Monday, November 21, 2016

Dearest Family,
        What a wonderful Sunday!   Today we spent the day in Burlington, Wyoming.  What a wonderful little community!  We spoke in two different wards, then attended RS/Priesthood in one of them.  We always enjoy going there.  How great it is to visit all the wards & stakes around us. Your Dad always does a great job when he speaks! (Grdma does an awesome job too we're a great team! - Gdpa)  We have been out of the habit after several weeks of conferences.  Nice to get back in the routine!

     This week has been a busy one.  Dad had got a wt buck deer on the 3rd & it had been hanging in the cold in our meat room – Monday was the cut-up day.  We feel blessed to have the meat for the winter in our freezer!   On Tuesday, Art Camerena came over & we had him cut down another tree for us.  It was out by the garden & much of it was affected by the hard winter we had several years ago.  He cuts them down then is able to sell the wood.  We appreciated his hard work which was really a help.  There is still a little clean up to do, hauling the small stuff to the burn pile, etc. but there is time to do that later on a nice day! We saw the white house finch several times this week!  Had some snow 1" plus very cold mid teens temps for 2 days, west of here the snow was much deeper with wind. The tomatoes in the greenhouse are doing great with some getting ripe before long! The beet and bean harvest is finally over what a relief for the farmers. 

    We have had several Skype appointments this week which have been great!  On Friday it was fun to attend Friday Forum  at the Institute in Powell.   It is fun to be with the young people & teach them about finding names to take to the temple.  There was probably 20 + there. Sure enjoyed it!  We had some special experiences again. One YW from Cody was very discouraged when we started to help her,  she had never been able to find her own name because all her work had been done. Dad assured her that there were plenty of new cousins in her tree that needed her help & thru the hint process she could find them. With reluctance she began to process hints after about the 3rd one she found a family on a census who had 3 more children than was in her tree. She got very excited to see the + sign by these names and she added them to her tree 2 girls and a boy. Then even more excitement when she went back to her Descendants with tasks list there were more new hints on these three children. They now had families of their own in vital records for her to add more new names . . . our time was up but she was thrilled and anxious to finish adding these new ones after her next college class.  She couldn't wait to share her findings with her parents!  We are grateful for the Lord’s hand & that she was prompted to go to a place where she was able to find those cousins who needed her help.
    We send out love to all of you    Mom & Dad 

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