Monday, November 25, 2013

Wow! Each week is the same, 7 wonderful days,

November 24, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Wow!   Each week is the same, 7 wonderful days, filled with similar activities, but different experiences, inspirations,  successes & new things!   Today we started two adult classes in different wards.  Two other wards had classes on their own,  they are ones who have several consultants & can do them on their own, both were youth classes.  We also had a first time experience today.  We had a follow-up lesson after the “Family Stories Lesson” with RS sisters.  Seven (including two brand new consultants) came in to begin adding photos, stories, & documents. We will probably work with them several weeks. One sister came in again after her meetings were over & we were able to scan several photos she had brought & get them linked to her tree.  One of the other sisters was going to scan at home this week.  The first time we meet with any group, we always spend most of the time setting up LDS accounts & recovering user names & passwords.  We had the 7th of 8 My Family Stories lesson. The spirit is great with each one of these!  Our evening was busy in the center tonight also with three patrons & 2 new consultants who will teach in their ward next week for the first time while we are doing a HP group follow-up lesson!   They will do great! 
    Thursday in Cowley was a busy day also!  There were 4 patrons who came in, just right for us to work with & feel like we were able to accomplish something.  Bro Croft helped one with adding photos & another with some indexing questions – He said that the answers which came to solve her problems were not something he knew – so grateful to have that inspiration!  While there, I wrote a little info down about a family I had helped one man with.  Things just didn’t look right.  I can home & worked on it some more, felt inspired to go to & amazingly there were headstone & very detailed obituaries – for several generations of men!   Again so grateful for the guidance.  This same brother and his wife came into the FHC tonight & we were able to work with he & his wife. We met with the two HCmen over missionary work plus the ward mission leaders and FTMissionaries  on Thursday evening to teach them how to use FH  (including indexing) in missionary, convert retention and reactivation work. The Brethern have provided several wonderful training videos for this purpose!
    Other activities this week included a trip to the temple, so uplifting & always inspiring!  Had lunch at Wendy’s with a couple we have met who are ordinance works from Jordon Montana. Ethan came by for awhile to visit & we enjoyed having him stay for dinner. We installed a new scanner in the FHC! Dad did a little hunting this week, he put a tree stand ladder in a big juniper tree in the raspberry patch. The deer are coming to eat the apples in the east orchard. This AM, Sunday, the deer were in the back yard. (no hunting on Sunday).  Dad was able to spend some time winterizing things to prepare for the coming days of colder weather. Thanks, Kenny for taking the water lilies to the cellar, & to the cleaning ladies who came by!
    A very cold week with 3” of snow, minus 5 below with only a high of 30’ and wind several days.  Everyday thousands of crows fly over going to roost or to feed, never seen so many!
    We love and appreciate all your love, help and prayers in our behalf!   CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

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