Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year to all of our wonderful family!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday, McKinzea!  Congratulations to  Connor & Lindsay, married Saturday, January 3! And a very Happy New Year to all of our wonderful family!  We so appreciate your great example to us & feel your prayers.
    Today was one of those WOW days, anyway it ended that way!  Started out cold, even cold in the church house – but our FHC is nice & warm, the only warm spot in the building, that is a blessing! It was a day of adjusting, all wards were meeting at a different time, that change is always good.  We attend Sacrament meeting in whatever ward meets at 8:00 a.m. It is fun to get to know the families better in that ward.  This year it is the Lovell 4th ward! We enjoyed classes in several wards & workshops in several others.  The excitement of the day was this evening in the FHC. During the course of three hours probably 30 youth plus other adults came!  Most of the youth were indexing!  We have 9 computers plus our two laptops, several brought computers.  They just came in groups, rotating thru out the evening!  If I understand the note they reported there numbers on they indexed about 2400 names tonight but that will all be totaled in their wards next week.  They have indexed about 45,000 names as of Dec 28. We think there were youth from 8 different wards! Several had only 1-2. I spent some time helping a young lady who deals with dyslexia & it is very hard for her to read on the computer – but she really wanted to do some & she did!!!!

    As for the rest of the week it was great also!  Spent Monday a.m. here at home with the Fikes, Symphony wanted to make some fudge & it was yummy!  They came & visited us at the Public Library for awhile, several did indexing, Kenya & Daeja watched a movie that they were showing there! Also had others who came in for help. In the evening, we had a FHE & shared memories of Grandpa Petersen.  We taped them & soon they will be on FamilySearch! Wednesday was a day at home, baked bread, had a planning meeting with the NeVilles via the phone, it was super cold that day minus 22 degrees and wind!    Finished the quilt, Ethan & Bekah’s, and several other projects that needed doing!

    Thursday afternoon, two elders serving here wanted to learn about using FH as a proselyting tool! We enjoyed working with them so very much!  We processed our last deer actually the largest and fatest one of the four. We really enjoy the wild meat! It’s been to nasty to do any ice fishing . . .maybe soon . . . we are fish hungry again!
    With more snow on Friday Dad needed to use the snow blower again. Only 5 inches of snow here for December, compared to the two feet in November. There is still 8 inches of packed snow in the shaded areas here at home. The tomatoes in the greenhouse a turning red and we will soon have fresh ones to eat!

Love you all!

CTR as always!    Bro & Sister Croft

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