Monday, December 29, 2014

Dearest Family!   
    This Christmas Season is such a wonderful time of the year! It has been and amazing week!  We are so blessed to have a wonderful family & a very special opportunity to serve!   We have been blessed this week to enjoy both!!!
    Had the opportunity to help several in their homes the first of the week!  Also attended a great High School & Swing Choir Concert!  Tuesday night, our regular night in the FHC we had 6 from one ward come into the center, then the on Wednesday A.M. they came in again, plus several more whom they had texted & invited.  This is on Christmas Eve day, Several are from one family, & Mom comes with them, she is the YW”s President.    The second day they came in, 9 yr old sister came in, she has been our helper with other things.  She & Bro Croft added pictures, then she said,   “I want to learn indexing!   & now she is a very good indexer.  Mom, & 5 children were in again tonight, all indexing!  Plus we had more youth from other wards tonight too!  Joy and Symphony came later in the evening. Bro Croft and I enjoy doing indexing everyday . . . such a spiritual uplift and blessing to them and us! !

     We were home in the a.m., too stormy to travel to Al’s in Worland to be with his family!  Bro Croft received a new Samsong Galexy Tablet & I a vacuum that doesn’t squeal.  We had fun trying it out Christmas morning!  Went to the Grants after lunch, then Home & enjoyed a visit from Rob & Michelle!   Had a nice visit with the Fikes on the phone & Skyped on Friday!  Also great visits with Vicki & Allen!  Thank you so very much for all your special gifts!
    Then Saturday, we were expecting  Allen’s family for supper on their way home from Billings Temple! Were surprised to also have the Fikes arrive from Laramie!   How fun it has been to have them!  We are enjoying every minute we have with them!

    Another blessing of today – Ryan & Rhonda blessed little Quinn in the Powell Second ward!  Super to be with them and their extended families!
    There was another 3 inches of snow and colder temps this week so we didn’t get out fishing.  Our tomatoes in the greenhouse are getting red now that’s exciting!  We love you all and are grateful for your examples of righteous living!!    
CTR     We love you all!   Bro & Sis Croft

Quinn Robert Croft blessing day Dec 28, 2014 in Powell Second Ward

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