Monday, June 1, 2015

What a wonderful day this has been!

Dearest Family,           
        Happy Birthday,  Bo,   on Tuesday!  Have a great day!
    What a wonderful day this has been!  So blessed to be with the Fike’s  as Tchae reported his mission in the Powell 3rd ward.  Thank you, Tchae, for the special thoughts you shared with all of us about the daily miracles during your mission & how we can all have those each day! We enjoyed having Rob, Michelle & Krysta; Ken, Darece, Whitney & Talon; & Frank & Gaye there also.   There newest son-in-law, Landon Greer also spoke today!
    The Fikes arrived Friday evening, 10:00 p.m. They arrived safely, Wind River Canyon was open after being closed for several days recently due to mud & rock slides. It was so great to have them.  We enjoyed every minute of the time!  Saturday the Fike men, Symphony & Grandpa Bob went hiking out to Big Horn Canyon!       Joy, Kenya, Deaja & I played Mexican Uno & 7-0, then it was time to finish last minute Birthday Dinner/Welcome Home Tchae preparations!    Allen, Amber & family arrived about 10:00, great to see them, too. Kids had fun outside while we finished up a few things.  Thanks Ken & Darece for your hospitality! It was also special to have Wade, Wendy & family with us, (Dak’s brother)  We had a wonderful time together, eating, talking, watching pictures with stories of Tchae’s mission!  Then in the evening the Fikes fished at the pond! It was a wonderful day & the weather was beautiful!
Hiking in Bighorn Canyon Nat Rec Area near state line
    Our week has been a special one, some cancelations due to last week’s Memorial Day activities.  We used the extra time do get some mowing done, & even some much needed house cleaning. I took time out in the afternoon to help Sister Governale with her FH. She is a convert & we have been able to find her 1st 4-5 generations. We planted a few flowers and a small garden on Friday. The tomatoes in the green house are still doing well!
Yellow rock area near old uranium mines in the BH Canyon
    One of the highlights this week was in the home of an older couple, married 61 years!   She has done sculpturing during her life & has a Bronze bust of her younger sister who was 5 at the time she did it, she won college awards on it.  Bro Croft took pictures of it for the first time & we were able to put them in Family Search.  She also has a portrait of herself, taken by photographer where she worked during HS-College days, which we took pictures of & posted on FS.  She was totally amazed that it was so easy to do it!  They are catching the vision & her husband recorded the story of their meeting on a blind date & marriage just a few weeks later!  A very sweet experience. 

    Each appointment was special this week, each in it’s own way!  We were able to help several non-members in the FHC, & our own family!  It was great to have a planning meeting with the Crosby’s, they continue to be excited about their new call & are learning quickly.  We spend our Sunday evening at home now with our schedule ending with our 5 pm class. Other consultants are now capable of handling that evening. Had a wonderful phone visit with Vicki tonight. Thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes!
We love you all Bro & Sister Croft

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