Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 3, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Joy on Friday! 
    As always,   a wonderful week,  with normal activities!  Many are busy with family things, activities, & gardens are starting to come on! It was great to help  young scouts & several leaders this week. We had a fun time helping the Elders in Cowley, one was finding names for his family to do back home & the other traced a line back to Adam & Eve.  It is a great tool for missionary work. With temples so close in Mexico & Tonga, we are sure all of you Elders  in our family will be using it also in your missions!   What a tool it is for activation, convert retention, & finding new people!

    Had wonderful meetings here in the Big Sky Branch today!  There were about 8 members of the branch, presidency, their wives, High Councilor, & a couple who had just been released from branch Pres. there.   The rest were two other family groups & 23 of us this a.m. Probably about 50-60 people.  Grandpa & Rob blessed the sacrament; Ky & Talon passed it!  We love this opportunity to hear the testimonies of all there & are blessed to with the testimonies of our family!  Also enjoyed a wonderful Munch & Mingle afterwards!

     We feel so blessed to be here with all our family!  A new era is beginning,  If all were here we would have 42 this year, which includes Rosie!
    Rob & Michelle, we miss Ryan & Rhonda, (they are moving into a new apartment) Ethan & Bekah (just home from their honeymoon)  & Krysta (just miss you so)
    Vicki, Bryan & family – Micah, Kirena & Emerson,  only missing Chris (He will be home in a three weeks).
    Darece, Ken & family,  Bo & McKenzea, Kenny & Rosie, (to be married on the 14th), just missing Nathan in Tonga!
    Joy & family,  We miss you, Dak & Chalin!   We also miss, Tchae in Mexico City!
    Allen, Amber & family  all present!
And Yes!!!! We met our first Great Grandson tonight, Emerson Darcy!   What a sweety he is!  At age 6 weeks – what a cutie!

We love you all & CTR     We are so enjoying the week with you!    Love Mother  & Dad

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