Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It was a special day for our 48th wedding anniversary!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Kenny & Melvin!   We hope you each have a wonderful day!
    We have had a wonderful week, helping, serving, enjoying several Christmas Concerts! – A middle school concert & the Lovell Wyo Stake Christmas Concert!  One highlight of the week was helping an 82 yr old man record several stories. We will help him put them in memories in Family Search this week. All the new technology makes this so easy now. On Wednesday, I helped in the FHC & Bro Croft watched over another tree removal project.  We had a very old 60 ft tall Douglas fir tree, right against the house, on the north west corner, by the living room.  Took professionals to get it out of there!  It is down on the ground now. We have enjoyed a day in Cody, doing a little shopping & having lunch together!   It was a special day for our 48th wedding anniversary!  Bro Croft was also able to fill his last deer license on Saturday evening, got a doe right near our fish pond!

    We met with our stake youth FH consultants last night to review the progress on the million names indexing project. More youth are getting into it . . . . with our report last night close to 29,000 names have been indexed!
    It’s a wonderful season of the year!     http://www.mormon.org/christmas    Ctrl click to view this amazing video about the Savior.   We so want to wish each of you a very wonderful Christmas day! We are so very grateful for our many Blessings!  
    We send out love to each of you! 
  Thanks for all your love and prayers for us this year!
  Bro & Sister Croft

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