Monday, December 9, 2013

Yes, every Sabbath day is a wonderful day

December 8, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Yes, every Sabbath day is a wonderful day, even when it is especially crispy, below 0 degrees, br.r.r.! Being blessed with the opportunity to renew our covenants with our Heavenly Father makes for a perfect day! We were able to teach in two classes today,  about searching records to learn more about our family members. It is truly amazing what we can do in a matter of moments with computers!  Also gratitude to all the indexers out there! Family,, Google searches & those in other search engines & so-so many more! We felt so blessed to have the spirit there in each class!  We had several RS sisters to continue learning about adding photos. Another ward had open library time in the FHC for the first time. Five adult members of one family came in to discuss places where they were stumped! It is wonderful to see families assigning different lines to each one, working together! 

    It was an amazing Christmas Devotional this evening.  The FHC was very cool today, so we were chilled when we got home, a little early at 4:30pm. Had dinner & enjoyed the broadcast at home & because of the bdcst, the center was closed!  I think we are both finally warm!  You can definitely tell that we are ready for some sunshine & above 0 temperatures! Weatherman says by mid week above zero nights and near 30 days......YES! ! ! !

    I so enjoyed the devotional: President Monson’s direction to be more Understanding, Compassionate, Serve, Friendly, Kind & Gentler & to give to the Savior this Christmas season “A more Tender, Caring Heart”  Sister Wixom’s “what happens next”, & Elder Nelson’s “The Savior is the only true source of peace”  What a blessing it was to watch it twice this evening! 

    This week has been plagued with cold & very icy highways & streets.  All week below zero days and 15 to 20 below nights, very unusual for early December. There was 2 inches of dry snow one night too. Bro Croft has not walked outside anytime this week..... The semi trucks that haul the sugar beets to the factory didn’t run for several days then finally had too. They chained up the semi’s & drove them slow on the 60 mile round trip to break up the ice. It took 4 days to finally get the tracks broke up then the snow plows could remove it from the highway........All the years, over 40 now here in Lovell we have never seen such ice on the roads.  Several new people stopped by the Public Library, great, standby ones were busy with Christmas preparation. Bro Croft has been able to do some phone support & instruction.  On Tuesday, it was more convenient for us to go to the FHC & be with the missionaries.  They do Facebook twice a week & a librarian comes in with them. Several also had questions about FH, so it worked out well!

    We have been able to get a scanner for the FHC for patrons to use.  Wednesday was a preparation day for a lesson on using it at the FH consultant meeting that evening I did the presentation. (She did a wonderful job ! ! ! note by Bro Croft) Thursday A.M. we continued to have a nice group in Cowley.  Even with the cold weather, there were five patrons.
   We have also had extra time this week for home things, still sorting my deep dark hole,  cutting up the final deer, making a little jerky & cold weather maintenance! Out of the deep dark hole came an invoice for our 1st new car, an opal station wagon, pd 2191.18 to replace our ‘57 Chevy, wedding invitation for Frank & Rena Petersen in February of 1905, & 4 graduation announcements for Grandpa Charlie M Petersen & his siblings, & Bro Croft’s certificates of baptism, & priesthood ordination, they will go in the document section of  Have you looked to see what is new there?

    Have a great week, everyone!  Happy Birthday to Isaac last Monday! 
 We love you all & CTR,  Bro & Sister Croft

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