Monday, December 23, 2013

December 22, 2013

Dearest Family,  
    “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, just like the ones I used to know”   I did love the “White Christmas’s” at home growing up in Jackson! Dad did as well in Powell but on the farm with all the animals it meant a lot more work everyday to take care of them. Snow would be deeper than the fences and very crusted so the animals couldn’t walk around only break thru and be stuck.  No loaders or snow blowers to clean out the pens just man power and shovels....... It was a snowy day today with about 6+ inches of snow. Started this a.m.  lasted until about 1:00 p.m.  We had a super white out trip to Cowley & back this a.m. Then another into Lovell abt noon.  We were blessed & able to travel safely.
    Happy Birthday to Kenny & Melvin!!! Hope it was a great day for each of you!
    Our day started today with a wonderful sacrament meeting & a beautiful Christmas program & ended this evening with the Stake Choir Concert, an amazing rendition of Christmas music – what talented people we have who share their time & talent! Sure helps us get in the spirit of it all!
    Classes were great today, felt really good about one we gave on adding photos to your family tree. The photo section is the greatest! It surely is a great special way to get to know our loved ones.  It’s also great to share our memories & stories of those  parents & grandparents whom we so loved & knew so well! Take a moment this Holiday Season to write a memory of an ancestor you knew & loved & add it to Family Tree! Do you have a photo of that special event which y.ou remember?  Add it also.
    A special day Dec 16, 1966! We have lived & loved each other for 47 wonderful years! We enjoyed having a normal Monday – helping a non-member lady learn about her family at the public library. It’s a family with some unusual circumstances & it is amazing what we are able to find! The spirit is great as we do this & she is amazed also!  It was our Wednesday in the FHC & I was able to help some patrons. Bro Croft & Sister NeVille worked on organizational things in the center and the FH Fair coming in March. Also had a meeting in Cowley, discussing computer internet problems with SLC – did make progress tho---

    Enjoyed several home visits to help people, a high school choir concert to hear the Grant girls, Anniversary dinner at the Grants on Friday & a visit with the Fike girls, Kenya & Daeja on Saturday while Mom & Dad went to the temple.  So nice to have a normal temp week with sun and a few snow flurries until yesterdays big one. There was also a local basketball tournament in Cowly/Lovell gyms that gave us opportunity to see many of the YM and YW youth we work with  play. We went to 2 for 2 quarters then saw parts of others on local TV in the evenings!  Supporting them this way gives us a closeness with them at church!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
We love you all!   CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

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