Monday, September 22, 2014

We had a wonderful time meeting with our Family History Youth Consultants this evening,

Sept 21, 2014
Dearest Family,
       Congratulations to Lindsay & Connor on their engagement!   They will be married on January 3, 2015!
    It is one of those unwind evenings, & I am having a difficult time getting settled into writing a letter.   Today is still a blur - It has been so very special & busy! Gave two lessons, had several open library time, but there were people to help & successes! That is the great part!  We had a wonderful time meeting with our Family History Youth Consultants this evening, we now have 15 of them! We took some goodies to eat and then just spent 45 minutes visiting together about how they see FH going in our stake. As usual they came up with some profound insights on how to excite the stake youth and adults. We went back to help in the FHCenter while they put together a possible indexing challenge for the youth in our stake to present to the stake prescy. In about 30 minutes they ask us to read it and ask was good! Now for the next step.

    Then from 7-9 p.m. we had 8-10 people in the FHC! I helped Grandma (my age) & grand-daughter, a fired up young lady!  We were doing research on a family – and it is beginning to fall into place!  I also helped another young lady trying to understand a family!  It was a big family, two died young, 4-5 died between the ages of 17 & 22.  Why?   We are still seeking an answer!  We are unable to see the original death certificates, just the indexed version, so no cause of death is known.  The births & deaths are happening between 1911-1935. This will be a special experience doing the temple work for this family! Learning the joys & sorrows, it seems the sorrows out weigh the joys, of this family is hard to imagine! I’ll try to remember to let you all know the results of this search!
    It was our week to cover the FHC on Wednesday – again this was a busy day for us.    I’ve been helping Debbie for some time with a family of her’s! It’s another puzzle we are are trying to put together! We worked a little on it today also & maybe found some more pieces!   Sometimes we solve some very interesting mysteries!

    Each day we were blessed to have 3-4 appointments -  brothers & sisters doing FH by adding photos, indexing, finding names of family they didn’t know before & sharing stories! Here is a link to the newest activity!   It is called “Memories of Gramma”       I challenge each of you to go to the site, watch the video, & add a memory of one of your grandmothers! That would be a great FHE for tonight!  Yours will be one of 10,000 memories posted during the next 10 days!
    Besides FH activities, we have also enjoyed the Lovell HS Homecoming Pep rally & football game, Whitney and Drake Welch were Homecoming Queen and King. We helped Krysta celebrate her 20th birthday, & spent Saturday morning fishing! Dad caught two nice saugers!  I did find a few moments to quilt, but it was very few!  maybe this week! We got our old hydroponic unit going again in the greenhouse so we can have some fresh produce this winter. With the new water supply it was easy to make it work. Dad took some cutting from our garden tomatoes that are already blooming. Also have radishes, spinach, etc growing! What a sweetheart he is to do this!

    We are so grateful for the protection of Joy & Chalin today! An accident happened right behind them & they were returning from visiting Vicki’s family this week end! They were very blessed!
    Just wanted to share this thought which was given in a talk today!  And I quote:  A THOUGHT IS A PROMPTING UNLESS PROVEN OTHERWISE! Speaker was unsure of the source.
    And to all the Sisters in our family, ages 8 & up, remember to attend the Broadcast this Saturday Evening!
Love to all & CTR     Bro & Sis Croft

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