Monday, September 9, 2013

They are all making Family History!

September 8, 2013

Dearest Family,
    This week seemed much like the last, only a little slower!  Holidays  & end of the season canning does that to our family history work!  Several people were ill or remembered sporting events with family! They are all making Family History!
    Dad was busy keeping up with new info, reviewing video’s etc.   I’ve had time to do some research, solving some puzzles on several lines.   JQ had an ancester who had several wives, but I wasn’t sure how it all fit together.  With the Lord’s help, I was able to put each family together.  It is so great how all the sources online help.  We also have contact with a Croft relative in Ohio who had offered to help with something when she is in SLC later this month.   Have been studying Hannah Boyd, wife of Henry B. Croft, & will see if she can help a little with that! Her line comes thru his second wife.
     We enjoyed half of a football game & Whitney & Kaitlyn dancing on Friday. Had a beautiful fall day for fishing on Friday a.m. fresh cat fish on the table again!  Happy Birthday, Darece!  Joy, Kaitlyn, Whitney & I  joined her for stuffed Tomatoes that day!  yummmmmm
    Wednesday evening was our monthly FH Consultant Training Meeting!  There is an amazing Primary video which we showed! I’ll try to include the link for all to see. Just click on it & pray it works. The second link gives more details from the FS Blog on how to involve the Primary children plus has the video link too! We have worked with children in our stake like this young man plus have some grd children doing the same!
    Our Sunday was great! The highlight today was attending a sacrament meeting where JN spoke. JN has been a FHConsultant for about 3 years. She has blossomed during this time, her testimony growing by leaps & bounds. Feeling the spirit as one works on FH has an amazing effect on people. Her sweet testimony is a very special example of it. We have watched her confidence grow, her knowledge increase over these past years. She loves to help people in the FHC, Public Library, & where ever she may be! And she will continue to grow as she continues to serve!
    We are finishing up most of the FH classes we have been helping with, There were open workshops in most today.  That is a great time working one on one with people. We have Stake conference, then General conference, so new classes will start in October.  We are also trying an outreach time.  We will be going to Cowley every Thursday A.M. for two hours, for people to come to the church & work on FH, much like coming to the FHC in Lovell.   It will be exciting to see what happens!
    We pray you each have a wonderful week!   We love you all so very much & CTR   Bro & Sis Croft

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