Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013

Dearest Family,
The Lovell First ward has a new HP Grp leader that we are excited to start training with next week. Our time at the public library was awesome again! We both had success with our patrons and felt their excitement in finding more family members! 
Tuesday evening was a great night!  Byron Ward Relief Society came into the FHC at 6:00. Most in the group of 8 sisters  had a little experience, but wanted to work there so they could have some more help!  It was a fun evening for all of us!!!! We also had 5 consultants & 2 other patrons. Our goal is to have it this busy each time we are open!
We also had some great home visits this week all in Cowley & our phone support helping patrons and ward consultants went well also. We are using the Helper Function a lot now that you see on the FS/FTree screen. This lets us see what they are working on making it easier to offer support to them.
Dad & I were able to go to the temple on Thursday to do more family names!  It was a busy day there. We enjoyed it so much.
We learned tonight that the 1st Ward Youth  reserved enough names for two temple excursions recently!  Their goal was to provide 150 names for their excursion!   And they made it!!!!!  They went on a Thursday evening and the rest went on a Friday afternoon. They are so excited to do it again!  Having the youth class leaders trained to work with their peers is so much more successful. As Pres David Beck said recently in our training “the leaders must taste the fruit first” When that happens the work moves rapidly! ! !
We went out to BHLake on Friday morning fishing from the fishing dock since the wind was nasty that day. It was another nice time together to finish out our pDay for the week! There was a large group of cub scouts at the visitor center and at HSBend for their annual event.
This week got pretty  hot - three days over 90’ but nights down in the low 50’s. There were tornado warnings out on Saturday for the area too. Several were seen in southern Montana and the Casper area.
Dad was able to put the Croft reunion video and sound on Memory sticks to share with the families,( in his spare time.) What a great example this is of Family History. Thanks again for all your support for this event! ! !
We attended a 90th Bday party for Aunt Helen White on Saturday. She is a relative on the Sessions side. Her husband was the late Rueben White.
We were blessed to attend the Mission Presidents Broadcast tonight, what an inspiring meeting!  The guidance is inspiring! It can be seen on if you missed it. Speakers included Pres Monson and Apostles Holland, Nelson, Packer and Anderson with a lot of video from around the world.
We love you all! CTR      Bro & Sister Croft

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