Monday, April 27, 2015

Congratulations to Bo & McKenzie! We are happy to welcome the newest member of our family – their little girl born Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dearest Family! 
    Congratulations to Bo & McKenzie!  We are happy to welcome the newest member of our family – their little girl born Sunday, April 26, 2015  Athena Loraine! Go to Bo’s or Grandpa Ken’s facebook page to see photos.  Also Happy Anniversary to Bill & Kathy – 22 years – Right!?!
   What an amazing day – and – week!  This work is wonderful!  We have had 7 wonderful days.    Monday, busy at the public library with several patrons!  The Sister Missionaries came by & visited with one lady we were working with, they had met her at her home & talked with her about FH, them she had come to the Library to get help. She’s been in the FHC several times a week since then. We enjoyed FHE with the Grant’s minus, Ken & Darece,   We watched the movie – The Mormons & enjoyed it so very much!   Nice to be there with them,   Tuesday – regular four appointments in homes & at the Living Center!   We hear some of the most wonderful stories there!  A very funny one from a gentleman who raised pigs some time ago!  Brother Croft could really relate to this one.  We’ll share it some day!  How perfect it is that he can tell it himself for his posterity! 

    Our evening in the FHC was great with 4 patrons, 2 who were non members!  Three different people scanned photos & stories, then abt 8:30 I was helping one lad-y, we had decided last week that she had an ancestor whose husband had died in the Civil War,  but we had no idea what his name was.   In 1870, Harriett had 2 children, Ida age 5 & Joseph age 4 & was a widow - had to be the Civil War – So we started looking for Civil War Pension Records, none under her name.!!!! then the thought came, use the name of one of her children to search.  We searched for Ida & guess what? That wonderful prompting lead us to Henrietta, Daughter Ida, & son Joseph receiving a pension from their father whose name was also Joseph. The Mother received $8/month plus $2/month for each of the children until they were 16. So very grateful for these promptings!

    Another sister whom I help once a week, saw the new landscape view – it really inspired her to want to do pictures!  She has been really focused on getting names submitted from records she has been gathering for years.  I think she finally saw how wonderful & special it is to add pictures, stories & audio!   We are working on it & our goal is to have her tell some stories & read some of the stories she has written! It is coming!
    Cowley was busy with indexing this week!   The Stake has indexed over 451,000 names in the last four months!   Thursday afternoon, Bro Croft, worked with a young man, age 8, who is home schooled & his Mom  has been doing the Family Histories Mysteries in the Friend  as part of his school!   Bro C helped him set up his LDS Account & then he got out is tablet!   The young man was so excited & told several precious stories.  His favorite one – His great Grandmother woke up to something moving in her straw bed – a snake!
    We are so blessed to have a temple near – Friday was our day to enjoy that!  We were also able to visit Michelle after her surgery on Thursday!  She came home on Saturday afternoon & is improving every day!  Saturday was almost an at home day, went to District Music Festival to hear Whitney sing in a group, then I went to a Quilt club activity,  it was a bit rainy, Bro Croft worked outside when he could & I completed the Temple part on Kenny & Rosie’s Quilt, hope to have it finished later this week!
    The beauties of spring are all around us. We saw a hen wild turkey cross the road by our house and Dad’s quail are laying eggs. There are also several cottontail bunnies around this year! We saw a beautiful Spotted Towhee & Cassien’s Finch. All are decked out in their most dress for their courtships, colors are vibriant!  There are also a few more flowers blooming.
    And today, Sunday, it was about as perfect & enjoyable as it could be! Most of the classes were workshops & the brothers & sisters accomplished things & were learning! Consultants were helping & it was great! The FH Center was also busy tonight! 
    Well, we love you all! 
   CTR    Bro & Sis Croft  

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