Monday, December 8, 2014

The First Presidency Christmas Devotional was wonderful!

Dearest Family,
    It has been a wonderful week!  The First Presidency Christmas Devotional was wonderful!   Have you noticed how history of families is talked about so much!  We loved the story of Joseph, Mary, & baby Jesus, relating it to our families!  And the dime’s worth of candy – that was so special!   If we each share our memories & experiences, the stories we have heard our parents & grandparents tell, how amazing the results will be!   And that was just the finish of an amazing Sunday!   Each class was special in it’s own way!  A man learning more about a great-grandmother who raised her son, without a father in the home – there is so much more to learn.   A consultant helping a patron with severe limitations do Family History – they are both feeling the spirit. Youth beginning to work on the Indexing challenge, over 4000 indexed in 3 wards, they are just beginning & the snowball is just beginning to roll down the mountain!

    We were able to get answers from Family Search Support for one of the consultants.   If we explain & ask enough questions, they will be able to help.  Later in the week he received an email telling him what he needed to do, so the temple work could be completed for a sister-in-law where there were some unique circumstances. Several of our in home visits resulted in finding info on a family where temple ordinances are needed! These were couples in FS whose children had not been entered in the Family Search Tree!  It was also great to help several people on the phone & answer question!  It is wonderful to learn that there are more people working on it at home!
    A Stake Family History Consultant Meeting was great!   We led a discussion with them, which brought out some great points!   It is what we are learning – work one on one with patrons – even spend more weeks having more hands on computer time in the classes. Invite them to come to FHC where we can help them more, especially if they need help with computer skills!

    There was also time for pleasure, ice fishing one morning at Deaver Reservoir - no catching but a sunny warm time, quilting a little, Bro Croft cut down a tree, did a little grocery shopping one day & even watched a basketball game or two. Talon’s in person & one on BYU TV. We continually review new updates and video training so that we are able to keep our consultants using the currant technology! To be an active part of the “Hastening” is a wonderful blessing each day for us and those we serve!
    We love you all & CTR 
       Bro & Sis Croft

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