Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What an amazing week! A busy one but oh so nice!

Dearest Family,
What an amazing week!   A busy one but oh so nice!  

     Dad & Darece cut plants in the pond one day,  then he has been very busy winterizing, cleaning up, blowing out water lines, final fall mowing of lawns & oh so many other thngs, & I am not any help!  Our little garden, 4 tomato plants & 4 g peppers, yielded oh so many beautiful tomatoes, he picked abt 5 gallons which will ripen in the next few weeks. An the grapes are super sweet, I've done a batch for jelly, Michelle & Rob picked on Saturday & Darece plans to pick next week!

     Darece & I had a special day in the temple on Tuesday - We enjoy helping in the laundry so much, doing a little shopping before & after!  Dad & I were there again on Thursday, did an endowment session then I attended a meeting with Donald L Hallstrom. He was there prior to coming to our Stake conference this weekend. He met in individual meetings all afternoon with various groups, I was invited to the one for volunteers (laundry, office, housekeeping, etc)

Had some great times on Zoom web trg mtg with 6-8 people, kept us hopping!

Our Stake Conference was amazing!  President Tom Newman, Counselors Willie Bridges (1) & Michael Jones (2) - what a great team this will be for the Lord! So grateful for all the service given by the past presidency! ! ! !  We know what is required to serve there.

Elder Hallstrom talked of Reverence defining it as Reverencing & a profound love for Deity! How we speak, what we hear & do and how we relate to others. He talked about how we learn reverence thru three different  form of worship.
1.  Public Worship- that would be everything we do at church on the sabbath day.  2. Family Worship - If we are to busy doing good things to do the essential, FHE, Scripture Study, family prayer then we need to evaluate our life. Home is where the spiritual base is planted for our families. 3. Personal Worship - we need to feel the spirit daily in our lives! 
 It gave me much to think about!

CTR & have a great week  Love to all!

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