Monday, May 11, 2015

Welcome home, Elder Fike!

Dearest Family!
     Welcome home, Elder Fike!   We are counting the days until we get to see you!   Love you so much & grateful for you safe trip home!  P.S. Tchae Skype’s us the 8 this morning so  we were able to talk to him already!   It was so fantastic! 

    Happy 25th Anniversary Rob & Michelle on May 12, Tuesday!   Happy Birthday to Rob next Sunday!   A special Thank you to all of you & my special Sweetheart, for Birthday & Mother’s Day wishes, calls & thoughtful gifts!    We want to say Thank You to all the wonderful Mothers in our family!  The wonderful Mothers of our grandchildren & great Grandchildren!   We love & appreciate each of you for your very special talents.     
    It was a very nice day today!   One class was a Memories Workshop!  We knew of a audio story that one of the class members Mother’s had linked to her deceased husband profile.   We were able to play it – it surely helped create a special spirit in the class.  It seems our lessons & workshops in all the wards are on the same cycle,   Lessons one week & the next week it is workshops – today was a workshop day!  Had an enjoyable day helping in many of the wards.   Our Indexing challenge has reached over 554,000!   That is halfway to a million!    Way to go everyone!!
    Tuesday evening was a special night in the FHC – our three patrons were all non-members!  Two people we had worked with at the Public Library & the other one was brought to the Center by her next door neighbor!   Two had also been there that afternoon!  Great Night!   We continue to teach the FHConsultants at our monthly meetings once a month!  One of the things we do most often with groups is recover user names & passwords.  Had them pair up in teams & help each other recover their own usernames & passwords.  Would surely be nice if  we would all remember them, but I guess that is not to be!  Immediately after the class a youth group came in & I was helping a 12 yr old Young man set up his first account.  He needs parent permission so it is a little different & we could not get it to ever go thru – Still don’t know if the email was wrong Or the cell phone number or what – we could not get it validated!   So very frustrating!  We have had some special appointments this week,  Sister Crosby went with us one day – it is so helpful to help people in their own homes!   
    Thursday a.m. in Cowley was indexing & helping several others with research – it is always so great to go to the there & help!     
    Thursday, Fri & Saturday were a little slower, with some cancelations – we made good use of the time at home.   I was able to complete the quilting on Kenny & Rosie’s Quilt & get started with the binding!   I also got started on High School Grad Quilts for Chalin & Whitney.   It is coming up fast!  What an important time for them! Dad and I moved some new raspberry shoots into our fenced garden by the corral to start a new patch. We also cleaned vines from trees and bushes that grow so rapidly every summer!   We have had cooler weather the past week & last night it froze . 23’ last night so there will be crop and garden damage in the area. It will get most of our apples, plums and currents too.  We’ll soon see!
    Thanks again for your wonderful call, Tchae! 
   We love all of you CTR & have a great week 
    Bro & Sis Croft

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