Monday, December 16, 2013

May we share this Christmas thought

December 15, 2013

May we share this Christmas thought from Isaiah 9:6        “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given -  and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.                                                                     
From President Thomas S. Monson,      “During this season of rejoicing and celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, may each of us take time to ponder the true meaning of Christmas and the gifts of peace, love, joy, and happiness that He has given to us through His Birth, His Life and His ultimate gift of the Atonement that allows us to return and live with Him again. May our gift to the Savior this year and always be a more tender, caring, and obedient heart.
Dearest Family!   
    What a special day!  Sacrament mtg was oh-oh so special, the talks made us think about the Savior & want to draw nearer to Him.  We had classes in three wards & open library time in two other wards.  We were able to help people, most of the equipment worked great!  It was such a very nice day! In each group we were able to help people. We are so grateful for the inspiration to help & serve our Heavenly Father!. Tonight in the FHC there were patrons to help & all three of the consultants had a patron to help.  It was a great day!

    FHE was with a family who have 4 daughters, ages 5-12!  they had missed the “Family Stories Lesson so we shared that with them. The young ladies are excited to talk to their great Grandma’s & begin to hear their stories! We enjoyed it so very much! They are also going to have the youth consultants come & help them with other things, finding temple names, adding stories & pictures!
    A very nice week of warm weather and sun....more like Dec should feel! The forecast for next week is for even temps in the mid 40’s.  We still have 2” of snow on the ground and lots of ice on the streets and parking lots.

    We were in Powell one day, did a little shopping & it was great to get adjusted! We have found this week that people were busy preparing for Christmas or any number of things, a computer crashed, etc. so appts had to be canceled. We even did a little more Christmas decorating, We have a beautiful poinsettia tree!
    We so enjoyed our ward Christmas party! Seems like ages since we have visited with our ward members!  One evening, while in the FHC we were blessed to attend tithing settlement. That too, is a great blessing! ! Bishop had us share one of our blessings of being full tithe payers all our lives. The blessing of good health to our family and always having our needs taken care of came to our minds. There were still big challenges but always comfort and means to keep moving along life’s journey! ! !
    Saturday was the high light of the week!  Congratulations to Ryan & Rhonda! What a blessing it was to be in the Billings Montana Temple with them & also other family members, then to be together again at the reception! We also attended the temple sealing  of very special friends, Mike & Anita Fink. Their two sons will be in the temple with them shortly too!  This great work blesses the lives of everyone!  We are so blessed to be able to share in the joy of this great work!
We love you all and pray the Lord’s blessings upon you,
Brother and Sister Croft
Our Christmas tree and nativity!

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