Monday, August 31, 2015

We have been busy with all kinds of training!

Dearest Family,   
        Happy Birthday to Aunt Gaye on August 31, Monday, & Darece on Friday, September 4th!   We hope you both have wonderful days!   
        What an amazing week!   We have been busy with all kinds of training – especially Advanced Decendancy!  Ward Consultants on Wed evening, FHE with two bishops, the High council today.  Each time we do one of these we try to climb around in their trees to  find examples of this process.   We are so grateful for the guidance we receive in this process!  Wow!!!! There have been so many very sacred moments this week – ones in which it could have happened only with His help!  Daily, miracles happen!  We only need to take the time to  recognize them!  This week was one where there were so many!
        On Thursday evening we visited Frank and Gaye to help them with FH and setup a new laptop/external hard drive combo. It was a wonderful evening with family visiting and being together! Seems we don’t get that done often enough. . .

        We had a wonderful day in the temple on Friday doing initiatory work for the dead for a couple that we work with at the assisted living center, who can no longer attend the temple.  While there we visited with Bret Morrison, a Lovell native, who is the Temple Recorder.  It was wonderful to learn more of his responsibilities & also learn more about the process of submitting, doing ordinances, etc  Then in the parking lot when we were getting in the car, a member of the Cody Stake Presidency stopped Bro Croft with questions on how to excite their stake about FH. We will go to his home to teach him since the handbook says that leaders must be trained first to have their hearts changed. On the way home we stopped at the Rocky Mtn HS gym to watch the girls volleyball preseason tournament. We like to support all the youth that we work with in FH! We were able to see parts of matches from both Lovell and Rocky. Sure makes a difference on how the kids relate to us when we spend time with them!

        Today, after our meeting at 9:00 am training the High council about Advanced Decendancy, the excitement spread so quickly across the stake!  People were asking us about it or telling about it!  The most wonderful part of this training was to have President assist us in explaining the process at the TV to the HC. He is so excited about the names he and his family are finding in his their tree!
        Our little garden is producing lots of tomatoes and Dad’s deer food plot is growing good too. With no apples this year this plot will help keep the deer moving thru our place during the hunting season.
    It is late, I have been preparing for a FHE tomorrow night!  You know, climbing around in someone’s tree, so it looks like this letter is going to be short!
        We love you all!       Bro & Sis Croft   

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