Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It is hard to believe it is November already

Dearest Family,
    My how time does fly!!   It is hard to believe it is November already – another year has quickly passed!  Have thought of Chalin so very much today – he is on his way to his “field of labor” We know he was so excited to go!  We had a wonderful day in Worland today.  Neil Allen Croft was blessed by his father  and we were so privileged to enjoy it with them.   We had a wonderful afternoon with them also – it is always great to visit with Amber’s family! On our way home we stopped to visit with Leona & LaVon in Greybull.  They are staying together, LaVon’s home.  While there, their family Doctor stopped by, just to check on them! We didn’t know there were still Doctors who did that! With the help of VT’s, HomeT’s, great neighbors, many extra miler’s they are able to stay together, in their home, this winter!
    While in Worland we were able to visit with the Stake President, Carl Cottrell & also the director of the FHC in that building. Dad worked with her & had a great visit. There was also a new FH Consultant in the center being trained by another Sister. The three of us worked together & it was great also.  We’ll go back there again next week! 
    Each day was a busy one, with new experiences!  We visited the Cody & Powell FHCenters  one day!  Also kept busy studying new training material & reviewing info we have used the past 3 years. 
    Our Area Manager, Bob Smith, visited with us via phone, then again via Webnx (like Skype) for 1 1/2 hrs another day.  Technology is great!  We feel so blessed to live in this time when there is so much good available at our fingertips to use.

    Wednesday afternoon we were doing a final review for a FHC training meeting that evening. It was about attaching the hints using handheld devices & smart phones. Much to our surprise, we discovered that one could now request temple ordinances on the devices!  You only need a PC to print our the FOR form now – more than likely soon the app will do print outs too.
    Friday turned out to be an ‘at home day’  so I decided to call a friend to help quilt!  By about 10:00 a.m.  our needle were flying!  And by 3:30 we were rolling both sides!   It is so wonderful to have that much done!   It was also so a great day to visit with this special lady. Now there is room to invite more ladies next week!  While we were busy quilting, Dad was busy outside & inside with lots of things.  About 5 p.m. he was eating an early supper, when I looked out the window, standing right there in the field behind the house was a deer!  He slipped out, went into the orchard, & shot our first deer of the season!   How blessed we are to get this great meat!  One day, we were able to have our first visit with lil’ Lucy Grant! She slept thru the whole visit – we enjoyed visiting her & Rosie!
    Saturday was another home day, laundry, etc. It’s the day we get ready for Sunday!  Enjoyed having Rob here for awhile! Dad appreciate Rob’s help on some outside chores too! Dad is going out in the morning and afternoon to get another deer, usually out about 11/2 hrs. He is seeing some bucks but not many does yet.
    We were talking the other day on how the Lord knew our up coming need to travel when our white Rav died. We’re grateful to have our new RAV to drive!
We love you all   & CTR 
Mom and Dad    

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