Thursday, October 23, 2014

Today was a wonderful day! It was our Stake Conference!

Dearest Family,
    Today was a wonderful day!   It was our Stake Conference! It was a broadcast to 61 stakes in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana, the same for all of us here in Lovell, the Fike’s in Laramie, & the Croft’s in Worland!  Each Stake President spoke during the first half hour.  In Lovell, we especially enjoyed our Stake President’s message. He spoke about his experiences with Family History.   We have had several FHE with them.  He was amazed to see his 4 year old daughter having a ball uploading pictures with Bro Croft. He shared a story of a his tall, slender ggggrandfather which we had found. He was an early convert to the church, a stone mason, & had medical abilities. He could fix a hair lip, set broken bones, etc.   Pres Caldwell is a medical Doctor & tall & slender! He also testified of the joy he felt when he found family who needed temple ordinances & the privilege it was to do them!  Then, what a spiritual feast it was to hear Elder Craig Christiansen, Elder Bednar, Elder Richard G Scott, & Sister Cheryl Esplin, who is a native of Lovell speak. Their messages were so very special!  We were spiritually fed at the Saturday night meeting, when 3-4 high school youth spoke about Hastening the Work, sharing the gospel with friends at school, one sharing thru social media, one, her testimony of FH & doing baptisms for them. The other talks were all so special also!

    And that is just two days. We had a whole week of great activities! Had our normal appointments & new ones!   It was our week to work in the FHC on Wednesday!  We had patrons in, one for each consultant to help. They had tougher questions which needed one on one help!  One afternoon, we met with a Primary Presidency & several of their cub scout & activity day leaders to help them see how FH can help their youth!

    Our Sunday ended this evening with a 6 to 7 pm meeting with our 12 Youth FH Consultants.   They are a fired up group & want to do a Indexing challenge! After the meeting 6 of them came in the FH Center to learn more about indexing & do other family history.  We also had 14 other patrons working and finding success. A sister brought a non member Uncle who is visiting from Hawaii in! We were all helping 2 or 3 patrons at once and they were patient in their needs.

    It was wonderful to have time today to call Joy and Allen’s families for a visit on the phone! We tried to catch up with Vicki’s too but they were not at home. Its been a beautiful fall week with great colorful sun rises almost every morning and the trees still have lots of fall colors too!
    We feel so blessed to enjoy this great work! 
 CTR & have a great week!  
  Our Love, Bro & Sis Croft

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