Monday, November 28, 2016

We were in Burlington to speak

Dearest Family,
     Happy 17th Birthday, Isaac!  Have a great day!!!!
     Wow! What a special day!  We were in Burlington to speak in sacrament meeting to a ward there, then left immediately for the Basin/Greybull Chapel.  There we taught to RS/Priesthood lessons in each ward.  We felt that there were some in each group who will work on it & find that it will help them!  There were also so some ward & stake leaders in each group who have caught the vision, & will begin to share it as leaders.  That is the key to success! 
     On our way back thru Greybull we stopped to see Aunt Leona & Lavon.  They had had a busy week with company for Thanksgiving. Aunt Leona was resting & we were able to visit with Aunt Lavon.  Was a nice visit!
      It has been a nice week!  Each Monday I have been helping a friend sort thru so much stuff. She moved into a very small apartment, bringing with her the belongings of her deceased parents & her things. We have been having a good time & are making progress! there are always three boxes available: keep - donate - throw away!  I am glad that I can help!

       Dad was able to Skype in the afternoon & we also did a Family Home Evening on Monday reviewing every thing with a couple.  Was a nice day! 
      On Tuesday Darece & I went to Billings, worked in the temple laundry, shopped, & had a great lunch at "Touch of Asia" restaurant.  Yumm Yumm!   enjoyed it very much!  Dad did some checking of the internet in Byron, we are going to be up there just visiting next week.  A youth consultant will be giving a lesson in Family History & will need to have good service.  He also had some special playtime with Athena!  Invited she & her Mom over for a while in the afternoon.
     Wednesday he was able to get the second deer on the hill across the road! He even brought his camo blind home & put it away!   I worked on preparations for Thanksgiving, making a pie & stuffing for dinner.  We had a wonderful time with every one at Ken & Darece's.  We enjoyed Rob, Michelle, Krysta & Josh, Kenny, Rosie & Lucy, Whitney, Kaitlyn, Nate & Talon, & the sister missionaries! Nice day, great food & the best company!  It was also great to visit with Marlene & Allen this week!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

      Friday was a nice day at home!  Dad did outside stuff, put the boat to bed for the winter  then in the afternoon went bike riding with Rob.  I worked on the laundry & Dad and I's Hero Quilt.   I enjoy spending a day at home sewing! Saturday Dad and I went shore fishing at Crooked Creek bay beautiful sunny morning in low 40's but no bites even today. He also started rebuilding the corral fence by the tree we cut . Did some FS prep and watched some football.

We love you all, Mom and Dad

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