Monday, May 25, 2015

We are looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday!

Dearest Family!
     Happy – Happy Birthday to Grandpa Bob on Saturday!  We are looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday!
    Started out with High School Graduation! Congrats! Whitney!  Congrats! Chalin! One day while eating lunch, we observed 5-6 different kinds of birds, just outside the kitchen window! Black headed Grosbeak, pr of California quail, Casins finch, House finch, Spotted Towhee, Robins, Chickadee’s. It was special to have Darece & Whitney come by one evening!  Friday we were able to  go to Billings to the temple!  We gave hugs to Ryan, Rhonda and Quinn Sat Morning as they left for college in Portand. Rob also spent some time with us on Saturday, he and Dad fly fished the pond after the rain. . . caught a lot of sun fish! 

    There have been some sweet experiences this week!  The Lord inspires, directs, guides this great work!   Had a group of primary Activity Day Girls on Wednesday aft. – a 1 hour meeting & they didn’t want to leave!   I was helping an 8 yr old – & she found a story about an ancestor with curly red hair & a feisty personality!  She had reddish hair, & lots of darling freckles!  She was reading the story to me & I was just watching her & smiling as she described him!  Suddenly she grinned also, from ear to ear! She was excited because they looked alike.  then I said, “but I’m sure you don’t have a feisty personality . . . . .”  She grinned & said she did!  Her Mother reported today in a Sunday School FH class (she’s also their Activity Day leader)  how excited she was & that she had the FHE lesson all planned to teach her brothers all about what she had learned!

    Brother Croft helped one very special elderly sister, as she is writes her personal history she leaves a blank space & then we go & help her insert the pictures!  Every where we go, he is helping someone get the apps downloaded so they can enter stories!    Today as we happened to leave the FHC & go into the cultural hall, we saw Janeen Jolley & an adult grand daughter.   Janeen always comes to Lovell for Memorial Day & this grand daughter asked if she could come with her!   Bro Croft asked if she was recording stories as they traveled & then helped her download the apps so they could do that during the rest of the trip!  She was so-o-o-o- excited! In Billings on Friday, we went to Wendy’s for lunch & ran into Bro Goss leaving. we had met him last year & helped him with entering photos, etc.  He visited with us while we ate lunch & he learned about how he could interest his Cub Scouts in FH  & also about the audio apps.  He is serving as a FM Church Service Missionary in the Billings area, he is a fix-it man in all the meeting houses & loves it. 
    Wednesday am. was our morning in the FHC – & we were busy there.   Sister M J– an elderly sister who visits our FHC from another Stake each week, was there.   She had been trying to set up an LDS for her husband the previous day & had  only problems, even after calling help missionaries!  That was our first challenge! We called the help line & were blessed to get a missionary who got it corrected immediately!   She shared with me another experience, she had dreamed that she should work on her Grandmothers line, one she was stuck on!  We went into the tree & in the Hints was the marriage of these grandparents in Canada.  The record included the parents of both her Grandmother & her Grandfather!  Indexing is so amazing!!!!!!!!

    Our day today was filled with workshops & that is always great!   It seemed in every one today, someone was asking about indexing!  The highlight was a 75 yr plus brother, who grew up in the colonies of Mexico.   He speaks & reads Spanish very well.   Just hasn’t been able to really get into Family Search.  Today he kept mentioning indexing, but didn’t want to do it.    I finally downed loaded a batch of Spanish, handwritten records.   He starts reading this handwriting that looks like chicken scratching to me!   What a gift  & he has so very much to offer!  He was excited when he left – talked to his Ward consultant about getting the program on his computer, etc.  
    It’s been a wonderful day,   We are so very blessed! 
We love you all & CTR 
     Bro & Sis Croft

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