Monday, December 30, 2013

It was a very beautiful Christmas!

December 29, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    It was a very beautiful Christmas! We are so blessed to have a wonderful family, to live in this wonderful land, & have testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  We do have a Savior, Jesus Christ! How grateful we are to know that & feel His love!
    Monday – a quiet day at the library. Did have a brother come in whose tree was just mixed up, had lots of people whose names appeared as the word “living”. We signed in as his helper, & worked on it later that evening.  With some special inspiration we were able to get it cleaned up for him. 
    Crofts, Grants, & Fikes got together at the New Horizons Living Center & had a wonderful time Christmas caroling.We were able to go to all four areas of the Center & in several rooms. Came out here for snacks & hot chocolate when we finished! It was an enjoyable evening!

    Tuesday -  Our two indexing sisters were getting ready for Christmas, answered a few questions on the phone,  & visited a couple who both wanted to learn scanning at their home. Went great.  Invited Janet Nazer over for the evening & enjoyed dinner & FHE together.
    Wednesday - Visited the Grant home first thing Christmas morning, it was so nice to be with them.  Then on to the Fike home to spend time with them, enjoyed had lunch together.  Rob & Ethan came out here in the evening, they had a bug at their house, hope Michelle is feeling better now!  Allen, Amber & family will probably be up later this week & we will be able to spend time with them. Visited with Vicki also!  We are so blessed to have so many of our family close!

    Thursday – helped a brother in Cowley in the a.m. & a sister in Lovell!  Attended a wedding reception
    Friday –  Enjoyed the crisp air & sunshine & fishing at Pond  Five.  All fishing & no catching. 

    Saturday – Bread Baking day, laundry day & another Wedding reception!
The weather was nice this week lots of sun, warmer temps and no wind.
     It has been a great week, but it sure was nice to be back in the routine of FH today with a busy Sunday! Our classes were great, met with two more Youth Consultants during the day & again tonight in the center.  Missionaries also brought a couple in!  We love the work & are grateful for the Lord’s blessings.

    We love you all & CTR!   Bro & Sis Croft

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Snow Rollers! !

December 24, 2013

Snow Rollers in a field near our home formed last night by wind and new snow on top of old snow! ! Notice the tracks in the snow where the cylinder rolled.

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 22, 2013

Dearest Family,  
    “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, just like the ones I used to know”   I did love the “White Christmas’s” at home growing up in Jackson! Dad did as well in Powell but on the farm with all the animals it meant a lot more work everyday to take care of them. Snow would be deeper than the fences and very crusted so the animals couldn’t walk around only break thru and be stuck.  No loaders or snow blowers to clean out the pens just man power and shovels....... It was a snowy day today with about 6+ inches of snow. Started this a.m.  lasted until about 1:00 p.m.  We had a super white out trip to Cowley & back this a.m. Then another into Lovell abt noon.  We were blessed & able to travel safely.
    Happy Birthday to Kenny & Melvin!!! Hope it was a great day for each of you!
    Our day started today with a wonderful sacrament meeting & a beautiful Christmas program & ended this evening with the Stake Choir Concert, an amazing rendition of Christmas music – what talented people we have who share their time & talent! Sure helps us get in the spirit of it all!
    Classes were great today, felt really good about one we gave on adding photos to your family tree. The photo section is the greatest! It surely is a great special way to get to know our loved ones.  It’s also great to share our memories & stories of those  parents & grandparents whom we so loved & knew so well! Take a moment this Holiday Season to write a memory of an ancestor you knew & loved & add it to Family Tree! Do you have a photo of that special event which y.ou remember?  Add it also.
    A special day Dec 16, 1966! We have lived & loved each other for 47 wonderful years! We enjoyed having a normal Monday – helping a non-member lady learn about her family at the public library. It’s a family with some unusual circumstances & it is amazing what we are able to find! The spirit is great as we do this & she is amazed also!  It was our Wednesday in the FHC & I was able to help some patrons. Bro Croft & Sister NeVille worked on organizational things in the center and the FH Fair coming in March. Also had a meeting in Cowley, discussing computer internet problems with SLC – did make progress tho---

    Enjoyed several home visits to help people, a high school choir concert to hear the Grant girls, Anniversary dinner at the Grants on Friday & a visit with the Fike girls, Kenya & Daeja on Saturday while Mom & Dad went to the temple.  So nice to have a normal temp week with sun and a few snow flurries until yesterdays big one. There was also a local basketball tournament in Cowly/Lovell gyms that gave us opportunity to see many of the YM and YW youth we work with  play. We went to 2 for 2 quarters then saw parts of others on local TV in the evenings!  Supporting them this way gives us a closeness with them at church!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
We love you all!   CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

May we share this Christmas thought

December 15, 2013

May we share this Christmas thought from Isaiah 9:6        “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given -  and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.                                                                     
From President Thomas S. Monson,      “During this season of rejoicing and celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, may each of us take time to ponder the true meaning of Christmas and the gifts of peace, love, joy, and happiness that He has given to us through His Birth, His Life and His ultimate gift of the Atonement that allows us to return and live with Him again. May our gift to the Savior this year and always be a more tender, caring, and obedient heart.
Dearest Family!   
    What a special day!  Sacrament mtg was oh-oh so special, the talks made us think about the Savior & want to draw nearer to Him.  We had classes in three wards & open library time in two other wards.  We were able to help people, most of the equipment worked great!  It was such a very nice day! In each group we were able to help people. We are so grateful for the inspiration to help & serve our Heavenly Father!. Tonight in the FHC there were patrons to help & all three of the consultants had a patron to help.  It was a great day!

    FHE was with a family who have 4 daughters, ages 5-12!  they had missed the “Family Stories Lesson so we shared that with them. The young ladies are excited to talk to their great Grandma’s & begin to hear their stories! We enjoyed it so very much! They are also going to have the youth consultants come & help them with other things, finding temple names, adding stories & pictures!
    A very nice week of warm weather and sun....more like Dec should feel! The forecast for next week is for even temps in the mid 40’s.  We still have 2” of snow on the ground and lots of ice on the streets and parking lots.

    We were in Powell one day, did a little shopping & it was great to get adjusted! We have found this week that people were busy preparing for Christmas or any number of things, a computer crashed, etc. so appts had to be canceled. We even did a little more Christmas decorating, We have a beautiful poinsettia tree!
    We so enjoyed our ward Christmas party! Seems like ages since we have visited with our ward members!  One evening, while in the FHC we were blessed to attend tithing settlement. That too, is a great blessing! ! Bishop had us share one of our blessings of being full tithe payers all our lives. The blessing of good health to our family and always having our needs taken care of came to our minds. There were still big challenges but always comfort and means to keep moving along life’s journey! ! !
    Saturday was the high light of the week!  Congratulations to Ryan & Rhonda! What a blessing it was to be in the Billings Montana Temple with them & also other family members, then to be together again at the reception! We also attended the temple sealing  of very special friends, Mike & Anita Fink. Their two sons will be in the temple with them shortly too!  This great work blesses the lives of everyone!  We are so blessed to be able to share in the joy of this great work!
We love you all and pray the Lord’s blessings upon you,
Brother and Sister Croft
Our Christmas tree and nativity!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Yes, every Sabbath day is a wonderful day

December 8, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Yes, every Sabbath day is a wonderful day, even when it is especially crispy, below 0 degrees, br.r.r.! Being blessed with the opportunity to renew our covenants with our Heavenly Father makes for a perfect day! We were able to teach in two classes today,  about searching records to learn more about our family members. It is truly amazing what we can do in a matter of moments with computers!  Also gratitude to all the indexers out there! Family,, Google searches & those in other search engines & so-so many more! We felt so blessed to have the spirit there in each class!  We had several RS sisters to continue learning about adding photos. Another ward had open library time in the FHC for the first time. Five adult members of one family came in to discuss places where they were stumped! It is wonderful to see families assigning different lines to each one, working together! 

    It was an amazing Christmas Devotional this evening.  The FHC was very cool today, so we were chilled when we got home, a little early at 4:30pm. Had dinner & enjoyed the broadcast at home & because of the bdcst, the center was closed!  I think we are both finally warm!  You can definitely tell that we are ready for some sunshine & above 0 temperatures! Weatherman says by mid week above zero nights and near 30 days......YES! ! ! !

    I so enjoyed the devotional: President Monson’s direction to be more Understanding, Compassionate, Serve, Friendly, Kind & Gentler & to give to the Savior this Christmas season “A more Tender, Caring Heart”  Sister Wixom’s “what happens next”, & Elder Nelson’s “The Savior is the only true source of peace”  What a blessing it was to watch it twice this evening! 

    This week has been plagued with cold & very icy highways & streets.  All week below zero days and 15 to 20 below nights, very unusual for early December. There was 2 inches of dry snow one night too. Bro Croft has not walked outside anytime this week..... The semi trucks that haul the sugar beets to the factory didn’t run for several days then finally had too. They chained up the semi’s & drove them slow on the 60 mile round trip to break up the ice. It took 4 days to finally get the tracks broke up then the snow plows could remove it from the highway........All the years, over 40 now here in Lovell we have never seen such ice on the roads.  Several new people stopped by the Public Library, great, standby ones were busy with Christmas preparation. Bro Croft has been able to do some phone support & instruction.  On Tuesday, it was more convenient for us to go to the FHC & be with the missionaries.  They do Facebook twice a week & a librarian comes in with them. Several also had questions about FH, so it worked out well!

    We have been able to get a scanner for the FHC for patrons to use.  Wednesday was a preparation day for a lesson on using it at the FH consultant meeting that evening I did the presentation. (She did a wonderful job ! ! ! note by Bro Croft) Thursday A.M. we continued to have a nice group in Cowley.  Even with the cold weather, there were five patrons.
   We have also had extra time this week for home things, still sorting my deep dark hole,  cutting up the final deer, making a little jerky & cold weather maintenance! Out of the deep dark hole came an invoice for our 1st new car, an opal station wagon, pd 2191.18 to replace our ‘57 Chevy, wedding invitation for Frank & Rena Petersen in February of 1905, & 4 graduation announcements for Grandpa Charlie M Petersen & his siblings, & Bro Croft’s certificates of baptism, & priesthood ordination, they will go in the document section of  Have you looked to see what is new there?

    Have a great week, everyone!  Happy Birthday to Isaac last Monday! 
 We love you all & CTR,  Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, December 2, 2013

Great Sabbath Day!

December 1, 2013

Dearest Family
    Great Sabbath Day!  Lovell 1st Ward Sacrament meeting!   New Bishop called!   Bishop Michael Jones!  A relative! He is a very fine man & will do a great job! Today we spent our day in Lovell!  Lovell 1st ward FH class & then a 1st Sunday lesson in the High Priest Quorum in that same ward.  This was a follow-up lesson to “My Family , Stories that bring us to,gether” We felt so good about it & hope to see the brethren getting busy, writing the stories of their families, involving their families, their own children & the youth of the ward in helping them to get it into Family Search. Quick lunch then back to help Bishop Walker, Lovell 2nd Ward, present the “My Family , Stories....”  lesson in his ward.  Another awesome meeting! If it hasn’t been done in your ward, click on the link so you can watch the videos & enjoy the spirit of it!
Then on to a followup lesson in L3 for RS sisters on the above lesson!  they are learning to scan pictures & add them to the tree! We hung out in the FHC & were able to help several – plus a HP group leader & a consultant.  Quick dinner – then back to the FHC!  Quieter evening – had a patron who has been coming in to write his life story.  Doesn’t have his own computer.  Also had time to prepare  & study the new scanner we have, so we can teach about it at our FH Consultant training meeting this week.  At present, I am not ready, but with the Lord’s help, it will come!

   Public Library time was great!  One of our non-member neighbors came in & Bro Croft was able to get her started. She was going to go home & make some phone calls for a little more info & will probably be back this week. Had a great FHE with a couple this week!  He has had a fit getting his tree connected!  Dad helped him and  I was able to help his wife also!  The weather this week was nice 20’ to 50’ and lots of sun.....forecast says colder next week with highs of 30.

    With the Thanksgiving Holiday, the rest of our week was slower in some ways.  Bro Croft was able to get winterizing projects done outside, was nice weather to do them. I decided it was time to explore the deep dark hole under the basement stairs & see what treasures we had lost!   There were a few memory boxes, some junk which got thrown away,  and a few things which were hauled away by their rightful owners, since, some of you were here for Thanksgiving day!  And there is still some to go thru & sort & make decisions about!   I doubt it will go away on it’s own....

    Thanksgiving Day dawned bright & clear – a beautiful day!   Bro Croft was able to get his final deer across the road on Harrison’s, a white tail doe!  We will enjoy & feel blessed to have this meat to supplement our other food storage. Enjoyed Allen, Amber & family at our house for a little while before dinner. We had a wonderful time at the Grants, 27 of our family there plus Greg Martin, Chris Smith, & Rhonda Warnock, soon to be Croft!  Had the traditional Pinata, designed by the A Croft family, complete with real turkey feathers. The food was delicious & the company was the very, very, best!  We love you all so very much!

    Bro Croft has got the Deer blinds down, caught a bunch of minnows for winter fishing,  & we had a shore fishing trip to the lake on Saturday mostly frozen over but an area by the docks was still open. It was a beautiful sunny winter morning to enjoy together!  We feel so blessed to be able to do so many things.

  We love you all,  CTR    Love Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wow! Each week is the same, 7 wonderful days,

November 24, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Wow!   Each week is the same, 7 wonderful days, filled with similar activities, but different experiences, inspirations,  successes & new things!   Today we started two adult classes in different wards.  Two other wards had classes on their own,  they are ones who have several consultants & can do them on their own, both were youth classes.  We also had a first time experience today.  We had a follow-up lesson after the “Family Stories Lesson” with RS sisters.  Seven (including two brand new consultants) came in to begin adding photos, stories, & documents. We will probably work with them several weeks. One sister came in again after her meetings were over & we were able to scan several photos she had brought & get them linked to her tree.  One of the other sisters was going to scan at home this week.  The first time we meet with any group, we always spend most of the time setting up LDS accounts & recovering user names & passwords.  We had the 7th of 8 My Family Stories lesson. The spirit is great with each one of these!  Our evening was busy in the center tonight also with three patrons & 2 new consultants who will teach in their ward next week for the first time while we are doing a HP group follow-up lesson!   They will do great! 
    Thursday in Cowley was a busy day also!  There were 4 patrons who came in, just right for us to work with & feel like we were able to accomplish something.  Bro Croft helped one with adding photos & another with some indexing questions – He said that the answers which came to solve her problems were not something he knew – so grateful to have that inspiration!  While there, I wrote a little info down about a family I had helped one man with.  Things just didn’t look right.  I can home & worked on it some more, felt inspired to go to & amazingly there were headstone & very detailed obituaries – for several generations of men!   Again so grateful for the guidance.  This same brother and his wife came into the FHC tonight & we were able to work with he & his wife. We met with the two HCmen over missionary work plus the ward mission leaders and FTMissionaries  on Thursday evening to teach them how to use FH  (including indexing) in missionary, convert retention and reactivation work. The Brethern have provided several wonderful training videos for this purpose!
    Other activities this week included a trip to the temple, so uplifting & always inspiring!  Had lunch at Wendy’s with a couple we have met who are ordinance works from Jordon Montana. Ethan came by for awhile to visit & we enjoyed having him stay for dinner. We installed a new scanner in the FHC! Dad did a little hunting this week, he put a tree stand ladder in a big juniper tree in the raspberry patch. The deer are coming to eat the apples in the east orchard. This AM, Sunday, the deer were in the back yard. (no hunting on Sunday).  Dad was able to spend some time winterizing things to prepare for the coming days of colder weather. Thanks, Kenny for taking the water lilies to the cellar, & to the cleaning ladies who came by!
    A very cold week with 3” of snow, minus 5 below with only a high of 30’ and wind several days.  Everyday thousands of crows fly over going to roost or to feed, never seen so many!
    We love and appreciate all your love, help and prayers in our behalf!   CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday – It’s a holiday – Veterans Day

November 17, 2013

Dearest Family,
Monday – It’s a holiday – Veterans Day -  opened the FHC for the missionaries to write their letters home! It is a special site to see 8 missionaries, typing like crazy for two hours! They really go at it! Public Library closed.   Darece gave me a perm in the afternoon. Thanks, Darece.  Bro Croft busy at home with other p-day projects. Had a great FHE with a Mother-Daughter, 70-50 ages.  Mother & I worked in Family Tree. This Sister had wanted to get the deceased people in the first 4 generations ready for the temple, now they just have to print the Temple Ordinance Request & they can do the work! Daughter & Bro Croft learned to run the scanner.  They added photos, letters & stories to Family Tree!  One amazing thing they scanned was a tin plate, a kind of old photo. The miracle of this was that the daughter did not want anything to do with FH 6 months ago. Bro Croft was impressed to do some “Google Searches”  & go to “” with her one day when she brought her mother to the FHC. The spirit touched her & she is so excited about it all. One of her other accomplishments was translating some German records in an old Bible using “Google Translate”.  The spirit of Elijah is real, & this work can touch the heart of each person!
Tuesday – Hair cut, wow does it feel good!  Today, each of our Indexing sisters said the prayers when we visited them. These elderly sisters say the sweetest prayers & express so much gratitude for this great work & that they can be a part of it, & contribute something!   Worked with a couple who have just been called as FH Consultants. We were blessed to have others cover the FHC, while we went to Talon’s BB game, sure was fun to watch him! The Sister missionaries brought a couple into the center this evening!  We loved seeing that, just like it should be!  We were challenged, trying to recover the user name & password for one & confirm a new acct!  Some times all does not  go as planned, but maybe there is a reason!.
Wednesday – This AM was prep time, study time, etc.  for things coming up plus I gave Dad a hair cut too.  We helped another sister with indexing!   She is loving it!  Bro Croft, this afternoon, helped Ken with his Scouts. He is amazing when it comes to teaching these young men about the plants & animals, just here around our house. About 6:00 P.M. a Priest from one of the wards called, Bro Croft, saying “I knew I shouldn’t have delegated this, can you come & help us find names for the temple tonight?”  We felt blessed that we were free & went to help!  What a wonderful experience one young man had, he decided he wanted to work on the line of his biological father, whom he has no contact with. He knew just a little, & we were so guided to go back to his great-grand parents, immigrants in abt 1900. During the first few minutes, we were able to find the headstone of his grandfather & the spirit bore witness to him that this was so important!  Bro Croft, who has a gift when it comes to this, helped another young man who just knew that every one’s temple work had been done.   With just a little help, he soon had 8 names to do baptisms for. He came discouraged, not knowing his user name or password and that there were no names to find.........the  Spirit blessed them to work together and he received a Tender Mercy tonight!
Thursday – Our morning in Cowley!   Each week several come. It is going just like we had hoped it would. Also helped a sister in her home, doing research on co-lateral lines, she also  found several names for the temple.  Tonight we presented the My Family, Stories... lesson to a Primary Presidency.  They, of course, were unable to receive it when their Bishop presented it on Sunday. When it was over, they already had ideas for using it in Primary.
Friday – Laundry & home chores, then spent several hours with a non-member sister, then another couple who are new consultants.  I relaxed at the Pindroppers Quilt Club Christmas Party, had not been to any of their activities for quite awhile.
Saturday – 9:00 to 12:00 A Relief Society Super Saturday. they invited us to come & teach indexing!  During the morning they were able to index over 1300 names!   They were still able to work on all their other projects! Sure was a fun day! We become a Savior on Mount Zion as we do this work. It is a Triple Blessing; to the indexer, to the person indexed and to the descendant who finds them in Family Search!  Dad also was able to go out hunting several mornings & evenings. He is enjoying it, but hopes that last deer comes along soon.
Sunday    And last of all. We helped with one SS Class,  A “My Family, Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson in a ward, this is the 6th of 8, and again was amazing,The spirit that radiates from the videos in this presentation is the greatest!  During open library time this afternoon we were again able to work with the two couples who are new consultants & a High Priest Group Leader.  All are so excited. It just continued on into the evening.  We are so blessed to be serving full time right now as the Lord is hastening His work! ! !
We love you all, & CTR
Bro and Sister Croft  

Monday, November 11, 2013

A great FHE – with a very special family!

November 10, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    One of the best weeks!   A great FHE – with a very special family!  It was great!  Some looked for names for the temple, one looked for pictures & stories about ancesters, an another wrote a story of an ice cream party with Grandpa!  Before going we were blessed to find a story of an ancester who had the same professions as the Father in this home! It was a story which he had not heard before!  Another “Rest of the Story”, a family where we had held a FHE, reported of going to the temple & doing some baptisms with their family. Mom & Dad also did some sealings. It was the first time they had done them since their marriage 15 + years ago!

    As always, our Sunday was amazing!  Another ward did the “My Family, Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson!  Each Bishop does such an amazing job giving this lesson & today was no exception! 5 of the 8 wards in the stake have now done this lesson! Two more are scheduled to do it soon!  We love helping with this lesson!  We had three SS classes today, all with workshops, it seems every one is about ready to start new classes. Several wards are doing SS classes on their own & that is great, also!  We have also spent time with new consultants in two different wards! They are excited about their callings!

    One of our Youth Consultants brought her younger brother into the FHC this evening, she’s helping him find names for the temple when he turns 12 next year!  Another Sister today came to a class in Cowley, her niece, a Youth consultant, had spent the night with her & got her all excited about working on her Family History again!

     Wednesday, Rob, Krysta & I were able to attend a Luncheon for Scholarship recipients at Northwest College.  It was great to be together for a ‘to short of a time’! Must be satisfied with what ever we have.  We were also able to attend a 8th grade basketball game in Lovell, Ky was playing on the Powell team & we enjoyed cheering for him! That evening was our FHConsultant training meeting & Bro Croft did a great job leading a discussion on ways we can make our FHC a better place.  He also taught a few things about adding pictures & stories.

    Our Thursday FH morning in Cowley was really busy! We are glad to be offering that community FH 2x each week! We setup special appointments with 3 patrons on Friday afternoon at the FHC which went really well!
    Saturday we did the rest of our pDay going to the Lake boat fishing but since it was too cold be came in and shore fished instead. It was a nice time to be out again.
Special thanks to Darece, she helped us with the processing of our 2nd deer!  Sure feel blessed to have this meat for the coming year!

    We have had fun appointments with everyone this week, and are looking forward to a busy week coming up.
    The Lord continues to bless this area in doing more FH work and we see the blessing it is to the families each day!   CTR
We love you all!

Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, November 4, 2013

You know – writing letters is great!

Nov 3, 2013

Dearest Family!
    You know – writing letters is great!  It causes one to reflect on the happenings of the week & recognize the miracles that have happened! I am so very grateful for that.  I have learned that before, when I have kept a journal (which is only occasionally) but I do know it! Letters are like that!
    Today was one of those great days! Sacrament mtg & open FHC  with 3-4 walk-ins.  There are always some who have questions which they would like to ask!  We like that!  Dad was able to help a Sister who is just wanting to get started.  We helped with two other SS lessons  then a 1st Sunday RS lesson.  Had about 30 Sisters that we gave a follow-up lesson to, from the “My Family-Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson book. About 20 of them had their own PC, iPad or tablet to use. It was a miracle we were able to present it!   FamilySearch had just been doing funny things the past few day, especially in the photo section!   Not only that but in the class just prior to the RS lesson, the digital projector quit working – plan B   find a TV  - we think it went OK & most were able to find pictures of their family & some found stories!   We felt it was a success!  We feel our Heavenly Father’s hand in this work & feel so blessed when these activities come together – only with His help!  Back in the FHC in the afternoon – but left a little early, only to find when we returned this evening that some from the 5th Ward had come in with their consultants & had some special experiences. All are blessed as they go about learning.....  It was so nice to see Rob this evening, he came by to visit – hadn’t seen him for what seemed like ages!
    Everyday this week was amazing, FHE with a family of 8, they are looking for names to take to the temple.  We cut up Dad’s deer this morning too. The public library was not too busy  but still some success with some walkin patrons! Nice group in the FHC on Tuesday evening, Helped an older Sister who has worked in the other programs, but was new to Family Search. Wednesday a.m. was our morning in the FHC. About 3:00 Dad came in & said, “I think we should go up hunting tonight, we need to be leaving by 3:30” By 4:15 I had my deer down & we were home before 6:00,  & it was still light out!  There were deer in every field that night when we came home. We are so greatful for this good meat! We were able to watch on our TV via the web  the “Century of Honor” the Boy Scout special.  If you haven’t seen it, go to & watch it. It was amazing, we so enjoyed it! ! !

    Our Thursday morning in Cowley was great!   One sister who comes shared with us, “I sub at the school, & usually am called every day, except I just realized that I haven’t been called on Thursdays. I’m not good at remembering things that aren’t scheduled on my calendar, but I have been remembering FH each Thurday.” She has been finding names to take to the temple on her Thursday’s & feels the Lord’s hand in this.

    A  “the rest of the story” was also shared with us the other day.  We had helped 4 MiaMaids one Wed night. Three of them had found names for the temple. The other one was a 15 year old YW, whom we had spent the whole evening getting her LDS acct & a familySearch acct figured out!  Last Wed she was late for her YW’s presidency mtg, the reason, she had just completed finding 8-10 names for the next temple trip.  She was so excited!
    Friday & Saturday were great also!  Baked bread for the Nursing Home Volunteer’s Bake Sale.  We so enjoyed having Allen, Amber & family here for the night & opening day of pheasant season. Darece, Talon, Whitney and Kaitlyn came on Friday to rack leaves for us too!! Four of the Fike family spent the day with us! Dad & Ky went fishing in the boat at Horseshoe Bend on Bighorn Lake for 3 hours. Later Ky trimmed some branches from one of our trees that was blocking our outside light plus rubbing on the power line. The rest of us girls had a great time here, cousins having fun together. Daeja had been wanting to know what was in the trunk in the living room. We even took time to explore it’s treasures! It was a very enjoyable day! 

 By mid afternoon we were home alone reviewing our Sabbath day assignments and making final adjustments. We prepare well then let the Spirit lead us in the How To part as it happens! !
    We appreciate all everyone does to help us with our “home projects” so we can serve our mission!
Love you all! CTR

Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, October 28, 2013

Can’t believe it is the last Sunday of October

October 27, 2013

Dearest Family,
   Can’t believe it is the last Sunday of October – another month gone by so very quickly! We have enjoyed every minute of it & look forward to each  -new day! 
    Monday – P day - Library day!   super!  Didn’t have a FHE scheduled so we went deer hunting, a little change of pace, Dad was able to shot a nice doe up on Snells, still like the meat. Feel blessed!
    Tuesday – Indexed with several special ladies, they love it & know they are accomplishing something very worthwhile! First time appointment, with a sister who wants to get started again! I think she will enjoy putting pictures in! FHC was also busy in the evening with several patrons.
    Wednesday had a wonderful trip to Billings to the temple! It is always so uplifting to spend time there, doing some of our family names. Dad was also able to talk to Bro. Ed Johnson, Area Family History Advisor,  Ed, also has been able to have meetings with the Stake Presidents of the Area & share the spirit of this great work!  It is so inspiring for every one!
    Thursday – Our morning in the Cowley Chapel – we were able to help a sister continue finding names for temple work.  She is a leader in the YWs program in her ward so is able to help them also. It does have a rippling effect! Afternoon spent in another home,  then had a cancelation, it happens.
    Friday – remainder of P-day at the lake, a lot of fishing with not much catching.  In the afternoon, I helped a sister, we had been puzzling over Ruth Jane Beebe & with that special help from the spirit it finally all came together!  She will soon have all of her temple work completed & her info will be correct!   It was a special time to have Ryan stop by for supper and visit for a while this evening,   We so enjoy all of you & love to have you stop by!
    Saturday – the Crofts of Worland were here.    Grandpa, Allen, Melvin, Ira & Leanne went to the lake, it is a little crispy in the morning, but they all survived.  Amber, Camille & I had a wonderful time here at home! Who doesn’t have fun with a 14 month little sweetheart! Also got bread baked, and Amber got a little sewing done!  We were able to attend the baptism of a boy in our ward who's parents we have worked closely with for years including going to the temple with them! This was a special time to be with them once again for the baptism of their youngest son! 
    And the SUNDAY! It is always the greatest!  A change of pace today – didn’t start until 8:30 – attended the Cowley 1st ward sac mtg & were able to see the annual Primary Program, wonderful, then taught a class for 15 minutes. Just got them started before we were off to Byron Ward. Bishop  Don Hatch was doing the My Family Stories Lesson.  Home for lunch, then off to the Lovell 3rd ward. Bishop Steve McArthur gave this lesson to his ward! Both were so special.  The rest of the afternoon was spent in the FHC meeting with two more new Youth Consultants, a High Priest Group Leader & several other Consultants who are just getting started.  Our evening, also was helping several consultants.  It is a blessing to get this one on one time with them also!
We pray for each of you each week,   keep up the great work you are all doing!
CTR     Love to all!
Bro and Sister Croft

Friday, October 25, 2013

Billings Montana Temple Oct 2013

Billings Montana Temple October 23, 2013
We had a wonderful day in the Temple doing family names! The grounds are so beautiful in the fall!

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 20, 2013

Dearest Family,
    Great week!!!!   Last Monday the Fike kids (Ky, Symphony, Kenya, & Daeja, missed you Chalin) were out of school, so they came to visit. Plans were that we would do outside work,  but shucks – it was rainy & cold!  We scrapped that idea.  dusting in the house – playing several games, shopping in Grandma’s fabric store, the girls were making headbands, & Grandpa sharing - a sign which he has had on his desk. It reads:   THERE ARE THREE KINDS OF PEOPLE      Those who Make things happen, Those who Watch things happen, & Those who Wonder what happened.
    He told about Vicki giving it to him in abt 1986 when he was Bishop of the Lovell 2nd Ward.  It was used as a teaching tool many times while on that desk.  After his release, it was moved to the office and now to his desk at home as a continued reminder of what the Lord expects His children to be.  Yes, ones who Make things happen – Doers of the Word and not hearers only ! !    At 2:00 we were off to the Family History Center,  Public Library closed for Veterans Day. The sister Missionaries came in to write letters & we had several patrons.  Was super!
    Wednesday was our day to work in the FHC during the day & also have a mtg with the NeVilles, FHC Directors.  It is always a good time.  Was an enjoyable one, with several patrons.  Bro Croft had the opportunity to work with a Young lady, who had seen the article in the newspaper last year,  & had decided then she wanted to do FH.   So exciting!  She was able to start from nothing and end up with several generations just doing searches in the data base!
    In the evening, we were in Cowley helping four MiaMaids & two leaders, they have a temple excursion in December & want to take their own names.  We are off to a great start.  Three & one leader found names, & the other, a frustrating time, recovering her user name & password, plus she had both a Family Search Account & an LDS Account. Took a long phone call, final support missionary was in Japan, mainly because it was evening in SLC & this was the one on line at the moment! What a world wide church we have!
    The United States government went back to work today after Congress and the President approved a continuing resolution as a temporary Budget for 2014. Al was glad to be back to work after 16 days off!
    We went out to the Lake to shore fish at Crooked Ck Bay catching a nice 3lb plus Sauger that makes two meals for us. A beautiful cool day, no wind and awesome reflections! See our blog for some photos! We had not been out there due to the shutdown for 3 weeks.

Fall reflections at Bighorn Lake

What a view!

    Again, today was another amazing one!  Our first assignment was to present the My Family Lesson to the High Council!  What a blessing that was!  The spirit is always so strong whenever this info is presented! One member of the HC came by the FHC after his meetings were over, but we were on our way home for dinner!  We are so grateful for the opportunities we have these last two weeks to share this with the Stake Leaders & for their support & inspiring thoughts.
    The rest of the day was inspiring with brothers & sisters to help, Bro Croft was about the building touching base with serveral bishops, scheduling some upcoming activities!   We love it! More youth family history consultants were called as well today!  They  love the work and really fire up the wards!
CTR   We love you all!!!!! 
Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, October 14, 2013

At 9:30 p.m. tonight our day came to an end on this amazing Sabbath day!

October 13, 2013

Dearest Family,
    At 9:30 p.m.  tonight our day came to an end on this amazing Sabbath day!  We left home this morning at 7:30 a.m. Came home twice, just long enough to eat lunch & supper, then leave again.  Attended Sacrament meeting in a ward where 3 high school youth were sustained as Family history Consultants, they then each talked about their experiences in FH, testifying of the amazing way it made them feel & how it had helped them be closer to their Heavenly Father. A returning missionary also talked of how it had helped in the mission he served in.  We then helped in a youth class in that same ward.
    From there we went to the Cowley wards, with lunch in between.  These were adult classes, all were excited about the work, each class was on a different lesson.  Thoughts & inspiration come when it is needed as we teach & help the brothers & sisters in these classes.

    Next it was a Ward Sacrament Meeting in Lovell, Bro Croft had been asked to speak about FH in todays Church! And guess who one of the other speakers was?   Ethan talked about his mission & they both did great.  After the meeting a young man, a return missionary, home for the weekend from NW College, came up to Bro Croft & ask,  I’m been thinking, I need to learn about FH & how to do it, can you help me?  So off to the the FHC we went, & spent about an hour with him.  As he prepared to leave he shared his thoughts – Every time I hear someone speak about FH,  I have such a good feeling.  I have felt the spirit here as I have worked. It is so great!   While he was there he reserved several names for temple ordinances which he will be able to do, since he is already endowed.

    Tonight, we opened the FHC at 6:00, there were patrons & other consultants there to help.  We had been asked to speak at the planning meeting for YM-YW Youth Conference Pioneer Trek at Martins Cove in June of 2014.  They have decided that in preparation for this they want to have  youth, learn about there ancestors, their stories, & take at least one ancestor to the temple.  As we have studied, prayed & prepared for this, we have been guided to those things that we should present. We feel so very blessed!

    The past week we also had the blessing of attending the monthly Bishops/Stake Prescy mtg sharing info about the “To Turn the Hearts” program & the “My Family Stories” lesson which the Bishops are to present to their wards.  Again we witnessed many miracles happen as the Holy Ghost is bearing witness to this great work!
Each day we pray that the farmers and ranchers will be able to harvest their crops as the rain and snow continues to come down nearly every day. The weather this year was so dry then the rain/snow hit and has been with us for over a month now. Here at the house over 3.5” of moisture so far, the ground is soft every where. The mountains and foothills are white in all directions around the valley again today!
We attended the LHS homecoming pep rally on Thursday evening to support all the youth we work with in FH! It helps us stay in touch with them and know we enjoy what they are doing! Anytime we are at a public activity we have people ask us about helping them with FH. The football game was on Friday evening and we watched Lovell play a hard fought game against Thermop and win in the end. (on TV from the comforts of our warm home)
The FH work is being hastened so much by the Lord in our stake it’s hard to keep up with all we need to do to help those desiring help. We have many wonderful FH consultants including the new youth ones to help! We’re grateful so many of the ward leaders, including the HP Grp leaders have also been trained and can be helpers as well! For example on Wednesday evening we had two youth groups from the Lovell First and Second wards doing FH. There was 9 YM in one room and 12 YW in the other room being helped by FH consultants, youth leaders and youth consultants as they enjoyed doing family search and indexing!
Each week we say to each other can it get any better than this? And the next week is even a more awesome spiritual adventure! ! !
We Love you all, may God bless
Bro and Sister Croft


Monday, October 7, 2013

This week has been a feast of new & exciting information!

October 6, 2013
Dearest family,
    This week has been a feast of new & exciting information!  Wednesday was our FH consultant meeting. The topic was Indexing, given by one of the Stake indexing coordinators, then we extended the meeting and presented info to the group on the Family History- Family Stories lesson which we shared with all of you in our letter last week!  We now have three Youth Consultants in one of our wards in the Stake & they were able to come. It was an enjoyable evening.

    Our Friday was an at home day, It was a 4 hour Webinar from SLC about Indexing & changes coming in the next months.  It was great to hear the exciting things coming which will only make it better.  Both family search and indexing will be browser based by mid 2014. Family search is already that way. This means that all computers and tablets will be able to be used but not smart phones. Their format is just too small for effective use.  Also in the future there will be only an A reader and a reviewer not a A and B reader plus an arbitrator like now. This will increase the amount of names indexed by 50%. There was a panel discussion by 2 HC men and 2 Stake Indexing Coordinators (all from different stakes) of their successful indexing projects. Their stakes did from  3 to 6 million names this last year.

    We love General conference! Saturday started with a funeral at 9am, then General Conference. We had Ben Martins over for Chicken & noodles on Saturday evening &  then listened to the General Priesthood Meeting.  And guess what? It was a first for me!   We all enjoyed it so much!   Sunday was wonderful, also!   Allen & Amber called this A.M. to see if we minded if they came over.  Their van is in the shop, Allen is forloughed because of the Govt shutdown. Hope it gets resolved shortly. They squished into their pickup, brought their roast, we added a few things  & had a wonderful day together.  Hadn’t seen them since Big Sky!

    It has been a rainy, blustery week, went to Powell one day to do a little shopping, get adjusted, spend time at the Fike’s,  & see Symphony’s volleyball game.  They had lots of bugs at their house & it was snowy & miserable so we came home, maybe another day. Well our first killing frost hit on Friday night 20’F such a long fall this year! We did our final lawn mowing this week when we had some apts cancel. We also got another inch of rain vs all the snow around us. The mtns are very white with up to 30” in the higher elevations. Bighorn lake has risen almost 4 ft in the past 3 wks with all the runoff.

    Our visits in homes was great &  we had several people at the Public Library. Our time in the FHC was busy & productive. This evening we were able to meet with the new Youth Consultants also. Each week is different & we are so grateful for the Lord’s help in all we do!
We love you all, thanks for your prayers & CTR, 
  Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 30, 2013

Today was a spiritual high!

September 29, 2013

Dearest Family,
    Each week, it’s great to write and bring everyone up to date!  A normal week, anyway it started that way, the public library, indexing, FHC Tuesday, our morning in Cowley with several patrons to help, and a house call or two.

    It was great to have Bill & Kathy come on Thursday.   Kathy & I worked on FH and corrected the Shoopman line.  What a spiritual experience that was!   We were able to find censuses and other documentation which helped us. It was a special blessing to do this and have it all turn out perfectly!  On Friday we went to Billings Temple! Friday evening Trina & Trista had dinner with us!     Bill and Kathy went home on Saturday morning....we had a wonderful time together!

    The first frost of the fall occurred Friday night too, didn’t hurt much here. There is fresh snow on all the mtn tops around us! There was a herd of 10 mule deer here just before they left. We finished our pDay items on Saturday too then went to the burial of Daisy Sessions in Byron at 4pm. She is Uncle Newell Sessions (Gdpa Alvins youngest brother) wife, they lived in Thermopolis most of their life. We enjoyed visiting with the family. Dad and Mom were always close to Daisy and Newell. Rena and Janet attended the Gen Rel Soc Mtg tonight.

    As usual our Sunday was another great day!!!!!   Today was a spiritual high!  The Lovell 1st ward, the one we normally attend right now, had a great Testimony meeting, with 6 youth testifying of the influence which FH had had in their lives.   Also some of the adults also testified about FH.  Our youth SS class also was excited about it, and were wishing for more temple excursion, “when we have an excursion planned it motivates me to work harder to find names—“.  Then for the 5th Sunday lesson, the Bishop presented the “Family Stories Lesson” which comes from the brethern in SLC. The adults, YM & YW were all there, with everyone participating. The youth shared their experiences and responded in the discussions, along with parents and youth acknowledging how it was affecting their lives. The spirit bore testimony to this great work!  Another Bishop in Cowley also taught this lesson and it, too, was a spiritual feast!  The members are excited to write and share their stories!  See link below on Family Stories.

    We were also invited by the stake presidency to give presentations in the Stake Bishops meeting and in a Stake High council Meeting.  Prayers are answered. We feel so blessed to be a part of this great work!  We witness every week the hand of the Lord in it & are amazed! 

  CTR & we love you all! 
 Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today was a great one!

September 22, 2013
Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday, Krysta!  Well, time flies so quickly! 
    Today was a great one! Sacrament Mtg with Ethan Croft & Ben Cuch speaking, then in the afternoon, we heard Guy Jones was speaking! They were each a spiritual feast! Three Sunday School classes: a youth class & two adult ones! One sister had been adding lots of photos & stories to the tree! It was great to see her enjoying this part of the program. Another ward had an open workshop & I was able to help a brother! Sunday evening was also busy in the FHC. Had 9 people who spent time tonight working, asking questions, & seeking for loved ones. Bro Croft has continued to share the Sunday, Family Stories Family History lesson with HP Group leaders.  We will be helping with this presentation in two wards next Sunday!  The work continues to move along!
    FHE this week was with a family, husband, wife, adult son, & husband’s retired brother! We did indexing & all enjoyed it so very much!  Today they shared with us that they were continuing to work on it & are enjoying! Retired brother was talking to a neighbor who has time on his hands & would also enjoy it!  We talked to him, but he needs to do some upgrading on his computer.
    Wednesday was our day to cover the FHC in the morning! We arrived to find them spraying for bugs in the building. We were able to open up the building, but Dad decided not to take a chance, so he came home. Sister Nazer & I stayed. We each had a patron to work with, so that was good. Wednesday evening, we were scheduled to help a Laurels group do indexing in Cowley, only to find the power off when we arrived. They decided to come to Lovell instead!  Sure enjoyed working with them. They learn so quickly & do a great job!
    We’ve been in several other homes, just helping them get into the grove of working on FH again! Our new consulting time on Thursday mornings in Cowley will be busy this week! With the harvest on and our highway under construction we have to be extra careful driving. We use several alternate routes to get to our appointments.
    We had a fun morning of fishing at the Lake, 8 fish, kept 3 nice catfish,  Had two trips to Powell this week, thanks Dak for adjusting us! Bro Croft also had an LDS Scholarship Committee Meeting with the new NW College President. She is very excited about what the LDS families and students do for NWC!  We attended the funeral of Doyle Moncur, plus going to the first half of the Lovell vs Lyman football game. We enjoyed the game and seeing Whitney and Kaitlyn dance as part of the LHS Dance Team at half time.

     Many things are prayed over in our home as well as in yours.  Several months ago, we found it necessary to upgrade my computer then Mid-week I dropped it.  When It came back on, the moniter was blinking terribly & the mouse pointer caused the blinking to come & go!!!!!   It was awful!  I prayed over it in my personal prayers, & I am sure Bro Croft did also!  We feel so blessed & thankful that by Sunday it was back to normal, working correctly, without any problem.
We love you all and appreciate your prayers in our behalf!   CTR
        Bro and Sister Croft

Monday, September 16, 2013

Where do I begin? This has been an amazing week!

Sept 15, 2013
Dearest Family,
    Where do I begin?   This has been an amazing week! We have had our normal activities, then many extra’s added in.   I worked at the Blood draw two mornings, 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. Was also able to do part of my visiting teaching. One of our sister’s had surgery, so took bread & chicken & noodles to her. Wednesday was a study day, reviewing many things on the computer & I studied the pedigree’s of several people I help. One amazing discovery on was a “Family Stories FH lesson”.   It is to be taught by the Bishop in a combined lesson with RS, Priesthood, & YM-YW. It has the most amazing short videos & is so inspiring.  There is a new booklet to be used by each ward member to do some stories and their family tree called “My Family – Stories that bring us together! What a sweet spirit we felt as we have studied it & used some of the videos for training!   
    Thursday pm, we had an appt with a FHConsultant, JM, to continue her training, we felt inspired to call RL, a nonmember, who exclaimed, “I was just praying for your help, I’ll be right down” so, we had two to help! The Sister Missionaries dropped in, they were waiting for transportation for Sister Taylor, who was returning home after a successful mission.  She is a convert of 3 years. Sister NeVille had helped her prepare her grandmothers name for temple ordinances on Wed.  She & I found a great aunt she could also do.  On Friday, before leaving for home, she went to the Billings Temple and was baptized for both!  The NeVilles happened to be there when she completed this and shared in the joy which she felt!   She told them, “now there are three in her family who were members of the church!”  President Meacum, Billings Montana Mission President, also shared this experience with everyone at Stake Conference today, & expressed the joy which she felt!
    When we arrived home at 5:00 pm, there was a message from a High Priest Group Leader whom we had been trying to meet with for 6 months, wanting to meet.  We returned his call. He and his wife wanted to meet at 6:30pm. He is beginning to catch the vision of this great work and will inspire & direct his ward.  We met with another HP Group leader this afternoon, & he, too, is catching the vision!
     In addition, Stake Conference was amazing!  President Jordan, Temple Pres, said, “Family History will improve your whole life” speaking of all aspects of it bringing the Holy Ghost into our lives. Elder Rhodes of the 70 quoted President Hunter, “We need to receive both halves of the blessing”  To continue, he stated that to increase the influence & presence  of the Holy Ghost in our lives, we can 1st: do Family History & 2nd: improve our marriages. He also reminded us that if we have more names than we can do in our temple file, to immediately release them so that those waiting can receive the blessings.   Then on Sunday, he read the quotes of Elder Scott & Elder Bednar where they promised “that the youth and adults will be protected against the influence of the advisary by doing this work”   Aren’t we all in need of this protection?!. 
    Bro Croft felt inspired this a.m. early to call a certain Bishop. After trying several times, he called one of his counselors who replied, Bishop has been trying to call you?  When the Bishop was reached, he proceeded to express what he wanted to do in his ward for a 5th Sunday Lesson this month. Bro Croft asked him to go to his computer into , there in the FH section  was “Family Stories FH lesson”.  a new lesson just released this week that was exactly what he desired! They both shared their spiritual witness of this great work & the Lord’s hand in it!  About 30 minutes later another ward’s first councilor called with the same request. Some days its hard to believe what we experience as the Lord moves this work forward in our stake! We are so grateful to be a small part of this awesome experience with our saints here! We witness this FH work (all areas eg: indexing, photo & stories, genealogy, oral history, journaling, Family search/FTree)  are true and blesses all who do it!!!!
We love you all  & CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 9, 2013

They are all making Family History!

September 8, 2013

Dearest Family,
    This week seemed much like the last, only a little slower!  Holidays  & end of the season canning does that to our family history work!  Several people were ill or remembered sporting events with family! They are all making Family History!
    Dad was busy keeping up with new info, reviewing video’s etc.   I’ve had time to do some research, solving some puzzles on several lines.   JQ had an ancester who had several wives, but I wasn’t sure how it all fit together.  With the Lord’s help, I was able to put each family together.  It is so great how all the sources online help.  We also have contact with a Croft relative in Ohio who had offered to help with something when she is in SLC later this month.   Have been studying Hannah Boyd, wife of Henry B. Croft, & will see if she can help a little with that! Her line comes thru his second wife.
     We enjoyed half of a football game & Whitney & Kaitlyn dancing on Friday. Had a beautiful fall day for fishing on Friday a.m. fresh cat fish on the table again!  Happy Birthday, Darece!  Joy, Kaitlyn, Whitney & I  joined her for stuffed Tomatoes that day!  yummmmmm
    Wednesday evening was our monthly FH Consultant Training Meeting!  There is an amazing Primary video which we showed! I’ll try to include the link for all to see. Just click on it & pray it works. The second link gives more details from the FS Blog on how to involve the Primary children plus has the video link too! We have worked with children in our stake like this young man plus have some grd children doing the same!
    Our Sunday was great! The highlight today was attending a sacrament meeting where JN spoke. JN has been a FHConsultant for about 3 years. She has blossomed during this time, her testimony growing by leaps & bounds. Feeling the spirit as one works on FH has an amazing effect on people. Her sweet testimony is a very special example of it. We have watched her confidence grow, her knowledge increase over these past years. She loves to help people in the FHC, Public Library, & where ever she may be! And she will continue to grow as she continues to serve!
    We are finishing up most of the FH classes we have been helping with, There were open workshops in most today.  That is a great time working one on one with people. We have Stake conference, then General conference, so new classes will start in October.  We are also trying an outreach time.  We will be going to Cowley every Thursday A.M. for two hours, for people to come to the church & work on FH, much like coming to the FHC in Lovell.   It will be exciting to see what happens!
    We pray you each have a wonderful week!   We love you all so very much & CTR   Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 2, 2013

We have had a wonderful week, all the normal activities,

Sept 2, 2013

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday last week to Micah Vehrs, Bill, & Gaye.   This week to Darece!  
    We have had a wonderful week, all the normal activities, phone support, indexing & the public library. We have had several appointments with people for the first time.   AB is a sister who is a convert, so has a wonderful tree to research.  These are the kinds I love,  the original research is so fun & exciting to me. Our evenings in the FHC were busy ones, with 4-6 people in.  We so enjoy working with the different patrons!
    Today we had 2 youth classes,  one is just finishing up.  In August, the Come Follow Me lessons were on families & Family History.  We taught the youth in one ward for the last 3 weeks.  It was a fun group, we enjoyed it & we felt they did also.  In another ward, the second group of youth started a series of lessons.  They have worked on finding names before & are excited to learn more! We also had two adult classes today, at the end of each group of classes, we do several workshops so people can work on the things we have talked about. In these today were couples in which the husband is a convert.  During these, the wards announce that anyone in the ward can come in & work, an open library time for members to asked questions, etc.  Today, we also had several people drop by the library, just to say, “you have inspired me, my wife and I started indexing again after 2 years. Sure felt good”  Some of the youth thanked us for helping them get temple names saying “Doing my own family names changed me” We also shared a story from the Heber City, UT girls camp where thousands of YW from 12 to 18 yr old attend for a week.  A YW with cerebral palsy with only the use of her right index finger has indexed 400,000 names! One person with love and desire can perform miracles even when severely physically challenged!
    Last Tues evening, there were lots of missionaries around the church from the Riverton, Thermopolis, Worland area, waiting for vans. It was their turn to go to the Billings MT Temple.  The Zone leaders came into the FHC to see if there was some service they could do?  They were visiting with Bro Croft & asked him “How his mission had affected his family?” After sharing it, they desired that he share it at their next Zone meeting, but guess what? It is in Riverton?  So that they didn’t forget details, when they retold it, they requested that he write it up for them.   We have decided to include it with this letter and post it on our blog.
    Dad and I went to Big Horn Lake, Crooked Creek bay area on Friday morning cat fishing in our boat from 9:30am to 12:30. We had a wonderful time together while catching several cat fish of various sizes, none large enough to eat however.....
    Fall is in the air the past few morning with temps in the high 40’s! Plus we attended part of the Lovell Bulldogs first football game where Whitney and Kaitlynn danced at halftime.
    We love you all & have a great week!  CTR
Bro & Sister Croft   

Friday, August 30, 2013

How Serving A Full Time Mission Impacts Your Family Forever

How Serving A Full Time Mission Impacts Your Family Forever
by Robert Earl Croft
(written for a Billing Montana Mission Zone Conference Sept - 2013)
I would like to share my story of how my decision to serve a full time mission influenced my family forever.
My parents were married in Nov of 1941 at my great grand parents, Scott Sessions home in Lovell, Wyoming by the Bighorn Stake Pres Frank Brown. Mom's parents were from the Cowley and Sessions families who were pioneers sent here to colonize the Bighorn Basin. Dad's parents were pioneers from Ohio of the Presbyterian faith who came west to homestead the Powell Flat. Having parents of different faiths creates some interesting situations for a family. Mom and Dad were farmers and stock ranchers all their lives.
I was born in May of 1943 in Powell, WY at the local hospital. Having a baby tends to turn hearts to religion for a family. Mom wanted us to be LDS and Dad had no preference. My brother and three sisters joined our family over a few years. In this time period many stake missionaries visited our home in hopes of converting Dad to the Gospel. In fact he knew the various missionary discussion plans better than they did. In those days meeting were held in rented halls of various sorts some good some otherwise. The Sunday meetings were held at various times with Primary on Tuesday afternoons after school and mutual on Wednesday evenings. That's a lot different than what we know today. When us kids were young, mom took us to church with dad going maybe half the time. When my brother and I were teenagers, we tended to stay home with Dad while Mom took her 3 girls to church meeting. Dad's parents were sabbath day keepers and did not work the farm on Sunday so Dad didn't either. The three of us were home together doing various things like horse training, working our oxen to get ready for parades, making horse gear, just visiting together, and fishing once in awhile.

The folks were very involved in local community events, 4H Club and FFA including all our projects and going to the fairs. They were 4H leaders all their lives helping dozens of kids learn life skills!

In 1960 a stake missionary couple from Byron, WY, Wilder and Ella Mae Hatch, dairy farmers, began to call on our family to friendship us. They would drive the 15 miles to see if my brother and I would like to go to church? Some times we would go and other times we had “plans”. They just kept coming each week to extend love and invite. They developed a wonderful friendship with Dad on these visits! They never bugged him about church like the other previous missionaries did. When he showed no interest they never showed up again. Dad called them “fair weather “ friends he didn't need. He knew the Hatch's really cared for he and his family!

I graduated from high school in 1961 and attended the local college, Northwest College in Powell, taking agricultural related classes. I had never attended seminary because there was too much to do on the farm from before light to after dark, winter and summer. I was able to attend institute at NWC which I really enjoyed!
My Bishop while I was in high school and college worked hard to become my best friend! Even though I didn't go to church a lot, he was always there for me. On one occasion in the Spring of 1963 as we were together in his office he called me to serve a full time mission. I had never seen a FT Missionary since in our area we only had stake missionaries. Something happened inside of me that morning (The Holy Ghost bore witness to me) that caused me to say yes to his call!!! He had not served a mission, but had seen elders in his travels here and there especially in Utah. All he knew for sure was that the Lord had inspired him that day to call me. We had never had a discussion about being a missionary before...... I went home that day only knowing I felt great inside and I had told my Bishop I would serve a full time mission. When I announced this to my family Mom was over joyed, my sisters cried knowing I would be gone for 2 years, my brother didn't know what a mission was so had no comment. Dad on the other hand was not so thrilled.....he was confused, upset, frustrated, etc not knowing what I had agreed to do for the next two years. I couldn't say anything other than I knew I had told the Lord I would go. I had dozens of questions in my own mind yet to answer. I worked for the Univ of Wyo Research Station all summer to get my money to go. Bishop said it was $125/month and that the ward could help too. My paper work was done and sent to SLC then the wait began.......several weeks went by before my call came. The letter from Pres David O McKay was wonderful. I was called to the Shreveport LA mission and to report to the SLC MTC in early September. Due to some health issues I was reassigned in November to the Western States Mission in Denver, Colorado.

Dad was pretty quiet around me for quite awhile as he got used to me being gone for 2 years. One morning he told the family he needed to tell us of an experience he had had repeatedly for several nights. He would see in his dream all his family going into this beautiful temple but they won't let him go in. He finally recognized the temple being the one in Idaho Falls. He had heard of eternal families in all his missionary meetings over the years so he knew about the purposes of temples. He informed us that the Hatches would be coming back to teach him the Gospel. We all enjoyed this time as they taught our family, with Dad being baptized by my brother. I now held the Melchizedek priesthood so I was able to confirm him in May of 1963. Now my relationship with Dad was better than ever before! He made plans for the family to be sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple in July of 1964. On the farm you have to have a lot of help to cover for you when you leave for a day or two. With all of us gone, several folks would have to help do the needed chores.
The summer past quickly and I was with my Grandma and Grandpa Sessions going to SLC to be endowed and trained in the MTC the first week of Sept 1963. To my delight the MTC Pres was Frank and Myra Brown, the same one who married Mom and Dad in 1941, I immediately felt right at home! While in the MTC for only 5 days we were trained by the First Prescy and the Twelve. I was set apart by Elder Spencer W Kimball. We had training from Pres McKay in the upper room of the Salt Lake Temple too. Pres Moyle died while I was in the MTC so we all went to his funeral, lining the sidewalk where his casket was pushed into the Tabernacle, then sitting up front near the family.
I was blessed with a wonderful mission experience over those 2 years. My family was sealed in July 1964 in the Idaho Falls Temple. 

Once I got home I was sealed to my parents in the Idaho Falls Temple.
I went to college at the Univ of Wyoming in Sept 1965 where I met Rena, the love of my life. We were sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple in Dec 1966. We continued our schooling for 6 more yrs at UW where I received both a BA and MS degree. We were blessed with a son and 2 daughters while there. The Lord blessed us to serve in many callings at college. My patriarchal blessing continued to be fulfilled as I served as a leader in the kingdom.
We moved to Lovell, WY in 1974 and were blessed with another daughter and a second son. Again the Lord blessed us to serve in many callings in His kingdom. We were blessed to have our own businesses in Powell for 38 yrs. I retired at age 70 so we could serve the Lord full time! Our children all have families in the Gospel and now our grandchildren are doing the same! We have sent several sons and grandsons on missions around the world. Three grandsons are now serving!

Mom and Dad served as Stake Missionaries for many years as Dad was able to teach many of his friends and their families the gospel. Most of these men and their families are still active in the church today. Several have left this life for the next!
Dad took care of Mom at home the 4 years before she died at 86. Just a few weeks before she died they ask me to stop by the house on my way home, they wanted to tell me something important. With Mom in her bed and Dad holding her hand he said “ Son have you ever thought where this family would be today had you not decided to serve a mission?” I was 65 years old and had never considered such.............WOW, I can't even imagine living a life in this World with out the Gospel! I know as a family we had been very blessed and continue to be blessed! We have nearly 40 in our family now while Dad and Mom's descendents number near 200. Hundreds of people have been blessed with the Gospel by the missionaries sent out from this family including those taught by our parents! Dad died on Thanksgiving Day 2012 at the age of 94. We were all so excited for he and Mom to be together again! People at his funeral were puzzled as to our joy instead of sadness. This gave us another opportunity to explain eternal families to them.
I often hear youth say I can do what I want because it doesn't effect anyone else............I testify that the choices we make, do make a difference in hundreds of lives! I thank the Lord for helping me make a great choice so many years ago! ! !
Today Sister Croft and I serve as full time FH Missionaries in the “To Turn The Hearts” program in our stake. Our days are long and spiritually rewarding as we work with members and non-members doing Family History! We witness miracles each day in the lives of the people we serve! Our work with the youth is extra special! Our work with you missionaries is always awesome! ! !

Elders and Sisters you will not know for years the impact of your missionary service on you, your family and others!
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, He lives, He loves you, families can be together forever, President Thomas S Monson is the Lord's prophet, the Atonement is real and blesses my life everyday in physical and spiritual ways!