Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sunday, we attended three wards in Burlington

Dearest Family,   
    Sunday, we attended three wards in Burlington, their sacrament meetings & Sunday School!  We visited with a variety of people, HP group leaders, consultants, & bishops. They are all just wanting to do this in their wards.  They know it is the Lords work, but just don’t know what to do next.  It was so amazing – each one, independently,  wanting to get going – ready to explode with desire! They are already doing some with old computers, limited internet & not a lot of exposure to the new methods!  We were asked to do a 5th Sunday lesson, next week,  set up a training session in one ward, and a Skype appointment with a High Priest Group Leader in another ward on Tuesday!  We determined their internet was a problem for them to properly hold Family History classes. This is a re-occurring issue in all the building we visit. Correctly placed internet access is one of  the biggest challenges we have and it can easily be corrected by the local FM grp but does take some time!   
    On Tues evening, we taught an Apps Class,  Family tree hints with descendancy, finding names thru Hints, then reserving the names and printing out the FOR form to be taken to the temple.  There is so much new that we can teach about this process! Everyone is anxious to learn. we had four students which is just about right for us to help!

    Much of our time this week has been spent in preparation & study!  Technology is great, but difficult for my old brain.  It needs many repetitions! Thursday evening was spent in Cody with the Stake Presidency, the High Council, & their wives.  We exposed all of them to the new process! Several found their first ever names needing temple work and reserved them to be printed out when they get home. Most were techy, so that makes it easier.  It is just difficult for us to help on the small format of a phone!  We were blessed to arrive safely home, driving all the way in a snow storm, with 2 to 3 inches of snow on the road, the first of the season! 

    Saturday was another great activity – we were invited to the Worland Stake Conference – the Saturday Priesthood leadership training session. We taught from 3 to 5pm; the HP Group Leaders, Elders Quorum Presidents, & some members of Bishoprics, & the Stake Presidency how to organize the work in their Stake & Ward councils, etc.  We were also able to help some after with the actual doing and eat supper at the church with those who attended and their spouces!
     One of our other challenges is tradition, the seasoned genealogist, myself included.  We are working with them, helping them have faith that it can be correct when done in this way & IT IS PROVIDED FOR US THRU INSPIRATION. The proper wording for this change from Elder Allan Packer is “We must become agents of change as leaders”
    Saturday a.m. It was great to be with the sisters of our stake at Stake Womens Conference and enjoy lunch with them before we went to Worland.

Friday was also nice, 5 sisters came & we quilted on Lindsay & Connor’s Quilt!  It is about 5 feet wide now!  The Temple will be the slow part! Dad did some more outside winterizing since it was a nice day. The deer are coming to his food plot but we haven’t determined when they come in yet. I have 2 more permits too fill before Dec 1 if we can.
    We love you all, have a wonderful week & CTR
    Mother & Dad

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