Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1, 2013 It has been a great week.

July 1, 2013
Dearest Family,
It has been a great week training Bro Bill Hudspeth.  He was one of Dad's counselors when he was Bishop some years ago. We had a great FHE with him on Monday, then he came to the FHC on Tues Evening.  Today, he & his counselors came into the FHC so they would have an opportunity to "taste of the fruit". In the 1st Ward this A.M. we were blessed to hear from a young man just returning from a mission in Japan, & Cody Savage leaving next week for his mission!   We also heard this week that there will soon be 5 companionships of missionaries here in our stake!
You might also say this was an allergy week!  Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday, Dad did not feel good at all!  He got some extra rest, stayed clear of fragrances (difficult when so many things are blooming outside), & we so appreciated a priesthood blessing!  They are the greatest!  We think there might have been something else too, because he had alot of muscle aches!  He thinks it felt a lot like the West Nile rebouts he hasn’t had for a long time. He has improved the last two days & we have had a normal, busy Sunday! 
We so enjoyed having Joy, Kenya, & Daeja spend Friday night with us, while the rest of their family went backpacking!  Saturday was a great day with Allen, Amber & family! They had been invited to a Bryon A Sessions Family Reunion in Worland.  Bryon A or Binny as he was called is a brother to Scott Aytch Sessions, both sons of Byron Sessions. Allen goes home teaching to people who hosted the reunion.  Some of you may know Jackie Hecht from Powell,  this is her family.
The youth FH classes are starting in several of the wards, so exciting to be a part of!!!
And now, a little family story. . . . .Dad & Allen were visiting, & Leanne was sitting with them.  She climbed into his lap, near his face, took a hold of his tie, & said, " Grandpa, Do you do church every day?"  They then chatted a little about missionary service.
We enjoyed Rob coming by the FHC last night to visit and share photos of their trip to Michigan to see family members of the lady he baptized. We also enjoyed hearing about their fishing experiences.
We Love you all so very much & feel & appreciate your love, prayers & support .. . . .CTR   Mom & Dad

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