Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sept 17, 2017
Happy Birthday to Rhonda Croft, today September 17, & to Krystina on Wednesday, September 20!    Have a great day girls!Happy Belated Birthday, Darece on September 4, & a Happy 5th Anniversary to Micah & Kirena on September 8th
As I have reviewed my notes I can't believe that the last letter I wrote was on August 27th!   There has been so much going on - but most of it all of you know about!  Congratulations  to Nathan & Bri, they were married September 2 in the Oakland temple  and to Whitney & Choc who were married September 15 in the Sta!r Valley Temple!   It has been a busy time in the Grant home!    Then yesterday, September 16, their reception was held here.  We all had a wonderful time!    

Dad & I had a great time on Saturday with some great visitors,   Allen, Amber & their family and Chalin spent the day with us.  Also Cheyenne & Tchae had dinner with us before going to the reception. So very wonderful to see Chalin!  He had an eventful trip home traveling around Hurricane Irma.   Nathan & Bri also had an interesting return home from their honey moon because of Irma!

Over the past three weeks we have visited the Sundance & Wright Branches!  We love these little branches & the wonderful Saints that do so very much!   We also were able to attend a Cross Country running event in Sheridan and watch Melvin & Ira run!  They are troopers - those 2 mile races look like torture to me!  

We have done alot of Zoom FH trg mtgs over these weeks and that gives us more opportunities to help leaders and families learn the new FH processes!  Zoom works so well for this!  We discussed with Chalin how we could do an all family - FHE soon with him via Zoom into each of our homes. We will keep you posted. Will a Monday evening be best??

Dad and I have been able to do more boat fishing this fall and some good catching too. We had three catfish on two poles  one morning and that was a task to get them all landed. Each time we go its so beautiful to be out together!  We enjoy eating the fish of different kinds.

Love you all Mom and Dad

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