Monday, July 22, 2013

This has been quite a week, probably the busiest we have had

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday, Ky! belated, oops!,   Happy Birthday, Vicki,  Happy Birthday Talon!
This has been quite a week, probably the busiest we have had, helping the most people, What joy! 
    Our usual Monday at the public library!   Our scheduled FHE canceled & we were able to go to Powell & see Marcie & Shawn Owen, Shawnee, Marlee, & Dixon, who were visiting at Gaye & Frank's.  It was great to visit around the campfire!
    Wednesday was our day in the FHC, morning  & evening!
    Thursday we had appts in 3 homes, & were able to help 6 people, wow!  In the a.m., it was great to help Talon, Whitney & Kaitlyn find more names for their Family Excursion next week!  Also helped another brother, three more in the afternoon, at two different homes.
    On Friday, the Sister Missionaries brought a lady they are teaching to the FHC, She is excited about FH & has been given a lot  which is all in Family Tree. Again on Sunday  evening she came to the FHC & traced one line back to 400 B.C. The Sisters also had two high school girls from Powell doing spilts with them for 3 days.  Dad spent time with them, connecting their trees, exploring them & doing some indexing!
    We spent 3 hrs on the lake fishing and enjoying the rest of our pDay time. A beautiful place to relax and enjoy the Lord’s handiwork!
    It was good to spend time with Ryan on Friday evening, thanks for the help picking raspberries!  
    Several of our appts. this week have been helping members who wish to transfer their FH info to other programs since PAF has been discontinued. There are several programs available that are certified by the church to integrate  with Family Search/FTree
    Saturday was the Cowley Family Reunion! Had a special experience there! A Young lady, 16, & a relative (she is the GG granddaughter of Anne, a sister of Gladdys Cowley Sessions) thanked us for helping in her ward. It was the ward that had found their own names for their youth Temple excursion.  They ended up having two excursions, one for the Beehive, MiaMaids, Deacons, Teachers & another one for the Laurels & Priests because they had too many names for one session. She told how very special it was, how all of her family had gotten involved, her father telling stories abt people he knew, & abt at the last minute she had felt she needed to check just one more name!  That name needed work also & she did it that day! The young man, endowed & soon to leave on his  mission & this young lady  felt a very special spirit when doing that baptism! She was also very excited to share her experience with Ruth & Ed Johnson, they are the Area FH Advisors.
    The week ended today with TWO youth classes and two other ones, both with ward council members!   The work is wonderful!
CTR & we love you all, will be seeing you soon!   Love Bro & Sis Croft

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