Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Another great Sunday! A lesson on Memories!

Dearest Family!   
    Have a wonderful Birthday on Wednesday, Symphony! You’re a teenager now!!!  It seems like only yesterday that I was going to the Fike home at Penrose to take care of the rest of the boys when you were born!  Time sure flies!  That is the same way still – each week goes by so quickly!
    Another great Sunday!  A lesson on Memories!  A lesson on submitting names for temple ordinances!   Two lessons on Hints & linking them to people in the tree with the source linker!   The class members were wonderful! Interested – excited  - & wanting to learn!  The challenge today was internet service!  The Stake Center has 25 meg service & we were receiving 5 maybe!  Cowley was just as bad. Dad did tech on both sites trying to improve the service but decided it was coming from the wifi provider.
    Something  very special which we were able to observe today was part of a lesson for the Priest’s Quorum.  The teacher had set up people thru out the building whom the priests could serve. for example we were in the kitchen eating our lunch & a mother holding “would you hold my baby, I got to go to the rest room?  This tall lanky boy, opened his arms, took the 8 month old sleeping baby, looked at him lovingly & said “It’s been a long time since I held one this size”  His youngest siblings are twins, age 9. 
    We have had some great appointments this week also!  We were in a home with an elderly couple, they had celebrated their 61st anniversary this week. We had talked about stories, memories, etc & they just didn’t seem to be catching the vision. I was showing her the pictures we had added & she was beginning to see, but still very insecure about actually telling a story & recording it! Bro Croft said it just popped into his mind to asked the Sister if they had a digital picture frame?  They did!!!!  Several years ago, one of the children had taken all their slides, 400 plus & put them in this frame. Bro Croft downloaded them to her computer & instantly she was telling stories about each one – excited to hook it to their tv so they could view & talk together about each one.    She had never really enjoyed it very much because the pictures went by so quickly & it was hard to talk with her family about them.
    With another sister – we were learning about a place in Norway & while finding the location on a map in Google, we found a wonderful series of pictures. Actually sat at the kitchen table & toured Norway!  What fun!
    At the Public Library, Brother Croft has been teaching our home schooled Deacon, & they have been having a great time.  This young man has been helping in his ward on Sunday in the FH class – he does a great job.  I have another nonmember who has been coming in, both there & several times during the week to the FHC.  We also have several drop-ins each week in there, brothers & sisters who just have a question!
    When entering the FHC the other night, a lady, abt 30, was entering the building, she had been told that one of the Bishops could help her, she was about to become homeless. We walked to his office, he wasn’t there yet, As we walked across the cultural hall something was mentioned about FH. We called the Bishop & while waiting  sat at a computer & we started finding info that she was previously unable to locate!  The spirit touched her & we could see her excitement!  I hope she comes again some time!
    There was nearly 3/4” of rain this week which was really needed! Two of Dad’s male quail got killed this week in freak mishaps with raccoons. He is trying to incubate some of the eggs from one hen. We have a family of cottontail rabbits around this summer and see them every day roaming about!  We have trapped 4 coons already this month but they still keep getting into things. .   We moved some of our raspberries into the fenced garden plot in hopes of keeping some growing. After the 23’ freeze last Monday a lot of things look really sick. the alfalfa fields in the area are all turning yellow brown as are many of our plants and trees here. We know some of the field row crops were damaged also.
    We had a wonderful evening with Rob’s family, It was a graduation party & going away party for Ryan, Rhonda, & Quinn.  What a cutie – we will miss them all even tho we don’t get to see them often.  We appreciate all the facebook photos all of you send, especially of the great’s – that is our only way of seeing them!   Thanks so much!
    CTR & love to each of you
   Bro & Sis Croft

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