Monday, December 5, 2016

What a wonderful time of the year!

Dearest Family,
     What a wonderful time of the year!  So grateful for all of you!  We have a wonderful family & we love every one of you!  Special children & their special companions!  Wonderful grandchildren & wonderful companions for those who are married, & wonderful great grandchildren!  How blessed we are!  

Attended the baptism of Jim Woody, some of you older ones may remember him! When we see the enthusiasm of a new convert it reminds me of how much I appreciate the gospel of Jesus Christ!  

Another great blessing this week - a trip to Billings to the temple.  So special to perform the work for others & be reminded of the covenants we make there.  then there are the blessing of renewing friendships.   We had met & had lunch many times with a couple from Jordan, Montana, who were ordinance workers. They would finish their shift on Friday when we were there then go to Wendy's for lunch before they returned home.  They were released about a year ago & we had not seen them for some time.  They were there on Wednesday & it was so great to see them!  Then we also saw Karen Robertson & her husband there, she is Joy's age.  Made a couple of shopping stops then came home, what a nice day!

We were able to cut up out last deer, enjoyed having Darece stop by that morning, we even put her to work, then fed her & Whitney deer steak for lunch!

Thursday was our busy day for Family History!  Helping people & a Training meeting in the afternoon also!  These are uplifting!

Friday & Saturday were nice days at work at home. Dad was busy outside, there was laundry & baking to do & I sewed a little also.  Some of you will remember Larry Slater from High School or his kids!   Attended his funeral at the High School.  He has had cancer.

Hope you are all enjoying the "Light the World" initiative!   We are!!!!! 
Love to all Mom & Dad

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