Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Family Reunion at Big Sky Montana

August 10, 2014
Dearest Family,
    Belated Birthday wishes to Frank August 5th! Happy 25th Anniversary to Ken & Darece next Sunday, the 17th.
    It has been a wonderful week with family!  We have done Flower pounding, enjoyed a Talent night, colored quilt blocks, made rockets, biked, watched movies, decorated t-shirts, swam, played in the mud, heard Mom & Dad report on their mission.  We all skyped cousin Jane in Denmark! Unbelievable what Technology can do! We have had wonderful meals, twice a day, sometimes it seems that is all we do!!!  All to soon the week came to an end – how wonderful it was – and now we remember this year & plan for 2015!
    Dad & I came home Friday afternoon to enjoy the Sessions Family Reunion on Saturday in Byron. Saturday Evening we attended a Youth Fireside, broadcast from Billings, Montana. Elder Russell M Nelson & Craig Carden, of the 70 among others were there.  5 youth  from the Billings area asked them questions – was very special! One of your cousins, Colton Conner the 18 yr old grandson of Aunt Lavon Castro (Leo and Berta’s son) from Colstrip was one of the youth. Then on Sunday, we had a 1 1/2 hr special Stake conference here in Lovell with Elder Carden.  another great day! We hardly knew what to do with ourselves, an afternoon at home.

    This P.M. we were back in the FHC from 6–9:00 P.M.   Had a family in, Mom, Dad, & 4 of their family!  11 yr old getting registered & adding pictures, 2 daughters looking for names for the temple, 17 yr old doing a little research & looking for names.  Another couple came in for a Puzzilla.org class.  Bro Croft did that!

It has been a great day & week. 
  We love you all & CTR
   Bro & Sis Croft

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