Monday, December 29, 2014

Dearest Family!   
    This Christmas Season is such a wonderful time of the year! It has been and amazing week!  We are so blessed to have a wonderful family & a very special opportunity to serve!   We have been blessed this week to enjoy both!!!
    Had the opportunity to help several in their homes the first of the week!  Also attended a great High School & Swing Choir Concert!  Tuesday night, our regular night in the FHC we had 6 from one ward come into the center, then the on Wednesday A.M. they came in again, plus several more whom they had texted & invited.  This is on Christmas Eve day, Several are from one family, & Mom comes with them, she is the YW”s President.    The second day they came in, 9 yr old sister came in, she has been our helper with other things.  She & Bro Croft added pictures, then she said,   “I want to learn indexing!   & now she is a very good indexer.  Mom, & 5 children were in again tonight, all indexing!  Plus we had more youth from other wards tonight too!  Joy and Symphony came later in the evening. Bro Croft and I enjoy doing indexing everyday . . . such a spiritual uplift and blessing to them and us! !

     We were home in the a.m., too stormy to travel to Al’s in Worland to be with his family!  Bro Croft received a new Samsong Galexy Tablet & I a vacuum that doesn’t squeal.  We had fun trying it out Christmas morning!  Went to the Grants after lunch, then Home & enjoyed a visit from Rob & Michelle!   Had a nice visit with the Fikes on the phone & Skyped on Friday!  Also great visits with Vicki & Allen!  Thank you so very much for all your special gifts!
    Then Saturday, we were expecting  Allen’s family for supper on their way home from Billings Temple! Were surprised to also have the Fikes arrive from Laramie!   How fun it has been to have them!  We are enjoying every minute we have with them!

    Another blessing of today – Ryan & Rhonda blessed little Quinn in the Powell Second ward!  Super to be with them and their extended families!
    There was another 3 inches of snow and colder temps this week so we didn’t get out fishing.  Our tomatoes in the greenhouse are getting red now that’s exciting!  We love you all and are grateful for your examples of righteous living!!    
CTR     We love you all!   Bro & Sis Croft

Quinn Robert Croft blessing day Dec 28, 2014 in Powell Second Ward

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It was a special day for our 48th wedding anniversary!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Kenny & Melvin!   We hope you each have a wonderful day!
    We have had a wonderful week, helping, serving, enjoying several Christmas Concerts! – A middle school concert & the Lovell Wyo Stake Christmas Concert!  One highlight of the week was helping an 82 yr old man record several stories. We will help him put them in memories in Family Search this week. All the new technology makes this so easy now. On Wednesday, I helped in the FHC & Bro Croft watched over another tree removal project.  We had a very old 60 ft tall Douglas fir tree, right against the house, on the north west corner, by the living room.  Took professionals to get it out of there!  It is down on the ground now. We have enjoyed a day in Cody, doing a little shopping & having lunch together!   It was a special day for our 48th wedding anniversary!  Bro Croft was also able to fill his last deer license on Saturday evening, got a doe right near our fish pond!

    We met with our stake youth FH consultants last night to review the progress on the million names indexing project. More youth are getting into it . . . . with our report last night close to 29,000 names have been indexed!
    It’s a wonderful season of the year!    Ctrl click to view this amazing video about the Savior.   We so want to wish each of you a very wonderful Christmas day! We are so very grateful for our many Blessings!  
    We send out love to each of you! 
  Thanks for all your love and prayers for us this year!
  Bro & Sister Croft

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Cut down the 60 ft Douglas Fir tree next to the house. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today was a WOW day!

Dearest Family,    .
    Happy 1st Anniversary today, Ryan & Rhonda – an many more!  and there is another Anniversary this week, 48 years with my wonderful sweetheart!
    Today was a WOW day!    Busy, but so enjoyable, with so much help from above!  We witnessed the Lord’s hand in so many ways today!  We have some amazing Youth consultants, helping in several classes today! They do a great job! Two of our classes talked about Descendancy Research – love to watch the excitement when our Bro & Sis’s find names using it that they can do the temple ordinances for. One bishopric member found 6-8 names last week in class using it & more today! The Family Search program was totally down this afternoon & we still had one more class to teach.  We called FS support, & yes, it was down, check back maybe in an hour, well, it was only 30 minutes until our class would start.  Bro Croft checked his computer & did have a set of snip-it screens covering this lesson which we could use!  I tried FS again just as class members were coming into the room, & it was back on line! Miracles happen every day!  The FHC was buzzing tonight, 8 youth in to index, several adults learning more about it!  There has been snow and rain all day with temps in the mid 30’s sure could be slick in the morning if the temperature drops.

    One Youth consultant taught his Grandpa how to index, in preparation for the Meeting of the YM-YW Stake Youth Council meeting tonight!  His Grandpa is the Stake YMen’s President & the Youth consultants have invited their adult leaders to help them with their Million Names Indexing Challenge.  He wanted to get started & be an example!
    Last week the total indexed with only 4  of 8 wards reporting was almost 6,000!      Our wards are reporting to us this evening & it looks as if it could be twice what it was last week!  The snow ball is beginning to roll & it is picking up momentum & growing in size each week!   
    One afternoon, we had two 9 year old cub scouts come to the FHC!  Their leaders are always a bit skeptical, wondering how they will ever be interested for more than 10-15 minutes!   The boys were wanting more time after 35 minutes!  Bro Croft helped on young man add photos to his tree!  He was on his way home to help his Grandpa add pictures to their tree!  The other one entered the room saying, “This is fun, I already know how to do this!”  We had worked with him before.

    Enjoyed so very much a trip to Worland.  We were able to see Ira’s Christmas Program – attended the dress rehearsal in the afternoon.  It was very special, Ira did great! We enjoyed seeing Amber, Melvin, Leanne & Camille. We also stopped to see Aunt Leona & Aunt Lavon in Greybull on the way home!  So nice to visit with them!  We enjoyed our ward Christmas party & watching the local BBall games & Dance Team on TV.
   Thanks, Darece for the perm on Monday and a hair cut later in the week. Sure feels better. Bro Croft got a hair cut as well so we’re both in good shape for a few weeks! It’s been a warm sunny week with a couple days in the low 50’s so it’s melted a lot of our snow  except in the shady parts of the orchard. We finished our pday on Friday morning with 3 hours or fishing at Pond 5 at YT unit. We found 10” of ice with some water on the top from all the melted snow and the fish were really biting! We caught large mouth bass, hybrid sun fish and trout . . . . over two dozen fish in an hour. We kept several of the bigger ones to eat. A nice time to be together and enjoy the wonderful outdoors on a sunny warm morning!

We love you all & CTR

Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

The First Presidency Christmas Devotional was wonderful!

Dearest Family,
    It has been a wonderful week!  The First Presidency Christmas Devotional was wonderful!   Have you noticed how history of families is talked about so much!  We loved the story of Joseph, Mary, & baby Jesus, relating it to our families!  And the dime’s worth of candy – that was so special!   If we each share our memories & experiences, the stories we have heard our parents & grandparents tell, how amazing the results will be!   And that was just the finish of an amazing Sunday!   Each class was special in it’s own way!  A man learning more about a great-grandmother who raised her son, without a father in the home – there is so much more to learn.   A consultant helping a patron with severe limitations do Family History – they are both feeling the spirit. Youth beginning to work on the Indexing challenge, over 4000 indexed in 3 wards, they are just beginning & the snowball is just beginning to roll down the mountain!

    We were able to get answers from Family Search Support for one of the consultants.   If we explain & ask enough questions, they will be able to help.  Later in the week he received an email telling him what he needed to do, so the temple work could be completed for a sister-in-law where there were some unique circumstances. Several of our in home visits resulted in finding info on a family where temple ordinances are needed! These were couples in FS whose children had not been entered in the Family Search Tree!  It was also great to help several people on the phone & answer question!  It is wonderful to learn that there are more people working on it at home!
    A Stake Family History Consultant Meeting was great!   We led a discussion with them, which brought out some great points!   It is what we are learning – work one on one with patrons – even spend more weeks having more hands on computer time in the classes. Invite them to come to FHC where we can help them more, especially if they need help with computer skills!

    There was also time for pleasure, ice fishing one morning at Deaver Reservoir - no catching but a sunny warm time, quilting a little, Bro Croft cut down a tree, did a little grocery shopping one day & even watched a basketball game or two. Talon’s in person & one on BYU TV. We continually review new updates and video training so that we are able to keep our consultants using the currant technology! To be an active part of the “Hastening” is a wonderful blessing each day for us and those we serve!
    We love you all & CTR 
       Bro & Sis Croft

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

At 12:01am on Monday the Youth indexing challenge begins . . .

Dearest Family!        Happy 15th Birthday, Isaac!    Hope your day is very special!
    Well it has been a wonderful week!  Always different when there is a holiday! But it was nice! We were able to do a few things here at home! I even quilted most of one day, making some real progress on the temple part of Ethan & Bekah’s quilt!
     Nice day at the Public Library, Our Deacon age young man came in & found several more names for the temple.   Bro Croft helped an older sister with many things, computer stuff & Family History things.  There were also several calls to SLC for answers to questions, some we are still waiting for the answers!   We so appreciate the help we get from FH Support Missionaries! There were cancelations also, people are just busy with extra things. 

    We cut up my second deer this week with Dad having one more license yet to fill. Talon got a nice deer Sat evening and has it hanging in our meat room for a few days. We got 14 inches of snow in 24 hrs early this week, took dad several hrs to get the snow blowing done. By mid week it went to 50’ with no cold nights so the snow melted quickly by Sat. Well by noon on Fri it was 52 ‘  then a big temp change hit . . . by 2pm it was at 10’ with a 20 mph wind. Today we awoke to 3” of dry snow again and a –10’ temp. It’s supposed to be cold a couple more days then normal temps in the low 40’s.

        Today we were even able to listen to Ken & Darece speak in Sacrament Meeting!  It was so nice to get back in the grove of our regular FH history activities – witnessed several miracles – as leaders showed up just when they were needed, new people were called & they are excited to be working together!  We were able to begin training all & witnessing their excitement  We Love it!

    It is a wonderful season of the year!   We are so grateful for each of you!  You are all the greatest!  We so appreciate your love, prayers, & great examples!   It was wonderful to spend Thanksgiving Day with some of you & get to talk to the rest of you this week!  Even got to love on little Quinn! There are so many things to be thankful for – It is unbelievable how we can communicate around the world. We Skyped, Joy & Family on Saturday night & also Jane in Denmark one day!  And then  by the same token sometimes things can be a little slow – Saturday November 29 we received a letter Joy had mailed November 1  It was stamped, “Found in Supposedly Empty Equipment” Interesting, huh????  We did get it though, that was a miracle!
    At 12:01am  on Monday the Youth indexing challenge begins . . . . we’re excited for them! !
Love to all & CTR, 
  Bro Sis Croft

So far this month of Nov we have had over 20 inches of snow!

Monday, November 24, 2014

I am just pondering our week! It has been a little bit of so many things!

Dearest Family,
    I am just pondering our week!  It has been a little bit of so many things!  Public Library day was slow!   I kept busy by indexing!   Bro Croft visited with  Bro L,  He is the one who was recently activated & ordained a High Priest.  He brought us several tomatoes, ones he harvested from his garden & has been keeping them while they ripened,  sure tasted good! The weather only went below zero once this week . . .so it was lots nicer.
    Tuesday a.m., I was hoping to quilt a little, before going to a funeral at 10:00, when we noticed mule deer crossing the road into the orchard. We decided to see what we could do, quickly getting into warm clothes.  We proceeded to go quietly down the driveway, then behind the pigeon house, that way we could see the deer as they moved into the field.  They did spook a little, from the orchard, but stopped on the dirt hill by the pond and hunting platform in the field.   I was able to fill my second license by 8:00 a.m. We had it dressed and hung by 8:30am that morning!  We changed clothes and were at our morning apt on time. A blessing to get it done so easily.  Now Bro Croft just has one more to get!
    On Wednesday, we had two special HighLights of the week! The first was a Primary Activity Day. They had prepared their Sr Primary (abt 16 youth), having parent’s set up their accounts & sent a pedigree chart with them. They came into the FHC in two groups & we were able to connect their trees & have them look at photos & stories!  They enjoyed it so very much & got so excited! As usual, they did not want to stop & go back to the other activities!
    The second was a YW group in Cowley 1 on Wednesday evening,  they were looking for temple names.  Several were able to use Descendency to locate names for temple work. Our time in Cowley on Thursday morning was very busy with several patrons doing FS and indexing. Our time in Cowley each week is always wonderful! ! 
    On Friday, we went to Billings, to the temple – that always makes for a great day!  Did some family names which makes it even more special!  It was even warmer in the temple! A note on the economy; gas was $2.81/gal so we filled up on the way home.    
        As usual our Sunday was a busy one! Several workshops with groups who had just finished a series of classes, a meeting to train new High Priest’s leadership, a first lesson in one ward, & a meeting with our Youth FH consultants. They are finalizing details for the Million Name Indexing Challenge.   The kickoff is one week from Monday.   They have decided to asked their YM & YW Leaders to participate with them.
    Another exciting event, I received an email yesterday from my cousin Jane in Denmark!   She was so excited – she had found the death date of Marie!   Marie is the half sister to Grandpa Frank Petersen & we have pictures of her when she visited the United States.  If you go to her record in FS, Marie Magdalene Jacobine Gertsen, L7FY-XKH ,   I could even read a little of it – the dates & names, at least!  We Skyped this AM to share our excitement! 
    Our 7 inches of snow is mostly gone after all the warm days. I have also added several new pictures of Bro Crofts garden!   It is really growing - - -
CTR & have a great week,   we are off to the Public Library soon!    Our Love   Bro & Sis Croft

Greenhouse tomatoes doing great!

Tomatoes doing well, need to hang them horizontal now!

Nice clusters of Tomatoes

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lovell Wyoming Stake Youth Indexing Challenge

Lovell Wyoming Stake Youth Indexing Challenge
Youth being trained by youth FH Consultants on indexing obituaries.
 The youth have a goal of  indexing one million names from Dec 1 to Feb 14, 2015.
#lwsmillionnames on Twitter

“Wow – Oh – Wow!!! What a day!”

Dearest Family, 
       Happy Birthday – Lindsay – November 10th!     oops, I missed it!
    As Bro. Croft crawled into bed tonight, “Wow – Oh – Wow!!! What a day!”  It was amazing in a very special way!  The Youth Family History Consultants of the Stake taught the youth of the 5 Wards in Lovell about Indexing!  Their goal is to index One Million Names from December 1 to February 14, a very ambitious goal!!!  These indexed names then become searchable in Family  Classes were taught during Sunday School time in all the wards but one.  Beginning at 9:00, 11:00, 1:30, 2:30 & 4:10.  Several of the youth consultants came in again this evening  6 to 9 p.m.  We had a very special evening tonight, also.  Consultants helping each other learn, many learning to index. Several patrons, I helped one who is new to the Lovell area, a convert last summer!  I had met her at the Dentist’s office & we had visited about FH. She had worked on Family History prior to her baptism, & a little after it, but got sidetracked during her move.  It was exciting for her to find the maiden names of several great grandmothers!  So special! 

    Our week has been a busy one, even Saturday – helping at two Relief Society Simple or Super Saturday activities. One of the wards has done this two years in a row.   In between working on crafts, they come  & do a little indexing! And there were several sisters who weren’t interested in crafts, who just like to index or learn about it!   They indexed 755 names in two hours & all were just beginning to do obituaries!  One of the Youth consultants helped the other ward & Bro Croft & I mostly socialized!  After that I helped a patron, we wanted to check out some things in the FHC that are only available there.
    The “Work is Hastening”  & every day we had several appointments.  On Wednesday evening we were able to help a Priests Quorum prepare names for their temple excursion!  They are very special Young Men!

    Somehow during all this we were able to cut up a deer, have ladies over to quilt, there is now about 18” to do or less in some places!   Doing the temple is the time consuming part but I will get it done! Then on Friday, almost all day it snowed! I baked two batches of bread for the New Horizons Care Center fund raiser and delivered it fresh to the Center!  Ended up with 7 inches of snow – which then means snow removal!   That kept Bro Croft busy Saturday afternoon!  Thank goodness for the snow blower we have. Oh & the deer are playing games with us!  We see then around in the yard, always at times when we are unable to hunt!  It’s been a very cold week with lows of –19 and near zero for highs. Our lily pond by the house froze solid before we could get the pots out. . . . . so we will see how the plants survived come next spring?   

    We have had a wonderful week – with many spiritual highs!  It is so great to feel the excitement of the Youth Indexing & the spirit that it brings.  They know the promises from of the Lord given by Elder Bednar & the protections from the adversary that they will receive when they do it!  
    We love all of you & have a great week – CTR 
  Bro & Sister Croft

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Today was a wonderful day with the youth of our stake!

Dearest Family,
    Today was a wonderful day with the youth of our stake!   The Youth consultants which we work with have organized a Youth Indexing Challenge!   They want to index 1 Million names between Dec 1 & Feb 14, 2015.   Today they started the training of the youth in  4 wards, Byron, Cowley 1 & 2 & part of the Lovell 2nd ward!  They do the training, then we assist!   They are amazing!  Their spirit is so contagious & special.  It is such a blessing to work with them. Next Sunday we will do all of the Lovell wards.  We also assisted in 3 other wards with adult classes or workshops!  This evening we also had the opportunity to work with several youth & 3-4 adults in the FHC . It was great to help several new consultants with various things. Also had a 9 yr old & her grandma come into work on FH, she had been in a primary group several months ago & has been wanting to work on this since then. Bro Bednar does say it is their day, meaning the youth!   How sweet it is!!!!

    Public  Library Day was so nice, had a man whom I had worked with before, recent convert, who is preparing to go to receive the Aaronic Priesthood soon.   His first baptism in the temple will be for a deceased brother.   He is so excited & it surely is a worthy goal to be working for! I am so grateful for this privilege!  I spent the other 2 hrs working with a young lady who brought  in a lot of photos and some family info. As a high school student, when her Grandmother died, she had wanted only the photos, others were burning them! What a treasure!  And many have writing on the back. She had seen us at the library before and finally stopped for us to help her. She was so thrilled to get free help and locate family members! Later, I learned that she is a member! She will be back for more help soon. Bro Croft was able to help an older couple also with setting up their accounts, both FS & email accounts, we surely do admire those who work so very hard, learning computer skills as well as how to use the program. His young Deacon was also there to work on stories!

    Tues, Election Day,  I worked as an Election Judge,   6 am to 8:30 p.m.  Bro Croft was able to cut up his deer. It took him several hours doing it alone. He still took care of the FHC in the evening. the rest of the week was super with appointments,  a FHConsultant meeting on Wednesday evening & two youth groups, 16 from one ward & 6 YW doing indexing from another ward.  In Cowley another brother, our age, did some correcting to his tree,  he has been wanting to get it back to the right way. Bro Croft helped a sister our age, we knew in Laramie, get going on the new FS program.  She was excited to learn of all it’s features!
    I was blessed to get my first deer of the season on the hill across the road. We went out about 3:30 & had it home & hanging before 5:00 p.m.  Friday afternoon is usually quilting day if we are home & 6 wonderful ladies helped, we rolling each side, now abt 4 feet left.   So grateful for their service!
        We were so excited to welcome Quinn Robert Croft, Ryan and Rhonda’s new son into the family!  He is such a precious little guy! They came by on Saturday & we were blessed to meet him personally! So very special!  Other special visitors on Saturday -  Allen, Amber & family came & spent the night Friday & Saturday until after lunch.  Allen went duck hunting on Bighorn Lake with his Brother-in-law, Mark Weeks & Amber & the family were here.   We did some crafts, made homemade chicken & noodles with their help & just enjoyed!   Amber’s sister Rachelle, another sister Maria & fiancé, stopped by.    It was great to have 12 of us for lunch, the chicken and noodles disappeared quickly!  So enjoyed having family here.
    Thanks so very much for all you do! 
  We love you all, & CTR
           Bro & Sis Croft


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

“Has it just been one day today?”

Dearest Family!   
    It’s 9:20 p.m. & Bro Croft & I just arrived home!   Or is it 10:20 p.m.     “Has it just been one day today?” I asked.    What an amazing day we have had, leaving home at 7:30 a.m.  Took a lunch to eat in Cowley, & have a quick supper at home then back to the church at 5:40-9:20.   Yes, we still do love it!   Testimony meeting was wonderful!   Classes were amazing, with Brothers & Sisters busy learning & enjoying the spirit of this work. Today it just seemed like everything went great – the consultants in each class were helping & we were able to give everyone special time & attention! 
    Again, tonight we met with our Youth Consultants.  They are an amazing group of young people! They are finalizing plans for a Youth Indexing challenge in our stake.   They want to index 1 Million names!  During November, they are visiting the wards in the stake to teach them to index, one on one.   They believe that is the best way to teach. In December  they will begin!

    The rest of the week has been great also,   Monday a.m. Bob was able to get our first deer!   At the Public library, a Deacon comes in, home schooled, so he can do this!   He loves FH!   He found a marriage record in Switzerland that extended his family one generation!  It had the names of the parents of the Bride & Groom whom he didn’t know!  We were so excited! He also wants to interview grandparents & put their audio stories in. Tues, Wed, & Thurs were filled with our normal appts. 
    Friday hunted again & in the afternoon 4 ladies came to help quilt!   Many hands can sure do more than my two – both sides of the quilt were rolled, it seems this one is going much faster than the two before, 
    And Saturday a.m.   Dad & I went fishing – very fun morning, In two hours, we caught 5 fish, brought 3 big catfish home, yum!!!!   Let a catfish & a ling go.
CTR & we love you all!    Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It was another busy evening in the Family History Center!

Dearest family! 
    Another great week!  We love all the conferences, they are so very great & inspiring!  It is also so very nice to get back into the routine of our regular meeting schedule! We enjoyed the classes we have taught today & the open library time! There were miracles today in a new group just starting, people who are obedient to our Stake President but scared to death of the computer! Youth Consultants met at 6:00 p.m. They have an indexing project that they will be starting in the Stake soon!
    It was another busy evening in the Family History Center!  3-4 of the youth usually stay, & other patrons.  The Sister Missionaries were in with  two new converts getting their info into Family Search!   So special to work with them!
    The rest of the week has been busy also, with all kinds of things.  On evenings when we don’t have an appointment we go up on Snells place to hunt for deer – so far they are staying clear of us!  We see a big bunch of bucks, but our license's are for does! We will keep working on this, since our season lasts until the end of the year! There also were maintenance projects like new tires on the Rave! A hair cut for me, that’s a necessity, occasionally! We have had appointments this week also!  We attended the funeral for Laura Nation, one of Grandma Crofts cousins.
    Time in the temple on Friday was so wonderful!  Would sure like to figure out why it has to be so very cold in there, tho!

    It was great to have Allen, Amber & children here on Saturday!   Allen, Dad, Melvin & Ira went fishing in the morning caught some big saugers but only landed one 4 lber.! Myself, Amber, her sister Rachelle, Camille, & Leanne went to a craft fair!  Saw some pretty things! In the afternoon, Leanne, Amber & I went to a Luncheon – Baby Shower for Rhonda!  That was so very nice, enjoyed visiting & seeing her pretty gifts! Dad had found some pictures which he helped Melvin & Ira enter into Family Search!
    Late afternoon, Bo & McKinzea came by!  She had a project for school, taking pictures, an assignment. Leanne & I helped with that.  We have several 80 yr+ folks we work with each week, they are so thrilled to be able to do indexing or work on their trees. It is so special to share their success and increased spirituality. They are so grateful for the new ways even though they  need constant consultant help that we offer so they can do it! We are so thankful to be able to be there for them each week! ! !
    Our love to all of you & CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Today was a wonderful day! It was our Stake Conference!

Dearest Family,
    Today was a wonderful day!   It was our Stake Conference! It was a broadcast to 61 stakes in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana, the same for all of us here in Lovell, the Fike’s in Laramie, & the Croft’s in Worland!  Each Stake President spoke during the first half hour.  In Lovell, we especially enjoyed our Stake President’s message. He spoke about his experiences with Family History.   We have had several FHE with them.  He was amazed to see his 4 year old daughter having a ball uploading pictures with Bro Croft. He shared a story of a his tall, slender ggggrandfather which we had found. He was an early convert to the church, a stone mason, & had medical abilities. He could fix a hair lip, set broken bones, etc.   Pres Caldwell is a medical Doctor & tall & slender! He also testified of the joy he felt when he found family who needed temple ordinances & the privilege it was to do them!  Then, what a spiritual feast it was to hear Elder Craig Christiansen, Elder Bednar, Elder Richard G Scott, & Sister Cheryl Esplin, who is a native of Lovell speak. Their messages were so very special!  We were spiritually fed at the Saturday night meeting, when 3-4 high school youth spoke about Hastening the Work, sharing the gospel with friends at school, one sharing thru social media, one, her testimony of FH & doing baptisms for them. The other talks were all so special also!

    And that is just two days. We had a whole week of great activities! Had our normal appointments & new ones!   It was our week to work in the FHC on Wednesday!  We had patrons in, one for each consultant to help. They had tougher questions which needed one on one help!  One afternoon, we met with a Primary Presidency & several of their cub scout & activity day leaders to help them see how FH can help their youth!

    Our Sunday ended this evening with a 6 to 7 pm meeting with our 12 Youth FH Consultants.   They are a fired up group & want to do a Indexing challenge! After the meeting 6 of them came in the FH Center to learn more about indexing & do other family history.  We also had 14 other patrons working and finding success. A sister brought a non member Uncle who is visiting from Hawaii in! We were all helping 2 or 3 patrons at once and they were patient in their needs.

    It was wonderful to have time today to call Joy and Allen’s families for a visit on the phone! We tried to catch up with Vicki’s too but they were not at home. Its been a beautiful fall week with great colorful sun rises almost every morning and the trees still have lots of fall colors too!
    We feel so blessed to enjoy this great work! 
 CTR & have a great week!  
  Our Love, Bro & Sis Croft

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Today has been wonderful,

Dearest Family,     
    Wow, Bro Croft’s plants are growing great in the greenhouse!  He has tomatoes blooming!  We have had a little more time this week for things at home!  Several people were sick! I had a lower back which was all messed up but several trips to the Chiropractor have helped it out!  We have also been able to trace a quilt pattern onto plastic, then onto the fabric for Ethan & Bekah’s quilt! I so appreciate lots of help with all of this from Bro Croft. All the tracing, marking & putting on the frames goes so much faster when there are two people!   I actually quilted on it a little on Saturday afternoon! Deer hunting is also starting & Bro Croft set up his blind up in Snell’s field between the canal and the corral.  He sat in it Saturday evening – with a big muley buck grazing 20 yds all around him.   I was in the Pickup watching deer move all around him.   I also had a skunk & the cows by me.  Fun the coyotes howling..... the does came into the field tonight by the canal so they were to far away for shooting. We also went shore fishing at Crooked Creek parking lot Friday morning. Since my hips were still sore getting in & out of the boat did not sound fun. We were able to catch two nice cat fish . . . 2 and 5 lbers. Awesome fall colors and lots of birds to listen to and watch, no wind, just a great 3 hrs to be out!
    Today has been wonderful, so blessed to be able to attend Sacrament meeting & partake of the sacrament.   We had several great classes today!  When we came back to Lovell from Cowley this afternoon, it was open library for several of the wards – there was Kenny & Rosy – working on FH, they are visiting for the week. Rosy found all kinds of treasures in findagrave. Shortly after they left, Ryan & Rhonda came in & I had fun helping them.  They each added the other side of their families to their trees. Sure great to see all of them.  Also others of the Warnocks & Grants.  This evening was busy in the center with several youth there, a grandmother & the consultants all working together – learning & finding special family!

    Wednesday evening was a fun evening with a Young Women’s group in Cowley.  They each were doing different things, adding photos & stories, finding names for the temple, connecting their trees so they could get to the deceased ancestors!  It is so very special when that “spirit” touches them & they catch the vision of it all!
    Another young man found names for the temple last Sunday, he said it was his older sisters birthday this week & she wanted to go to the temple.  Well, Saturday,  just two of them went to Billings to do baptisms & had a wonderful time.  He testified of how very special it was! 
    CTR & our love & prayers to all of you,     Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, October 6, 2014

We always love General conference!

Subject: October 5, 2014
Dearest Family,
    What a wonderful day!!! We always love General conference!  It has been a great weekend! What a blessing it is to be able to watch & review conference so quickly!  Bro Croft & I went to Horseshoe Bend on Saturday & started listening to conference 20 minutes late!  When we arrived home we were able to watch what we had missed! We did catch one catfish & it was a calm, clear & warm fall day! The hornets thought it was nice, too. One stung me!   Technology is so great!  Already we have listened to several talks containing things we wanted to hear again & things we had missed! We enjoyed having Allen, Amber & family come this a.m. to watch, then dinner at Darece & Ken’s – was nice to see everyone there!  We then enjoyed the afternoon session at home! 
   The FHC was busy tonight, three youth, several consultants & several other patrons. All were busy, learning & accomplishing great things!  Bro Croft worked with one patron with whom he had had a special spiritual experience!  In his words; Early last week I received an email from Sister Linda NeVille asking if I knew how to scan and get the postage stamp size photos from an old pedigree chart useable in family search. I opened this email at 5 am that morning, read it and immediately received the inspiration on how to do the process. I quickly wrote myself some notes as the thoughts came into my mind then minutes later tried the process using two windows programs I had used for years but not in the way that I had just been instructed. The small photos came out larger and looked great! I emailed the sister in Byron with the results asking her how it looked to her. With in minutes I received an email back (this is 6am) thanking me for answering her prayer, thru tears she had written back to me expressing her gratitude. Sister Croft was up by then and I showed her the process and the emails. Later that day I called the sister to tell her that the Holy Ghost had given me the process early this morning  and I wrote it down and did it. I told her I was grateful to have been able to be the means for the Lord to answer her prayers.  I have come to know over my life that the words spoken by Pres Spencer W Kimball years ago are true, that the Lord often sends a faithful person to answer our prayers. I try to always be willing and “spiritually up” so the Lord can use me to help answer someone  prayer! Each day we receive a witness that the Work is hastening and we need to be prepared to move the work to the next level!

    It has been a fun week, with some special experiences!  Brother Checkett’s at the NWC Institute in Powell has been teaching a Family History Class!  Tuesday & Thursday we were invited to teach the computer side of it.  It is a little difficult to have hands on experience for 30 + students but we exposed them to it!  Did the basics on Tues & a little about Descendency Research.  On Thurs we explained Puzzilla & Indexing!  They are starting an Indexing Challenge in their ward so that will be fun! It was so grand to meet & teach the college young people!
    Had our group of regulars, people we do every week!   We were able to shuffle them around, even with the trips to Powell & still get everyone in!  Some were adding photos, others indexing, some just cleaning up their trees.  It was also the week for the Family History consultant’s training meeting!  Answered questions which some had asked us about!  Had a nice morning in Cowley with several patrons.  Both are beginning to get results & find info. 
    Last week & next,  we are working with a YW’s group in Cowley, looking for temple names & I think this week maybe adding photos!  We finally caught up with Dak and Joy for a wonderful visit on the phone last evening, they are a very busy family with their new back to college life style.   A very hard freeze on Thursday evening has lots of leaves falling and much new snow on the mountains. . . . it’s fall for sure.
    It is a great work, we love it!    CTR & have a great week!   Love you all – Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 29, 2014

We taught several classes – the best was a youth group

Dearest Family!   
    It seems strange – no birthday or anniversary wishes – just our prayers for a safe & great week! 
    It was a great & wonderful Sabbath day!  We taught several classes – the best was a youth group, often they get too large & we feel we can’t help them one on one.  It was a small group & with several helpers we were able to help them individually!  Several of them were successful finding temple names using the Descendency feature of FS. They are were able to learn & then do it by themselves! 
    We have been taking our lunch to Cowley the past several weeks & today just before lunch Bro Croft was visiting with an Elder’s Quorum Presidency who were sharing the stage, our computer lab, for their lesson. He mentioned that sometime we would be happy to share some Family History with them. The counselor/teacher for today then said, “Oh today our lesson is Elder Cook’s talk, “Roots & Branches” You are welcome to come!”  We gobbled our sandwiches & went to their class. It was special to share how we are all blessed by the spirit of Elijah when doing this work, whether non member, inactive or active.  They had questions about indexing, & were amazed at how any aspect of FH affected so many people.  Then when the class was over, the teachers son, whom I had helped in the youth class came by to go home with his Dad & we were able to talk about Christina who lived to be 102 whom we had found in his tree. We both wanted to learn more about her!!!!!      Sunday evening in the FHC is always great. Tonight during the course of the evening there were 8 youth in!   On young lady reached her goal of indexing 1000 names.Two 2 others worked with their grandma, what a team they are!  We had our Sunday evening family who were searching & finding.......

    By the way, the Grandma stories are up to 13,312!   Have you shared your?    Another exciting announcement today – on the Family Search home page after you sign in, is the link for all members of the church to sign up for,, &   This is a great blessing for all of us & gives us access to so much more information & people to share & communicate with.
    We were able to spent some extra time in the FHC this Wednesday, since Sis. NeVille was ill – it was great – with some patrons in.  We were also able to meet with our High Councilor over FH & help him learn about indexing & also work on his own FH.

    Home visits were great with spiritual times for all – finding new people, learning about adding pictures – just enjoying the spirit of it all.  was helping one sister harvest ordinances using the Descendancy view in Family Tree, when she said, “Look, this couple has no children”  She has found several families to add to Family Tree by following the Hints & doing some research! I helped JQ here at the house one evening, we have scanned a lot of pictures, & it takes some time to get them all linked. 
    Friday we had a great trip to Billings, time in the temple was so great!   We were able to do some initiatory!  Had lunch, & did a stop at WalMart.   Brother Croft & Bro Josh Tippetts did some computer upgrades at he FHC also that night! Saturday we did more of our pDay things plus put in the exhaust fan in the greenhouse and a few misc things to get it all going. The tomato cuttings are a ft tall now with some new blossoms also the radishes are growing well. Rob came by and had lunch with us plus he and Michelle came back later to see the green house hydroponic setup. Really nice to have time to visit with them!  I attended the women’s broadcast with the Grant girls in the evening, a wonderful spiritual meeting! Dad watched it at home too.

   It has been a wonderful week!  
 We love you all,   CTR      Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 22, 2014

We had a wonderful time meeting with our Family History Youth Consultants this evening,

Sept 21, 2014
Dearest Family,
       Congratulations to Lindsay & Connor on their engagement!   They will be married on January 3, 2015!
    It is one of those unwind evenings, & I am having a difficult time getting settled into writing a letter.   Today is still a blur - It has been so very special & busy! Gave two lessons, had several open library time, but there were people to help & successes! That is the great part!  We had a wonderful time meeting with our Family History Youth Consultants this evening, we now have 15 of them! We took some goodies to eat and then just spent 45 minutes visiting together about how they see FH going in our stake. As usual they came up with some profound insights on how to excite the stake youth and adults. We went back to help in the FHCenter while they put together a possible indexing challenge for the youth in our stake to present to the stake prescy. In about 30 minutes they ask us to read it and ask was good! Now for the next step.

    Then from 7-9 p.m. we had 8-10 people in the FHC! I helped Grandma (my age) & grand-daughter, a fired up young lady!  We were doing research on a family – and it is beginning to fall into place!  I also helped another young lady trying to understand a family!  It was a big family, two died young, 4-5 died between the ages of 17 & 22.  Why?   We are still seeking an answer!  We are unable to see the original death certificates, just the indexed version, so no cause of death is known.  The births & deaths are happening between 1911-1935. This will be a special experience doing the temple work for this family! Learning the joys & sorrows, it seems the sorrows out weigh the joys, of this family is hard to imagine! I’ll try to remember to let you all know the results of this search!
    It was our week to cover the FHC on Wednesday – again this was a busy day for us.    I’ve been helping Debbie for some time with a family of her’s! It’s another puzzle we are are trying to put together! We worked a little on it today also & maybe found some more pieces!   Sometimes we solve some very interesting mysteries!

    Each day we were blessed to have 3-4 appointments -  brothers & sisters doing FH by adding photos, indexing, finding names of family they didn’t know before & sharing stories! Here is a link to the newest activity!   It is called “Memories of Gramma”       I challenge each of you to go to the site, watch the video, & add a memory of one of your grandmothers! That would be a great FHE for tonight!  Yours will be one of 10,000 memories posted during the next 10 days!
    Besides FH activities, we have also enjoyed the Lovell HS Homecoming Pep rally & football game, Whitney and Drake Welch were Homecoming Queen and King. We helped Krysta celebrate her 20th birthday, & spent Saturday morning fishing! Dad caught two nice saugers!  I did find a few moments to quilt, but it was very few!  maybe this week! We got our old hydroponic unit going again in the greenhouse so we can have some fresh produce this winter. With the new water supply it was easy to make it work. Dad took some cutting from our garden tomatoes that are already blooming. Also have radishes, spinach, etc growing! What a sweetheart he is to do this!

    We are so grateful for the protection of Joy & Chalin today! An accident happened right behind them & they were returning from visiting Vicki’s family this week end! They were very blessed!
    Just wanted to share this thought which was given in a talk today!  And I quote:  A THOUGHT IS A PROMPTING UNLESS PROVEN OTHERWISE! Speaker was unsure of the source.
    And to all the Sisters in our family, ages 8 & up, remember to attend the Broadcast this Saturday Evening!
Love to all & CTR     Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 15, 2014

Now lets see – where do I start!

Sept 14, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Krysta & Rhonda!!!!    Hope you have a great day!
Now lets see – where do I start!   It has been quite a week! I am not sure where to start!  It was service days Mon & Wed 6:30-10:00 a.m. at the blood draw, I do data entry there. It is great to see people – people I don’t usually see except there.   It is also a reminder for Bro Croft & I to get our blood work done!  I
    Our Sunday was a busy one!    It seems like several wards are starting all over!   Several have new High Priest Group Leaders, several new consultants, 5-6 new youth consultants!  There is lots of training going on but it is wonderful, but sometimes overwhelming also!   We had several open library times in wards today, several classes & tonight in the FHC 5 youth consultants came in, new ones that we were helping get started plus other patrons!  It so very special to help them find names when they are finding new people who are not in the tree!  One young lady came in this afternoon & we just kept running into walls then this evening she came in again & we were able to find a family – there are supposed to be three children & we have only found 2. There are other places to look – more inspiration also! A young man was helping his sister with a family & we found a second husband & more children!  Bro Croft also had success with a young man who just wanted to search his direct line, but discovered searching for cousins is great & yields a rich harvest! 

    The very special part of our mission is the guidance which we receive – it comes so quietly & in such natural ways, many times I have to back away & take a second look to realize how much help I’ve received.  Last week an elderly Sister, age 94, “MB” called. Her granddaughter had called & wondered if she could do some names  which MB had reserved.   MB didn’t remember reserving them, & didn’t know her password or how to do the process!   While we visited, the inspiration came to accomplish the process- oh-so quickly!  I felt very blessed!

    Public Library Day was great! JQ & I were able to link 30 + pictures to her tree, she does great & we love working together!   Bro Croft had three ladies all wanting help about the same time!  They are all excited about learning more & having some problems solved.  After one of the blood draw days, I went to help a sister whom I didn’t know had called & canceled. She decided to work anyway, since I was there & the spirit helped us solve some tough questions.  
    Another highlight of the week was a meeting with all the Bishoprics of the Stake. We were able to share info about the Youth Temple Challenge & the power Family History has to lift all members of their wards. What a wonderful experience to share our testimonies with this group of very special brethren!

    Weather has been colder & Bro Croft has been doing some winterizing & fall work out side. It froze things on Thursday and Friday nights getting to 28’. Many of the beans and sunflowers of the local farmers are gone  now, a big financial loss for them. Finally, Friday I was able to get some cleaning, etc done in the house plus laundry & baking.  We spent a great day in Worland on Saturday.  It was great to help Allen & Amber get his elk cut up!

    When we got home Sat night we found our driveway flooded and after some checking learned why. A neighbor who doesn’t use much common sense turned the head gate full open which gave 3 times more water than the ditch can carry so it ran across our old garden, the quail pens & down to the driveway into the meat room and old barn building. Had it gone longer it could have got to the house via the lower green house. The time it all took place was determined from the other neighbor. About noon the water was turned on and began to flood, around 4pm the ditch rider was going by the main canal south of us and noticed the canal coming our way was too full so she reduced the flow which in turn stopped the over flow at our house a mile north. We got home at 5:30pm to find the mess but the ditch was no longer flooding. We called the ditch rider couple who came to put a tag on the head gate and set it at the proper level to prevent more flooding overnight or later. They were not aware of the flooding until we called them to come see the situation. We were very blessed to have the water turned off when it was, our ditch rider was an angel of mercy.
We love you all – CTR & have a great week!          Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It has been a wonderful week,

September 7, 2014
Dearest Family!   
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Micah & Kirena! 
    It has been a wonderful week, beginning with a holiday,   Labor Day!  We were busy at home that day – learned that Phil & Emma, sons; Adam & Ira were at their home thru the field  putting a new roof on the house. Baked a batch of cinnamon rolls & headed over there.  It was so great to see them! They are such wonderful people & we enjoyed having them for neighbors!
Also had a great Family Home Evening with one of the Bishop’s & his family!

    Each day we had appointments, helping with Family History or indexing!  It was a little bit of everything, including helping several with their internet connections. Bro Croft is getting better & better at handling these problems.   Wednesday evening we thought we would visit with people at two different ward harvest dinners!   We were really looking forward to it!  Got to the Lovell 4th ward Dinner & boy did the wind come up – and then the temperature dropped!  Had to hold on to your plate with one hand & eat with the other & still sometimes the food blow away! It was just plan miserable – finally just came home – without going to the 2nd ward party!  Enjoyed a birthday dinner at Darece’s, her traditional stuffed tomatoes!   Was so nice to be with her, Whitney, Kaitlyn, Talon, Bo & McKinzea!   We enjoyed it so much!

    Had a beautiful morning at the Lake on Friday, calm, sunshiny & the catching was great!   We were on the lake from 9:30 to 11:30 & caught 3 saugers & lost a really big one just as were were netting it! Dad also caught 5 catfish, but all were just a little small for keepers! Mom caught the biggest sauger at 4 1/2 lbs and 25 inches. We came home, Dad cleaned the saugers & I spent the afternoon quilting with 4 great ladies!   The quilt is getting very close to being done! Dad also got the meat cooler room ready for Al’s bull elk.

    Congrats to Allen on the successful archery bull elk hunt!  The elk was killed in the Bighorn mtns above Tensleep.  He brought it to our house to hang in the meat cooler room on Saturday A.M.  We enjoyed having Allen & the three oldest ones here for lunch! We ate fresh elk “philly sandwiches” too. . .very tasty!
Love you all & CTR
Bro & Sister Croft

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Three hours of our pDay at Crooked Creek Bay in Big Horn Lake

A fun time on the water!
We caught these large 4 lb plus Sauger and several small Catfish in our 3hr trip!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

We had a great visit with Chris via Skype on Thursday!

August 31, 2014
Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Aunt Gaye today, Sunday, August 31, & to Darece on Thursday, September 4!   Hope your day is or was great!  Welcome home Chris!
    I enjoyed working with J Q on our Public Library day, she has been writing memories of her aunts, uncles, grandparents & adding them to the tree!  We have also scanned in lots of photos, we have added lots & still have lots to go!  We are making progress!  She doesn’t have a computer so we just work on each Monday!    It was quiet for Bro Croft this week!  Indexed with our sister this week, had several cancellations!  
    Our Day in Cowley was great!   The two elders came in, they are having a conference in Billings next week & will get to go to the temple – they are always so excited for this!  Both found a name to do the endowment for & a brother who was also there working on FH volunteered to do the Baptism & initatory  on the names so that the names will be ready next week!  That was so sweet of him!  Aren’t people just the greatest! We have had several new bishops in the stake in the last several months & this week we were able to meet with one of them!  It was a special time of feeling & sharing the spirit of  this great work.

    We had a great visit with Chris via Skype on Thursday!  It was super to see & talk to him– he was reporting his mission today!
    Marlene & Valyn flew in on Thursday & Bill & Kathy came up from Riverton!   We got together with them Thursday afternoon & evening. Marlene, Kathy & I did some indexing of obituaries – they are so fun, but a little tricky! Sure enjoyed visiting!  Marlene, Valyn, Gaye’s family all went to the Big Horns on Friday!  Bill, Kathy, Dad & I went to Billings to the temple!  All of us had a great time! Again on Saturday we were able to get together again! Looking at photos on Family does wonders to inspire stories & memories!!!  It was a slower Sunday, with classes small because of the holiday, but there was walk in traffic which is great!   Had more youth into the FHC tonight & also in two wards there were new Youth Consultants were sustained! I am forwarding a FS newsletter to all or you which includes the links to setting up accounts with the Partner Sites, Ancestry, My Heritage, & Find My Past. Let me know if it does not work!

    Quite a wet week everyday some rain, making the hay harvesting stop just like on the first cutting. We are seeing a few deer as we are moving around in our work, even a 2 pt wt tail buck eating apples in the orchard most every day. Dad and I each have 2 deer licenses this fall that we can use from Oct  1 to Dec 31. We almost got one before the season opened on Thursday night when we came home.
    With schools now in session we will have fewer apt cancellations as families will be staying home. We will still attend some of the sporting events to support all the youth we work with in FH!  Plus we always pick up apts with families at these games.
Love you all, CTR

Bro & Sister Croft   

Monday, August 25, 2014

Our week was a busy one with lots of variety.

August 24, 2014
Dearest Family! 
  Happy birthday to Mr Micah on  Tuesday & to Uncle Bill!  Hope you each have a great day!
    Another great Week!  It was a privilege to work at the Election!  I enjoy it so much even tho it is a long day – 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. It was fun to see friends! Most of all it was wonderful to live in this country! Even with it’s problems, It is a great place! It was also very special to have a Sister share her sacred experience which she had had in the Temple that day! Dad went out fishing in the morning then helped Bob S. at the New Horizons Living Center in the afternoon add photos and stories to his tree.

    Our week was a busy one with lots of variety. Covered the FHC one morning.  Had a great group of 20 youth from Rob’s ward in the FHC on Wednesday evening!  Some were able to find names for a temple excursion on Friday! Others worked really hard without success – maybe next time! McKinzea came over to the house one day for FH help, then shared with us on Saturday that she had been able to find more names during the week! Again this Sunday, we had a great evening in the FHC.  This past month, our patrons on Sunday evening have been the youth of the stake, 3-8 of them each week, sometimes bringing parents. Their spirit is so contagious – & they have the vision of the work!  We love it! Bro Croft was also able to help a couple. The brother had just been baptized in the last month & he & his wife were going to the temple last Saturday to do baptisms!  Taught them the basics so they could do baptisms for some of his ancestors!  What a great way to retain converts!
    Sister June Wood passed away this week. She was one of my councilors when I was RS President a number of years ago. We have remained close over the years even tho she moved away! I called her every week to visit as I folded clothes....... What a great & giving person she was.   Loved her so!  We were able to attend her funeral on Saturday!

    Dad planted a fall deer food plot at the east end of the corral only 20 x 20 ft. He has wanted to try it for several years and has had the seed since then. The turnips and rape are coming up good, soon the clover and chicory will be too. The rainy week has helped get it growing better!  Went raccoon hunting again with the hounds but did not round up any on our place Friday night.
    We stopped by a couple of homes in Cowley and Lovell that we had given water lily roots to last spring  to see their flowers. They are enjoying them.

    We had a great time with Allen, Amber & family on Saturday.  Allen went with the youth of their ward to the temple & We were blessed to have everyone else in the family here! Sure enjoyed our day with them.  Even tho it was a little rainy Dad & the boys were able to do a few things. Had fun when Amber & I went shopping, in Lovell, & she found a new outfit! Then we all enjoyed Kenny & Rosie’s reception!  Weather was not cooperative, Darece had to move it inside their home from the yard, but it was really nice!
   It’s been a great week, a little cooler than normal, there is a fall shiver in the air! Snow on the mountains the past two mornings! ! ! We love you all & CTR     Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, August 18, 2014

It was the last week of one mission & the beginning of another 2 years! ! !

August 17, 2014
Dearest Family,
    Can you believe this, I just lost 3 paragraphs of the letter I had already written!!!!!! /x#?? sputter, sputter! I’ll try again.    OOPs Happy Anniversary to Ken & Darece on Monday, not Sunday!  Enjoyed a surprise 25th anniversary party for Darece planned by Ken,  after church!  Was nice!  Also Happy Birthday to Camille, she was 2 years old last Wednesday!
    We are fully into the swing of things again after our wonderful vacation & Stake conference last weekend! On Monday Bro Croft had a special experience!  Two couples, the Smith’s, came into the Library. Their grandparents had lived here abt 1905-1922.  They were interested in learning more about their life here & exactly where they lived.  He was able to help, including getting a book about Lovell for them.  After leaving the Library, we talked to several people, & they went to city hall & got maps.  Tuesday at 7:30am  we met them & took them to several places, no houses are left standing, but they were able to get the idea.  It was great!  Fun to meet great people!  We continued on that day with an 8:30 a.m. meeting with the NeVilles in Byron & to help an older sister index at 9:45 in Cowley.  Spent afternoon helping an older brother learn more about his biological family!   Was blessed that there was a cancelation at the Eye Doctors, Dr Jacob Despain  (Carvel and Patty son), (I broke my glasses last Sunday) so have new ones ordered. It sure is an inconvenience when something like this happens!

     We did a wonderful FHE in Byron with a young family for 2 hrs they are trying to do all aspects of FH. Tuesday Evening in the FHC was a training time – our patrons were two consultants who had an ahaa moment with puzzilla!    
    Wednesday - My Sweetheart replaced the kitchen faucet today while I helped a sister! It was a quiet afternoon & I was able to quilt for a while!  It is relaxing!
    Thursday – Congratulations to Kenny & Rosie!   Today was their wedding day for time & all eternity! 
We were busy in Cowley at the church, helping 3 people, was a rewarding morning.  Afternoon was great also helping several others! The spirit is so great – where ever we are – what ever we are doing which relates to FH!

    Friday – finally got the boat in the water, spent the morning at the lake, fishing, some bites but no catching! sure felt great to be out!  Several sisters came over this afternoon & we quilted.  Sure do make progress with more hands.
    Saturday was a work at home day, laundry, cleaning, & sunday Prep.   
    We even went coon hunting with our neighbors here at our house. The coons are destroying our trees and fruit plus digging up the grass.   No pictures, tho, it was dark out! Got one coon near the pond went to bed at 11:30pm. We will do it again, quit a process to see those dogs work and tree a coon. We enjoy this couple and have done FH with them since they are very interested in their families too. They have new puppies over there now and mom enjoys this so we will go to their place soon to see them.

    The Sabbath day is always perfect & today was the same!  Our evening at the center was the greatest. very busy. It kept 4 of us jumping & we could have used more consultants.  We had a Youth FH consultant meeting, 2 families of 4-5 people each, one was Darece, Whitney, Kaitlyn, & Talon.  Four other youth & another sister were there, learning!   One youth did indexing for the first time!  Her goal, to do 500 names in the next six months.   After doing 50 that night, she realized she will probably have 500 done in a month & was so excited.   
    It was the last week of one mission & the beginning of another 2 years.  Yes, today, we were released & set apart by President Caldwell to serve for another 2 years!   What sweet blessings & promises of health & guidance from the spirit! 
We are excited & happy & very blessed!
Thanks to all of you for your love & support! 
             We love you all  CTR        Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Family Reunion at Big Sky Montana

August 10, 2014
Dearest Family,
    Belated Birthday wishes to Frank August 5th! Happy 25th Anniversary to Ken & Darece next Sunday, the 17th.
    It has been a wonderful week with family!  We have done Flower pounding, enjoyed a Talent night, colored quilt blocks, made rockets, biked, watched movies, decorated t-shirts, swam, played in the mud, heard Mom & Dad report on their mission.  We all skyped cousin Jane in Denmark! Unbelievable what Technology can do! We have had wonderful meals, twice a day, sometimes it seems that is all we do!!!  All to soon the week came to an end – how wonderful it was – and now we remember this year & plan for 2015!
    Dad & I came home Friday afternoon to enjoy the Sessions Family Reunion on Saturday in Byron. Saturday Evening we attended a Youth Fireside, broadcast from Billings, Montana. Elder Russell M Nelson & Craig Carden, of the 70 among others were there.  5 youth  from the Billings area asked them questions – was very special! One of your cousins, Colton Conner the 18 yr old grandson of Aunt Lavon Castro (Leo and Berta’s son) from Colstrip was one of the youth. Then on Sunday, we had a 1 1/2 hr special Stake conference here in Lovell with Elder Carden.  another great day! We hardly knew what to do with ourselves, an afternoon at home.

    This P.M. we were back in the FHC from 6–9:00 P.M.   Had a family in, Mom, Dad, & 4 of their family!  11 yr old getting registered & adding pictures, 2 daughters looking for names for the temple, 17 yr old doing a little research & looking for names.  Another couple came in for a class.  Bro Croft did that!

It has been a great day & week. 
  We love you all & CTR
   Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, August 11, 2014

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 3, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Joy on Friday! 
    As always,   a wonderful week,  with normal activities!  Many are busy with family things, activities, & gardens are starting to come on! It was great to help  young scouts & several leaders this week. We had a fun time helping the Elders in Cowley, one was finding names for his family to do back home & the other traced a line back to Adam & Eve.  It is a great tool for missionary work. With temples so close in Mexico & Tonga, we are sure all of you Elders  in our family will be using it also in your missions!   What a tool it is for activation, convert retention, & finding new people!

    Had wonderful meetings here in the Big Sky Branch today!  There were about 8 members of the branch, presidency, their wives, High Councilor, & a couple who had just been released from branch Pres. there.   The rest were two other family groups & 23 of us this a.m. Probably about 50-60 people.  Grandpa & Rob blessed the sacrament; Ky & Talon passed it!  We love this opportunity to hear the testimonies of all there & are blessed to with the testimonies of our family!  Also enjoyed a wonderful Munch & Mingle afterwards!

     We feel so blessed to be here with all our family!  A new era is beginning,  If all were here we would have 42 this year, which includes Rosie!
    Rob & Michelle, we miss Ryan & Rhonda, (they are moving into a new apartment) Ethan & Bekah (just home from their honeymoon)  & Krysta (just miss you so)
    Vicki, Bryan & family – Micah, Kirena & Emerson,  only missing Chris (He will be home in a three weeks).
    Darece, Ken & family,  Bo & McKenzea, Kenny & Rosie, (to be married on the 14th), just missing Nathan in Tonga!
    Joy & family,  We miss you, Dak & Chalin!   We also miss, Tchae in Mexico City!
    Allen, Amber & family  all present!
And Yes!!!! We met our first Great Grandson tonight, Emerson Darcy!   What a sweety he is!  At age 6 weeks – what a cutie!

We love you all & CTR     We are so enjoying the week with you!    Love Mother  & Dad

Monday, July 28, 2014

We have had a great week!

July 27, 2014
Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Aunt Betty on Thursday, Happy 25th Anniversary to Bryan & Vicki on Thursday, & Happy Birthday to Ethan on Friday & Bekah on Sunday, August 3!   Have a great day!!!!!
    We have had a great week! We even weeded the pond on Monday a.m. The cat tails like to grow there so Bro Croft goes out in the little boat & cuts them off. We tied to one side & I held the rope on the other side so he was easier for him to cut then off where they grow on the bottom of the pond.  It worked quite well!!! They would take over the pond if we didn’t cut them off. 

     As usual, Sunday is a wonderful day, an end to & a start the another great week! Classes were small in all the wards, but in each one there was someone with special needs that we were able to help.  That is always so great when it works like that. In one ward, a non-member lady came into our SS Class to learn about  The regular class members were all absent & we were teaching a FH consultant & the High Priest group leader when she came in.  We changed plans & I helped her set up her tree while Brother Croft helped the others worked on other things.
   A Young Women President came in, needing last minute help because of a change in plans.  We helped 7 of her YW learn about the Youth Temple Challenge. They were numbers 6401-06 to sign up. One had already accepted the challenge. The other YW in her ward were going to another ward to hear the talks of two young Men leaving for missions.

   Sunday evening we had a 13 yr old sister come in – she wants to do baptisms in each of the Utah Temples.  She also loves to do the research on her family.  We also had Mom- Dad & 19 yr old daughter with mission call & 17 yr old son all doing research. Two adult ladies who are sisters & one brought her 13 year old son, all doing research & finding names for the temple. It was a busy, fun & rewarding evening – we love it that way!
    In Cowley on Thursday we had the FTM Elders come in to learn some more plus a young mother brought in her non-LDS neighbor also a young mom to get going in FS. Both had a wonderful time and found lots of new people! It is always so exciting when working with a non=member when one of their lines shots back to the 1500’s.....

    We had a few cancelations, sickness, company, but we were able to find others to fill in & productive things to do!  Friday A.M. was Election School for me – in preparation for the Primary Elections in August.  I really enjoy working as an Election Judge.  Bro Croft spent the morning fishing!  I’m glad he could do that! 
    Saturday was the parade for Cowley Days.  A brother & his wife in the Care Center wanted to go. It was fun to be able to take them.  He is in assisted living there and we have been helping him with his Family History.   Saturday Afternoon was the Cowley Family Reunion. Great to see family!
    Have a great week – we are all busy getting ready for our Big Sky Family Reunion!  We will miss those who are unable to come & are excited to see the rest of you!  
  Love to all    &  CTR 
  Bro & Sis Croft!