Monday, October 16, 2017

Chalin was the featured speaker & told us all about his mission

Dearest Family,
     Happy 2nd Birthday, Lucy on Friday, October 20!

What an amazing way to start the Week!!!!  Monday Night - our family had a FHE together!  Rob, Michelle, at their home, Vicki, Bryan & Chris in SLC, Darece, Ken, Talon, Mattis, Kenny, Rosie, & girls, & Bob & I; all at Darece's, Allen & Family in Worland & the Fikes in Laramie!   Chalin was the featured speaker & told us all about his mission - even showed us slides!    It was wonderful - we did it over our computers using ZOOM!  We loved seeing all who were there!  Vicki did take a minute to report on Cozy & Kirena!  Both are doing great!   Kirena has reached 33 weeks in her pregancy which is great!

We would suggest doing a group Family council mtg once a month over Zoom for those who can make it. Maybe we could rotate which of the five of our kids would be in charge that night to provide the prayers and a thought to share then spend the remain of the time sharing whats going on in each family. Keep it to an hour. We would always be the presenter for the Zoom mtg. So nice too SEE & HEAR everyone this way! ! Whats your feelings?  Suggest a night for it too?

We have done Zoom FH trg meetings with people in Moorcroft, Cody, Belgrade & Sheridan!  We live in an age of amazing technology -  being used for both good & bad!

Saturday aft we traveled to Sheridan, over the mountain, it was a beautiful fall day!  Spent the night there at Workman's then early this a.m.  went to Gillette.  Spoke in two wards there & also met with the Stake President! Several shared some special FH experiences after meetings which they had had!  What a blessing it is for each of us to find a loved one, get to know them & perform the sacred ordinances for them!

We encourage all to process some hints, index or add a memory each day since FH should be personal worship just like our daily prayers and scripture study!

Dads been scouting for deer since the season is open here until Dec 1st. Not alot around but some nice ones coming into the orchard and field. We enjoy eating the venison!  We have a deer mice infestation in the shop now and have trapped 16 last week. Sure nice to have warmer drier harvesting weather for the farmers. 

Love you all & CTR    Mom & Dad

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