Tuesday, October 3, 2017

It has been an amazing few weeks!

Dearest Family

It has been an amazing few weeks!  Lets see - there have been a few Birthday's:  Happy Birthday to Krysta & Josh on Sept 20th & September 30th!  Happy 2nd Birthday to Neil also on September 30th, Saturday. Happy Birthday, Choc, on September 23!  Hope you all had a wonderful day!!!

September 22, Friday, we traveled to Sheridan!  Spent the night there & enjoyed time with 4 TFHConsultants. Had a great time with them.  On Saturday, we traveled to Gillette - got to spend time with the Fike's. All of them were there except Symphony who was playing volleyball in Casper!  Ky was playing in the State Tennis Tournament!  He & his partner, Ben Graeff are the state #1 Doubles Champs !!!! Congratulations! 

On Sunday, September 24, we were in the Gillette 1st & 2nd wards.  In the afternoon at 3:00 - 5 p.m. we did another training with TFHConsultants!  then traveled back to Sheridan to spend the night!  Had a wonderful weekend, returning home on Monday!   The whole weekend was rainy & snowy in the mountains. We appreciate the Turnbull and Workman families for bunking us! 

Last week & this one have been great with lots of  ZOOM trainings!  Darece & I did go to Billings on the 19th to help in the Temple!  Nice day!  I did visit Dr Bart Grant who xrayed by hip - the one which I have had a catch in for the past several months!  Also talked to Dr. Fike.  The consensus is  - there is no cartilage left in it! - no wonder it acts up!

Many of you may have heard the talk of Bro Waddell on Sunday afternoon where he talked about Hyrum Smith Shumway. Dad & I would like to share our experiences with Bro Smith Shumway, as we knew him. Our experiences were at the University of Wyoming & include Rob, Vicki, & Darece.   Our first experience was when he was serving as a Bishop in Cheyenne & we were serving on the Stake Sun School board & visited his ward.  Dad served as an AV specialist & I encouraged people to use the Instructor, a church publication. Rob was a baby. Our second experience was also in Laramie when Dad was serving in a Bishopric. In those days, we attended Sun School in the a.m & in the afternoon Sacrament Meeting.  It was the practice, when a member of the High Council visited the ward from out of town, whoever was conducting that day invited him to their home for lunch.  Bro Shumway visited out home several times for lunch.  While I was finishing lunch preparations or cleaning up, he entertained Rob, Vicki & Darece who were abt 3, 4 & 5 years old.  He entertained them by doing magic tricks & helping them write their names in braille. Do any of you remember that?

This weekend has been wonderful!  We are so blessed to watch General Conference right here in our own home! Next weekend will be our stake conference and a change in the stake presidency. Elder Hallstrom of the 70 and Elder Hintze, an area 70 will be here.. Rob and Ken both HC man will get to be interviewed by these two brethren on Sat morning as they search for the Lord's choice as Stake President. I've had this experience a few times and its a wonderful spiritual experience! I came away knowing the Lord was in charge of this work! We're excited to sustain the new presidency!   

Thought I send you a touch of Fall - Love to all of you!!!     Mom & Dad

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