Monday, October 28, 2013

Can’t believe it is the last Sunday of October

October 27, 2013

Dearest Family,
   Can’t believe it is the last Sunday of October – another month gone by so very quickly! We have enjoyed every minute of it & look forward to each  -new day! 
    Monday – P day - Library day!   super!  Didn’t have a FHE scheduled so we went deer hunting, a little change of pace, Dad was able to shot a nice doe up on Snells, still like the meat. Feel blessed!
    Tuesday – Indexed with several special ladies, they love it & know they are accomplishing something very worthwhile! First time appointment, with a sister who wants to get started again! I think she will enjoy putting pictures in! FHC was also busy in the evening with several patrons.
    Wednesday had a wonderful trip to Billings to the temple! It is always so uplifting to spend time there, doing some of our family names. Dad was also able to talk to Bro. Ed Johnson, Area Family History Advisor,  Ed, also has been able to have meetings with the Stake Presidents of the Area & share the spirit of this great work!  It is so inspiring for every one!
    Thursday – Our morning in the Cowley Chapel – we were able to help a sister continue finding names for temple work.  She is a leader in the YWs program in her ward so is able to help them also. It does have a rippling effect! Afternoon spent in another home,  then had a cancelation, it happens.
    Friday – remainder of P-day at the lake, a lot of fishing with not much catching.  In the afternoon, I helped a sister, we had been puzzling over Ruth Jane Beebe & with that special help from the spirit it finally all came together!  She will soon have all of her temple work completed & her info will be correct!   It was a special time to have Ryan stop by for supper and visit for a while this evening,   We so enjoy all of you & love to have you stop by!
    Saturday – the Crofts of Worland were here.    Grandpa, Allen, Melvin, Ira & Leanne went to the lake, it is a little crispy in the morning, but they all survived.  Amber, Camille & I had a wonderful time here at home! Who doesn’t have fun with a 14 month little sweetheart! Also got bread baked, and Amber got a little sewing done!  We were able to attend the baptism of a boy in our ward who's parents we have worked closely with for years including going to the temple with them! This was a special time to be with them once again for the baptism of their youngest son! 
    And the SUNDAY! It is always the greatest!  A change of pace today – didn’t start until 8:30 – attended the Cowley 1st ward sac mtg & were able to see the annual Primary Program, wonderful, then taught a class for 15 minutes. Just got them started before we were off to Byron Ward. Bishop  Don Hatch was doing the My Family Stories Lesson.  Home for lunch, then off to the Lovell 3rd ward. Bishop Steve McArthur gave this lesson to his ward! Both were so special.  The rest of the afternoon was spent in the FHC meeting with two more new Youth Consultants, a High Priest Group Leader & several other Consultants who are just getting started.  Our evening, also was helping several consultants.  It is a blessing to get this one on one time with them also!
We pray for each of you each week,   keep up the great work you are all doing!
CTR     Love to all!
Bro and Sister Croft

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