Tuesday, September 2, 2014

We had a great visit with Chris via Skype on Thursday!

August 31, 2014
Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Aunt Gaye today, Sunday, August 31, & to Darece on Thursday, September 4!   Hope your day is or was great!  Welcome home Chris!
    I enjoyed working with J Q on our Public Library day, she has been writing memories of her aunts, uncles, grandparents & adding them to the tree!  We have also scanned in lots of photos, we have added lots & still have lots to go!  We are making progress!  She doesn’t have a computer so we just work on each Monday!    It was quiet for Bro Croft this week!  Indexed with our sister this week, had several cancellations!  
    Our Day in Cowley was great!   The two elders came in, they are having a conference in Billings next week & will get to go to the temple – they are always so excited for this!  Both found a name to do the endowment for & a brother who was also there working on FH volunteered to do the Baptism & initatory  on the names so that the names will be ready next week!  That was so sweet of him!  Aren’t people just the greatest! We have had several new bishops in the stake in the last several months & this week we were able to meet with one of them!  It was a special time of feeling & sharing the spirit of  this great work.

    We had a great visit with Chris via Skype on Thursday!  It was super to see & talk to him– he was reporting his mission today!
    Marlene & Valyn flew in on Thursday & Bill & Kathy came up from Riverton!   We got together with them Thursday afternoon & evening. Marlene, Kathy & I did some indexing of obituaries – they are so fun, but a little tricky! Sure enjoyed visiting!  Marlene, Valyn, Gaye’s family all went to the Big Horns on Friday!  Bill, Kathy, Dad & I went to Billings to the temple!  All of us had a great time! Again on Saturday we were able to get together again! Looking at photos on Family Search.org does wonders to inspire stories & memories!!!  It was a slower Sunday, with classes small because of the holiday, but there was walk in traffic which is great!   Had more youth into the FHC tonight & also in two wards there were new Youth Consultants were sustained! I am forwarding a FS newsletter to all or you which includes the links to setting up accounts with the Partner Sites, Ancestry, My Heritage, & Find My Past. Let me know if it does not work!

    Quite a wet week everyday some rain, making the hay harvesting stop just like on the first cutting. We are seeing a few deer as we are moving around in our work, even a 2 pt wt tail buck eating apples in the orchard most every day. Dad and I each have 2 deer licenses this fall that we can use from Oct  1 to Dec 31. We almost got one before the season opened on Thursday night when we came home.
    With schools now in session we will have fewer apt cancellations as families will be staying home. We will still attend some of the sporting events to support all the youth we work with in FH!  Plus we always pick up apts with families at these games.
Love you all, CTR

Bro & Sister Croft   

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