Monday, November 7, 2016

Every week is special – in so many ways!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Lindsay on Thursday!   Have a special day!
    Every week is special – in so many ways!   and every week is different!  We love watching birds from our kitchen window & house finches are among our many visitors. Monday a pure white house finch came to visit! So pretty but we have seen him only once!   Went to Powell on Tuesday, visited with Marlene & Gaye.  Gaye is doing much better but it is a slow climb.  After our visit there, we went to the Scholarship Luncheon at Northwest College. A nice lunch is served & everyone got to visit with the students who have received their scholarship. Had  a very enjoyable time there.  At our table was Rob representing Eng Assoc, the college Pres Stefani Hicswa, the Student Body Pres Susanne Sutton, and two other students.

Then on Thursday, we were able to take Marlene to Cody airport to return home. We saw several from Lovell there too.  Was another nice time to visit with her! Amazing she was in SLC before we got back home. We did several Skype FH training sessions this week too . .  . technology is so great.
    Dad has been doing lots of hunting this week!  He has seen deer every day!  Thursday was the day when he connected with a nice whitetail Buck!   We are grateful for the meat!  And grateful that we can hunt right hear close to our home! In a couple weeks he will fill his doe tag then we will be done. With the cooler 30's nights and 60's days the meat will do well in our outside cool room until we process it.

    Had a nice visit with Peggy & Harlow Brimhall.   He came out to get some wood for woodworking on his lathe. 
    Sunday, a wonderful day!  North America Central Area Conference!  So much very special direction from our church leaders;  about FH & temple worship, about serving, helping & remembering the “One”.  The Grants came to visit in the afternoon, another special family time! In the evening Dad and I watched the Teaching in the Saviors Way training for 1 1/2 hrs on Chrome cast to our TV. It was wonderful and we recommend you all ck it out on You can do it on your mobile device too. This week will be busy and wonderful with Gen Election and more family around most of the week! We have all our weekends scheduled away now until after Jan 1, 2017 with Cody and Worland stakes.
 Love you all Mom & Dad

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