Monday, January 30, 2017

Can you believe it

Dearest Family
     Happy Birthday to Bryan on Wednesday!!! Saturday is that special "Happy Birthday" day for Kenya & Daeja, they are 13 & 11!!!    Hope each of you have a wonderful day!  
     What a great day!   Went to Ward Conference in our own ward this a.m.- then on to the Cowley 2nd Ward to speak in their sacrament meeting & also do a 5th Sunday FS Tree app training Lesson  in RS/Priesthood!   Was a great day but feel like we had traveled miles & miles - don't know why some days are so exhausting!  We felt like all went well & seeds were planted in some hearts! This ward is doing well in FH!

      Can you believe it - this week we have had two days above 35 degrees & only one morning below 0 degrees.   It is a real heat wave!!!!!!
      It seems this week has been a prep week!   Every so often we have one of those.  Had some cancellations due to sickness & other things with people. Wednesday evening we were in Powell 4th ward doing their YM/YW group. They are so fun because they have so much tech ability so it is just teaching the family  history Tree app skills. Later in the week we followed up with calls and more advanced training to several of the adults in that group who had some problems in their trees. 

       I spent Tuesday in Billings, Darece & I had a nice day working in the Temple, helping in the laundry.  Did a little shopping, too. Dad spent his day doing a FH presentation for the Bozeman stake conf Sat night mtg on Feb 11. He also visited Rosie and played with Lucy! I have attached some pictures of our babies!  Brindle & Paisley are both at home & growing!    Cozy is growing also almost up to 3 lbs!

      We enjoyed watching Melvin's wrestling match in Basin Thursday afternoon!  Also went to a Basketball game in Lovell that Talon played in!!!!  Michelle and Rob were here for supper and visiting  on Sat evening!
A special week to enjoy!  Love you all!   Mom & Dad

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