Monday, December 1, 2014

At 12:01am on Monday the Youth indexing challenge begins . . .

Dearest Family!        Happy 15th Birthday, Isaac!    Hope your day is very special!
    Well it has been a wonderful week!  Always different when there is a holiday! But it was nice! We were able to do a few things here at home! I even quilted most of one day, making some real progress on the temple part of Ethan & Bekah’s quilt!
     Nice day at the Public Library, Our Deacon age young man came in & found several more names for the temple.   Bro Croft helped an older sister with many things, computer stuff & Family History things.  There were also several calls to SLC for answers to questions, some we are still waiting for the answers!   We so appreciate the help we get from FH Support Missionaries! There were cancelations also, people are just busy with extra things. 

    We cut up my second deer this week with Dad having one more license yet to fill. Talon got a nice deer Sat evening and has it hanging in our meat room for a few days. We got 14 inches of snow in 24 hrs early this week, took dad several hrs to get the snow blowing done. By mid week it went to 50’ with no cold nights so the snow melted quickly by Sat. Well by noon on Fri it was 52 ‘  then a big temp change hit . . . by 2pm it was at 10’ with a 20 mph wind. Today we awoke to 3” of dry snow again and a –10’ temp. It’s supposed to be cold a couple more days then normal temps in the low 40’s.

        Today we were even able to listen to Ken & Darece speak in Sacrament Meeting!  It was so nice to get back in the grove of our regular FH history activities – witnessed several miracles – as leaders showed up just when they were needed, new people were called & they are excited to be working together!  We were able to begin training all & witnessing their excitement  We Love it!

    It is a wonderful season of the year!   We are so grateful for each of you!  You are all the greatest!  We so appreciate your love, prayers, & great examples!   It was wonderful to spend Thanksgiving Day with some of you & get to talk to the rest of you this week!  Even got to love on little Quinn! There are so many things to be thankful for – It is unbelievable how we can communicate around the world. We Skyped, Joy & Family on Saturday night & also Jane in Denmark one day!  And then  by the same token sometimes things can be a little slow – Saturday November 29 we received a letter Joy had mailed November 1  It was stamped, “Found in Supposedly Empty Equipment” Interesting, huh????  We did get it though, that was a miracle!
    At 12:01am  on Monday the Youth indexing challenge begins . . . . we’re excited for them! !
Love to all & CTR, 
  Bro Sis Croft

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