!  We love you all so very much & appreciate the special lives you each live!  You are ALL the greatest! We spent time at the Grants on Wednesday evening, Nathan had just arrived home!  it was wonderful to see him, and the rest of the family!      Bo, McKenzia, Athena, Kenny, Rosie, & Lucy were all there also!  So it was great to visit. 
    Weather was blustery, & storms were predicted for Thursday, so we celebrated Thanksgiving with Allen, Amber & Family on Saturday.  Darece’s family came later in the afternoon for the piñata! It was a great day!

    We studied & prepared for a fifth Sunday lesson in Burlington 1st ward today!  We pray that we have inspired them to get involved in some of the many aspects of Family History. Went to Burlington on Friday to help the consultants in that ward & the Bishop & his wife.  They found names of family to take to the temple, that really turns hearts!  They also have a goal to teach their married family about all the parts of FH this coming year in their monthly FHE.  While in Burlington today, we also met with several HP Group Leaders to get them going in FH & help them learn how to get their wards involved! 

    We have also Skyped with a HP Group leader this week, set up several appointments to Skype leaders in Gillette and Cody stakes plus some in-home visits with others for this week!  We want to be available to some one every day if possible.

    There has been light snow several mornings this week and a couple below zero nights, yes winter is here! Our pump in the spring quite a couple days before the warranty ran out so dad called to get a replacement sent . . . the pond will be okay for a few days without fresh water.  Dad trapped over 200 minnows from Moncur pond so we have some to ice fish with over the winter.  Our greenhouse is doing good tomatoes and cucu’s going fine! When it got colder in October, we picked all the green tomatoes in the garden.  they have ripened & we are have about 10 small ones that we are just finishing.
    It has been a wonderful week & we have enjoyed it so very much!
Love, Mom & Dad

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