Monday, May 4, 2015

The stake has reached over 500,000 names indexed in 5 months!

Dearest Family!
    Another week is flying by!  It has been great with things to do each day!  Library Day at the library – there were 4 people to help, it kept us each busy.  We also had four on Tuesday – that must be our number this week, then in the evening in the FHC we were busy also!  We are meeting often with the Crosby’s, the new FHC directors!  I guess tonight as I review the week, it was a very normal one with things to do each day!  One afternoon, a sister & I were searching the Wyoming Newspaper Project on line.  It has been so fun to read the 2-3 line articles about her family. the articles range in topic, things like; a young man, 9, first injuring himself while hunting gophers, then 6 months later shouting his first coyote, two young men demonstrating a new washing machine without much success, community dances in the new barn, perfect school attendance & tardiness reports, visits to an aging mother, homesteading claims and being a witness for others doing the same, & much more.  It surely gives one a more realistic view of our families.  Each appt is special because the spirit is always there when people are doing this great work! 

    The weather has been beautiful so Bro Croft was busy outside, he has completed his first irrigation of the field & orchard!  the yard  and everything is beautiful! Apple trees are blooming & the lilacs are beginning also!  He has also been busy repairing the windbreak & feed rack fence in the corral. The winds this spring have pushed over the old posts. Our water lilies that were frozen in the ice all winter are growing great just can’t believe they survived!  Dad enjoys the new canal setup so he doesn’t have to watch all the neighbors trying to get water and flood us  like last year! They now all have their own head gates on east of our farm. The Barrett’s brought 10 sheep on Saturday to get going on the weeds and grass. We even went fishing on Friday out to Horseshoe bend!   No fish but the sunshine was wonderful.  Possibly this week I’ll shout hurray for the quilt will be done!  It is so close!
Orchid with 12 blooms
    It was great on Saturday to have Rob & Michelle come out for lunch & a visit. We ended up at the pond in the field & them fishing. Krysta & Josh with their new puppy also stopped by!  So enjoyed them all!
    Sunday, another busy one – 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.  Each class was great – the highlight being a class with the Elders Quorum of the Lovell 4th ward, about 10 brethren!   They each set up their account & we helped them look around & learn a little! The one I helped was totally amazed at what was available & I didn’t even get into the Memory part!!!!  More of the ward consultants are teaching & doing a great job. Our Indexing Challenge ends the May 10th, youth against adults. We have reached over 500,000. After next Sunday, we will keep our charts up & monthly post the new numbers. It will be interesting to see when we reach a Million. It has been just 5 months since we started.  Many new people are starting to index all the time!
    It seems tonight my mind is a little blank & mostly exhausted so will close & maybe there will be more to say in the morning!  (Yes, I did add a little this morning) 
 Love you all,   Bro & Sis Croft! 

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