Monday, October 13, 2014

Today has been wonderful,

Dearest Family,     
    Wow, Bro Croft’s plants are growing great in the greenhouse!  He has tomatoes blooming!  We have had a little more time this week for things at home!  Several people were sick! I had a lower back which was all messed up but several trips to the Chiropractor have helped it out!  We have also been able to trace a quilt pattern onto plastic, then onto the fabric for Ethan & Bekah’s quilt! I so appreciate lots of help with all of this from Bro Croft. All the tracing, marking & putting on the frames goes so much faster when there are two people!   I actually quilted on it a little on Saturday afternoon! Deer hunting is also starting & Bro Croft set up his blind up in Snell’s field between the canal and the corral.  He sat in it Saturday evening – with a big muley buck grazing 20 yds all around him.   I was in the Pickup watching deer move all around him.   I also had a skunk & the cows by me.  Fun the coyotes howling..... the does came into the field tonight by the canal so they were to far away for shooting. We also went shore fishing at Crooked Creek parking lot Friday morning. Since my hips were still sore getting in & out of the boat did not sound fun. We were able to catch two nice cat fish . . . 2 and 5 lbers. Awesome fall colors and lots of birds to listen to and watch, no wind, just a great 3 hrs to be out!
    Today has been wonderful, so blessed to be able to attend Sacrament meeting & partake of the sacrament.   We had several great classes today!  When we came back to Lovell from Cowley this afternoon, it was open library for several of the wards – there was Kenny & Rosy – working on FH, they are visiting for the week. Rosy found all kinds of treasures in findagrave. Shortly after they left, Ryan & Rhonda came in & I had fun helping them.  They each added the other side of their families to their trees. Sure great to see all of them.  Also others of the Warnocks & Grants.  This evening was busy in the center with several youth there, a grandmother & the consultants all working together – learning & finding special family!

    Wednesday evening was a fun evening with a Young Women’s group in Cowley.  They each were doing different things, adding photos & stories, finding names for the temple, connecting their trees so they could get to the deceased ancestors!  It is so very special when that “spirit” touches them & they catch the vision of it all!
    Another young man found names for the temple last Sunday, he said it was his older sisters birthday this week & she wanted to go to the temple.  Well, Saturday,  just two of them went to Billings to do baptisms & had a wonderful time.  He testified of how very special it was! 
    CTR & our love & prayers to all of you,     Bro & Sis Croft

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