Monday, August 24, 2015

Another Wonderful Sunday has come & gone!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Micah Vehrs, his special day is Wednesday!  On Friday, we wish Uncle Bill or Brother Bill a Happy 70th Birthday!  Hope you both have a wonderful day!
    Another Wonderful Sunday has come & gone!  It was a busy one!   We enjoyed so very much the classes we were in today – they were mostly open workshops – most of the wards are just waiting until after Labor Day to start new classes!  It was great to help people with Descendancy research – they are actually finding new cousins to add to the tree!  They get so excited! And so do we, even when it is not our cousin!  During a free moment I was preparing for a FHE which we have tomorrow night, I had paused & said a prayer, then went into the tree of the Sister where we are going.  I felt I should go back farther than 1800 so that I could look at the sisters of her gg? grandmother.   And there-----That is where I found some people that I can show her tomorrow night – to help her learn how to do it!  That inspiration is wonderful!    Tonight was our Youth Family History Consultant Meeting!  We had 9 there & taught them to do the Descendancy searches also!  It is so fun & most of the time successful!

    Monday – that yearly mammo – yes daughters, I had mine done, be sure you get yours done!  And then on Tuesday a bone density test. I am healthy & strong!  The Rav even had it’s 5000 mile checkup on Tuesday!  Public Library was busy with several people. We had a great FHE at our Stake President’s home – teaching them how to find cousins to add to the tree!   Names to do temple ordinances for!
    Tuesday – In home visit in Cowley before heading to Powell then back to Lovell for mobile app class at the FHC in the evening! Dad planted the deer food plot today too. This year with no apples anywhere the deer will need other goodies to keep them coming by during hunting season.

    Wednesday was planning meeting with the Crosby’s & our morning to work in the FHC.  Two public patrons & several others!   One of these two patrons is seriously investigating the church & was asking many questions of the consultant who was helping him. That was great, the spirit of Elijah inspires all to find their families! Each day was full to the brim, with 2-3 appointments! 
    Thursday evening we did go to the YCC program at Big Horn Canyon Rec Area.  Whitney had worked there this summer & it was special to hear about what they had done this summer!  And Friday a morning of fishing at the lake with one catfish and wonderful weather (some smoke that day too).  In the afternoon, I helped a lady with FH here at the house while Dad & Ken went to Horseshoe Bend.  They polished up the dome lens on the webcam with headlite cleaner to remove the oxidation from the sun that had clouded it up. A nice service project for us!

    Saturday it was wonderful to have Allen, Amber & Family stop by for dinner on their way home from the temple!  It was also a catch up day here at home, laundry, etc!  I helped Dad put a new tarp on the big quail pen since the wind tore the old one off a few weeks ago. We will replace the other two in the coming weeks as well! We hope with cooler weather the next batch of quail eggs will hatch. We saw a herd of white tail deer this evening with several bucks having velvet hanging from their antlers in Ray Snell field by the canal.
Love you all, Bro & Sister Croft 

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