Monday, October 7, 2013

This week has been a feast of new & exciting information!

October 6, 2013
Dearest family,
    This week has been a feast of new & exciting information!  Wednesday was our FH consultant meeting. The topic was Indexing, given by one of the Stake indexing coordinators, then we extended the meeting and presented info to the group on the Family History- Family Stories lesson which we shared with all of you in our letter last week!  We now have three Youth Consultants in one of our wards in the Stake & they were able to come. It was an enjoyable evening.

    Our Friday was an at home day, It was a 4 hour Webinar from SLC about Indexing & changes coming in the next months.  It was great to hear the exciting things coming which will only make it better.  Both family search and indexing will be browser based by mid 2014. Family search is already that way. This means that all computers and tablets will be able to be used but not smart phones. Their format is just too small for effective use.  Also in the future there will be only an A reader and a reviewer not a A and B reader plus an arbitrator like now. This will increase the amount of names indexed by 50%. There was a panel discussion by 2 HC men and 2 Stake Indexing Coordinators (all from different stakes) of their successful indexing projects. Their stakes did from  3 to 6 million names this last year.

    We love General conference! Saturday started with a funeral at 9am, then General Conference. We had Ben Martins over for Chicken & noodles on Saturday evening &  then listened to the General Priesthood Meeting.  And guess what? It was a first for me!   We all enjoyed it so much!   Sunday was wonderful, also!   Allen & Amber called this A.M. to see if we minded if they came over.  Their van is in the shop, Allen is forloughed because of the Govt shutdown. Hope it gets resolved shortly. They squished into their pickup, brought their roast, we added a few things  & had a wonderful day together.  Hadn’t seen them since Big Sky!

    It has been a rainy, blustery week, went to Powell one day to do a little shopping, get adjusted, spend time at the Fike’s,  & see Symphony’s volleyball game.  They had lots of bugs at their house & it was snowy & miserable so we came home, maybe another day. Well our first killing frost hit on Friday night 20’F such a long fall this year! We did our final lawn mowing this week when we had some apts cancel. We also got another inch of rain vs all the snow around us. The mtns are very white with up to 30” in the higher elevations. Bighorn lake has risen almost 4 ft in the past 3 wks with all the runoff.

    Our visits in homes was great &  we had several people at the Public Library. Our time in the FHC was busy & productive. This evening we were able to meet with the new Youth Consultants also. Each week is different & we are so grateful for the Lord’s help in all we do!
We love you all, thanks for your prayers & CTR, 
  Bro & Sis Croft

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