Monday, November 17, 2014

“Wow – Oh – Wow!!! What a day!”

Dearest Family, 
       Happy Birthday – Lindsay – November 10th!     oops, I missed it!
    As Bro. Croft crawled into bed tonight, “Wow – Oh – Wow!!! What a day!”  It was amazing in a very special way!  The Youth Family History Consultants of the Stake taught the youth of the 5 Wards in Lovell about Indexing!  Their goal is to index One Million Names from December 1 to February 14, a very ambitious goal!!!  These indexed names then become searchable in Family  Classes were taught during Sunday School time in all the wards but one.  Beginning at 9:00, 11:00, 1:30, 2:30 & 4:10.  Several of the youth consultants came in again this evening  6 to 9 p.m.  We had a very special evening tonight, also.  Consultants helping each other learn, many learning to index. Several patrons, I helped one who is new to the Lovell area, a convert last summer!  I had met her at the Dentist’s office & we had visited about FH. She had worked on Family History prior to her baptism, & a little after it, but got sidetracked during her move.  It was exciting for her to find the maiden names of several great grandmothers!  So special! 

    Our week has been a busy one, even Saturday – helping at two Relief Society Simple or Super Saturday activities. One of the wards has done this two years in a row.   In between working on crafts, they come  & do a little indexing! And there were several sisters who weren’t interested in crafts, who just like to index or learn about it!   They indexed 755 names in two hours & all were just beginning to do obituaries!  One of the Youth consultants helped the other ward & Bro Croft & I mostly socialized!  After that I helped a patron, we wanted to check out some things in the FHC that are only available there.
    The “Work is Hastening”  & every day we had several appointments.  On Wednesday evening we were able to help a Priests Quorum prepare names for their temple excursion!  They are very special Young Men!

    Somehow during all this we were able to cut up a deer, have ladies over to quilt, there is now about 18” to do or less in some places!   Doing the temple is the time consuming part but I will get it done! Then on Friday, almost all day it snowed! I baked two batches of bread for the New Horizons Care Center fund raiser and delivered it fresh to the Center!  Ended up with 7 inches of snow – which then means snow removal!   That kept Bro Croft busy Saturday afternoon!  Thank goodness for the snow blower we have. Oh & the deer are playing games with us!  We see then around in the yard, always at times when we are unable to hunt!  It’s been a very cold week with lows of –19 and near zero for highs. Our lily pond by the house froze solid before we could get the pots out. . . . . so we will see how the plants survived come next spring?   

    We have had a wonderful week – with many spiritual highs!  It is so great to feel the excitement of the Youth Indexing & the spirit that it brings.  They know the promises from of the Lord given by Elder Bednar & the protections from the adversary that they will receive when they do it!  
    We love all of you & have a great week – CTR 
  Bro & Sister Croft

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