Monday, November 14, 2016

It has been an amazing & wonderful week, full of many activities.

Dearest Family!   
    It has been an amazing & wonderful week, full of many activities.   I love Visiting Teaching & it was great to go this week & also have visiting teachers come!  Also prepared for the coming week by baking bread & rolls, some of it for our lunch on election day.  I am so glad I was able to work during the elections – it is a privilege which I really enjoy, even tho it is a long day!  This was one of the busiest elections I think I have ever worked at! There were constant people coming during the entire day – great to see people so involved!  While I was there, Dad went fishing at Crooked Creek and told a bunch of new stories in his FS memories acct! I also appreciated several angels who did some house cleaning that day!
    Joy, Dak & the girls arrived that evening also,  So - so good to see them!  On Wednesday morning we attended the funeral for Greg Bennett in Powell & in the afternoon more service projects outside.     Raked some leaves, removed the wind break fence on the corral – another Elm tree is going to go! Art Camarena will cut it next week for the wood to sell. Just enjoyed being outside! All week has been no wind and 60's plus lots of sun!  It was a beautiful day!  Thursday we enjoyed getting back into some family history things first in the morning with the Fike’s & then in the afternoon with our regular appointments!  We finished the day at a 2nd yr Bday party for Quinn at Jamie & Sandi Warnock's home just east of our place! Great Day!
    Friday all of us girls were in Powell for a Bridal Shower for Krystina, and decorating for the wedding  on Saturday.  Dak & Dad had a nice afternoon here. Tchae & Ky also arrived tonight. Also enjoyed visiting with Ryan, Quinn, Ethan & Rob on Saturday morning while some of the Fikes were at Darece's visiting and 4 wheeling!
    And Saturday afternoon was the big event for Josh & Krystina!   It was a great wedding at the Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church & reception at the Elks Club in Powell!  Darece, Joy, & I enjoyed helping with the food during the reception.
    But we were also all ready for the Sabbath Day!  Attended the Lovell 3rd ward, they met at 8:00 a.m. Had a nice dinner, then the Fikes all left for home! Dad & I attended tithing settlement this evening. What a blessing to tithe and give other offerings, then have opportunity to declare a full tithing to the common judge of Israel, our Bishop! We have a very busy week ahead as we get back into normal meeting schedules plus cut up our deer. 
    We testify of the Lord’s hand in all things! We are all so blessed to live in this land & to have the freedoms we have. We feel so blessed to have His protection & guidance each day & see that in each of your lives also!                    Love you all Mom & Dad!

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