Monday, July 15, 2013

Dearest Family,  
Have you ever heard of loops,  computer loops that is?  Well the first of this week was spent preparing a lesson on them.  In FH, in the Family Tree Program, on the pedigree chart:    example,   the same 1-3  people, Charlie, Frank, Charlie, Frank repeat forever. Actually, son Charlie is his father, Frank's Dad.  We visited with several people, who thought they had loops on their pedigree!   One had 5-6 six people with the same name & different dates - not a loop, the other had one guy who was both the father & the son, , yes it was a loop, but to confusing to use in a class.   I finally created my own loop in my pedigree.   Anyway, lots of time was spent preparing a short lesson!  I learned, & was inspired as I prepared the lesson & handout! Just pray that it helped the people we teach!
Had a service day!  We were able to work at the Big Horn National Recreation Area Visitor Center, the employees had a training day, & they have people from Friends of BH Lake cover the visiters center.   It was enjoyable to be there from 9:00 to 1:30.   Service is always great!
We had several house calls this week for indexing and FTree mostly during the day. Our public library time was busy too. Our raspberrys are ready to start picking and picked  two times this week. We got a new laptop to replace the one Mom has used for six years that is doing strange things off/on, its been a good unit!  Went up to mtns again for Dad to get used to the elevation at Big Sky.
We spent Fri morning in Powell with the Fike children visiting, playing some games and doing FH. Joy is at girls camp this week. Another week of a lot of prep time to keep up on the changes in Family Search and not forget  what we study each week.
Today was our normal busy Sabbath Day!   Started out with Dad & I being called on in the Sacrament Mtg we attended to bear our testimonies!  In one ward, we helped with a Youth class!   They are always fun!  The other 3 wards were workshops which are great, too.  We find each week that we have studied just what we need to answer the questions which come up.  One sister, had a list all prepared. She had been working in the program during the week,  what a great student! 
We finished the day off with a full house in the FHC tonight!   The Grant family came in to find names for there own Baptism excusion after Talon turns 12 on the 21st of July.  We found several & will work on it over the next 10 days, I'm sure we can find some more - if we do a little research! We also had three other sisters, two from the Powell Single Ward! One is a new convert who has just been called to be the FH Consultant in her ward!   Wow!!! was she excited!  What a wonderful blessing for her!
Well, the calendar looks busy for the coming week!   so it is off to bed now!  CTR & we love you all!   Bro & Sis Croft
Joy took this moose family photo near Porcupine Camp Grd - Bighorn Mtns

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