Monday, August 25, 2014

Our week was a busy one with lots of variety.

August 24, 2014
Dearest Family! 
  Happy birthday to Mr Micah on  Tuesday & to Uncle Bill!  Hope you each have a great day!
    Another great Week!  It was a privilege to work at the Election!  I enjoy it so much even tho it is a long day – 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. It was fun to see friends! Most of all it was wonderful to live in this country! Even with it’s problems, It is a great place! It was also very special to have a Sister share her sacred experience which she had had in the Temple that day! Dad went out fishing in the morning then helped Bob S. at the New Horizons Living Center in the afternoon add photos and stories to his tree.

    Our week was a busy one with lots of variety. Covered the FHC one morning.  Had a great group of 20 youth from Rob’s ward in the FHC on Wednesday evening!  Some were able to find names for a temple excursion on Friday! Others worked really hard without success – maybe next time! McKinzea came over to the house one day for FH help, then shared with us on Saturday that she had been able to find more names during the week! Again this Sunday, we had a great evening in the FHC.  This past month, our patrons on Sunday evening have been the youth of the stake, 3-8 of them each week, sometimes bringing parents. Their spirit is so contagious – & they have the vision of the work!  We love it! Bro Croft was also able to help a couple. The brother had just been baptized in the last month & he & his wife were going to the temple last Saturday to do baptisms!  Taught them the basics so they could do baptisms for some of his ancestors!  What a great way to retain converts!
    Sister June Wood passed away this week. She was one of my councilors when I was RS President a number of years ago. We have remained close over the years even tho she moved away! I called her every week to visit as I folded clothes....... What a great & giving person she was.   Loved her so!  We were able to attend her funeral on Saturday!

    Dad planted a fall deer food plot at the east end of the corral only 20 x 20 ft. He has wanted to try it for several years and has had the seed since then. The turnips and rape are coming up good, soon the clover and chicory will be too. The rainy week has helped get it growing better!  Went raccoon hunting again with the hounds but did not round up any on our place Friday night.
    We stopped by a couple of homes in Cowley and Lovell that we had given water lily roots to last spring  to see their flowers. They are enjoying them.

    We had a great time with Allen, Amber & family on Saturday.  Allen went with the youth of their ward to the temple & We were blessed to have everyone else in the family here! Sure enjoyed our day with them.  Even tho it was a little rainy Dad & the boys were able to do a few things. Had fun when Amber & I went shopping, in Lovell, & she found a new outfit! Then we all enjoyed Kenny & Rosie’s reception!  Weather was not cooperative, Darece had to move it inside their home from the yard, but it was really nice!
   It’s been a great week, a little cooler than normal, there is a fall shiver in the air! Snow on the mountains the past two mornings! ! ! We love you all & CTR     Bro & Sis Croft

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