Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday’s are always amazing days!

Dearest Family,
    Sunday’s are always amazing days!   Today was no exception!  We attended the Lovell 1st ward Sacrament Meeting at 8:00 a.m., We find that to partake of the sacrament first thing just gets the day started in the right way.  After that we helped teach in three wards, two youth class & one with a FH consultant whose parents, a sister & husband, and son & wife were visiting.  What a great opportunity it was for her & us.  She was supposed to start a new class but that hadn’t happened. She went ahead & gave the first lesson. This was so very special!  In between the classes, we attended 3 different wards where missionaries were speaking.   First, we were blessed to go hear Nathan, Nat, you did great! Brady Winland also spoke in our ward.  Jacob Asay spoke in the 4th ward & we were also able to go to the 5th ward to hear Dino Collins & Kurk Welch. Dad had home taught in the Welch home for years!  It was special to be at the Grant home for a few before going to the FHC from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. (oh – we did find time to eat today)
    We visit a sister who is anxious to get the temple ordinances completed for the first four generations of her family tree.  She had discovered that someone had reserved the ordinances for her grandmother & a great uncle several years ago, but didn’t have them completed. There was an email available for the person, so she emailed her. She has discovered a cousin, she didn’t know & they have had fun conversations & love to visit.  We all got on the phone one day, & the cousin unreserved the names, then our sister reserved them.  Now she can do her grandmother’s temple ordinances! The cousin is not related directly to the grandmother.
    Now this is techy........Today we had a deacon’s quorum president in a youth class that needed to connect his FTree to his family. So he used a iPad and Face Time to  talk to his grandma in Canada. They had a conversation via Face Time in full video as he typed in the needed info to connect to his tree. Just like grandma was right there in the FHCenter helping him. WOW! ! !
        On Friday evening, Sister Pat Wellman called me, I go VTing to her. Her son was here from SLC visiting, & had called his mother last week & asked her if she knew an Elder Croft from Lovell?  She said she did, because we often talk about our missionaries when we visit! He works for LDS Church News, & had just finished posting the Mozambique article online.  He had brought copies of it & delivered them to our door.  What a thoughtful gesture, we have so enjoyed them & did deliver them to Rob & Michelle that very evening!  It was so kind of him!
        Dad did really well on the mtn this week even walking around for about 1 1/2 hrs with no problems. We will go up again next Friday morning to do final prep - then on to Big Sky Sat morning!
CTR & remember, by this time next week, we will all be together a Big Sky! Love you all, & we will see you soon!
Our Love,      Bro & Sis Croft

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